# Schema for the views plugins of the Taxonomy module. views.argument.taxonomy_index_tid: type: views.argument.many_to_one label: 'Taxonomy term ID' views.argument.taxonomy_index_tid_depth: type: views_argument label: 'Taxonomy term ID' mapping: depth: type: integer label: 'Depth' break_phrase: type: boolean label: 'Allow multiple values' use_taxonomy_term_path: type: boolean label: 'Use taxonomy term path' views.argument.taxonomy_index_tid_depth_modifier: type: views_argument label: 'Taxonomy depth modifier' views.argument.taxonomy: type: views_argument label: 'Taxonomy' mapping: break_phrase: type: boolean label: 'Allow multiple values' not: type: boolean label: 'Exclude' views.argument.vocabulary_vid: type: views_argument label: 'Vocabulary' mapping: break_phrase: type: boolean label: 'Allow multiple values' not: type: boolean label: 'Exclude' views.argument_validator.entity:taxonomy_term: type: views.argument_validator_entity label: 'Taxonomy term' views.argument_validator.taxonomy_term_name: type: views.argument_validator_entity label: 'Taxonomy term' mapping: vids: type: sequence label: 'Vocabularies' sequence: type: string label: 'Vocabulary' views.argument_default.taxonomy_tid: type: mapping label: 'Taxonomy term ID from URL' mapping: term_page: type: string label: 'Load default filter from term page' node: type: boolean label: 'Load default filter from node page, that''s good for related taxonomy blocks' limit: type: boolean label: 'Limit terms by vocabulary' vids: type: sequence label: 'Vocabularies' sequence: type: string label: 'Vocabulary' anyall: type: string label: 'Multiple-value handling' views.field.term_link_edit: type: views_field label: 'Taxonomy language' mapping: text: type: label label: 'Text to display' views.field.taxonomy: type: views_field label: 'Taxonomy language' mapping: link_to_taxonomy: type: boolean label: 'Link this field to its taxonomy term page' convert_spaces: type: boolean label: 'Convert spaces in term names to hyphens' views.field.taxonomy_index_tid: type: views_field label: 'Taxonomy language' mapping: type: type: string label: 'Display type' separator: type: string label: 'Separator' link_to_taxonomy: type: boolean label: 'Link this field to its term page' limit: type: boolean label: 'Limit terms by vocabulary' vids: type: sequence label: 'Vocabularies' sequence: type: string label: 'Vocabulary' views.filter.taxonomy_index_tid: type: views.filter.many_to_one label: 'Taxonomy term ID' mapping: vid: type: string label: 'Vocabulary' type: type: string label: 'Selection type' hierarchy: type: boolean label: 'Show hierarchy in dropdown' limit: type: boolean label: 'Limit to vocabulary' error_message: type: boolean label: 'Display error message' value: type: sequence label: 'Values' sequence: type: integer label: 'Value' views.filter.taxonomy_index_tid_depth: type: views.filter.taxonomy_index_tid label: 'Taxonomy term ID with depth' mapping: depth: type: integer label: 'Depth' views.relationship.node_term_data: type: views_relationship label: 'Taxonomy term' mapping: vids: type: sequence label: 'Vocabularies' sequence: type: string label: 'Vocabulary'