# Running tests ## Setting up ### PHP dependencies You need the Drupal core development dependencies installed, in order to run any tests. You can install them using Composer by running ``` composer install ``` in the Drupal root directory. These dependencies should not be installed on a production site. ### Test directory Create a directory called sites/simpletest and make sure that it is writable by the web server and/or all users. ### PHPUnit configuration Copy the core/phpunit.xml.dist file to phpunit.xml, and place it somewhere convenient (inside the core directory may not be the best spot, since that directory may be managed by Composer or Git). You can use the -c option on the command line to tell PHPUnit where this file is (use the full path). Settings to change in this file: * SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL: The URL of your site * SIMPLETEST_DB: The URL of your Drupal database * The bootstrap attribute of the top-level phpunit tag, to take into account the location of the file * BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: Set to sites/simpletest/browser_output; you will also want to uncomment the printerClass attribute of the top-level phpunit tag. ### Additional setup for JavaScript tests To run JavaScript tests based on the \Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase base class, you will need to install the following additional software: * Google Chrome or Chromium browser * chromedriver (tested with version 2.45) -- see https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/ * PHP 7.1 or higher ## Running unit, functional, and kernel tests The PHPUnit executable is vendor/bin/phpunit -- you will need to locate your vendor directory (which may be outside the Drupal root). Here are commands to run one test class, list groups, and run all the tests in a particular group: ``` ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c /path/to/your/phpunit.xml path/to/your/class/file.php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --list-groups ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c /path/to/your/phpunit.xml --group Groupname ``` More information on running tests can be found at https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/phpunit/running-phpunit-tests ## Running Functional JavaScript tests You can run JavaScript tests that are based on the \Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase base class in the same way as other PHPUnit tests, except that before you start, you will need to start chromedriver using port 4444, and keep it running: ``` /path/to/chromedriver --port=4444 ``` ## Running Nightwatch tests * Ensure your vendor directory is populated (e.g. by running `composer install`) * If you're running PHP 7.0 or greater you will need to upgrade PHPUnit with `composer run-script drupal-phpunit-upgrade` * Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) and [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install). The versions required are specificed inside core/package.json in the `engines` field * Install [Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html) * Inside the `core` folder, run `yarn install` * Configure the nightwatch settings by copying `.env.example` to `.env` and editing as necessary. * Ensure you have a web server running (as instructed in `.env`) * Again inside the `core` folder, run `yarn test:nightwatch` to run the tests. By default this will output reports to `core/reports` * Nightwatch will run tests for core, as well as contrib and custom modules and themes. It will search for tests located under folders with the pattern `**/tests/**/Nightwatch/(Tests|Commands|Assertions)` * To run only core tests, run `yarn test:nightwatch --tag core` * To skip running core tests, run `yarn test:nightwatch --skiptags core` * To run a single test, run e.g. `yarn test:nightwatch tests/Drupal/Nightwatch/Tests/exampleTest.js` Nightwatch tests, as well as custom commands, assertions and pages, can be placed in any folder with the pattern `**/tests/**/Nightwatch/(Tests|Commands|Assertions|Pages)`. For example: ``` tests/Nightwatch/Tests src/tests/Nightwatch/Tests tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests tests/Nightwatch/Commands tests/src/Nightwatch/Assertions tests/src/Nightwatch/Pages ``` It's helpful to follow existing patterns for test placement, so for the action module they would go in `core/modules/action/tests/src/Nightwatch`. The Nightwatch configuration, as well as global tests, commands, and assertions which span many modules/systems, are located in `core/tests/Drupal/Nightwatch`. If your core directory is located in a subfolder (e.g. `docroot`), then you can edit the search directory in `.env` to pick up tests outside of your Drupal directory. Tests outside of the `core` folder will run in the version of node you have installed. If you want to transpile with babel (e.g. to use `import` statements) outside of core, then add your own babel config to the root of your project. For example, if core is located under `docroot/core`, then you could run `yarn add babel-preset-env` inside `docroot`, then copy the babel settings from `docroot/core/package.json` into `docroot/package.json`. ## Troubleshooting test running If you run into file permission problems while running tests, you may need to invoke the phpunit executable with a user in the same group as the web server user, or with access to files owned by the web server user. For example: ``` sudo -u www-data ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c /path/to/your/phpunit.xml --group Groupname ``` If you have permission problems accessing files after running tests, try putting ``` $settings['file_chmod_directory'] = 02775; ``` in your settings.php or local.settings.php file. You may need to use absolute paths in your phpunit.xml file, and/or in your phpunit command arguments.