// Global killswitch if (isJsEnabled()) { addLoadEvent(uploadAutoAttach); } /** * Attaches the upload behaviour to the upload form. */ function uploadAutoAttach() { var acdb = []; var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (i = 0; input = inputs[i]; i++) { if (input && hasClass(input, 'upload')) { var uri = input.value; var button = input.id.substr(5); var wrapper = button + '-wrapper'; var hide = button + '-hide'; var upload = new jsUpload(uri, button, wrapper, hide); } } } /** * JS upload object. */ function jsUpload(uri, button, wrapper, hide) { var upload = this; this.button = button; this.wrapper = wrapper; this.hide = hide; redirectFormButton(uri, $(button), this); } /** * Handler for the form redirection submission. */ jsUpload.prototype.onsubmit = function () { var hide = $(this.hide); // Insert progressbar and stretch to take the same space. this.progress = new progressBar('uploadprogress'); this.progress.setProgress(-1, 'Uploading file...'); this.progress.element.style.width = '28em'; this.progress.element.style.height = hide.offsetHeight +'px'; hide.parentNode.insertBefore(this.progress.element, hide); // Hide file form (cannot use display: none, this mysteriously aborts form // submission in Konqueror) hide.style.position = 'absolute'; hide.style.left = '-2000px'; } /** * Handler for the form redirection completion. */ jsUpload.prototype.oncomplete = function (data) { // Remove progressbar removeNode(this.progress); this.progress = null; // Replace form and re-attach behaviour $(this.wrapper).innerHTML = data; uploadAutoAttach(); }