driver() === 'mysql' && $connection->getProvider() === 'mysql')) { return []; } $query = $connection->isMariaDb() ? 'SELECT @@SESSION.tx_isolation' : 'SELECT @@SESSION.transaction_isolation'; $isolation_level = $connection->query($query)->fetchField(); $tables_missing_primary_key = []; $tables = $connection->schema()->findTables('%'); foreach ($tables as $table) { $primary_key_column = Database::getConnection()->query("SHOW KEYS FROM {" . $table . "} WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY'")->fetchAllAssoc('Column_name'); if (empty($primary_key_column)) { $tables_missing_primary_key[] = $table; } } $description = []; if ($isolation_level == 'READ-COMMITTED') { if (empty($tables_missing_primary_key)) { $severity_level = REQUIREMENT_OK; } else { $severity_level = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; } } else { if ($isolation_level == 'REPEATABLE-READ') { $severity_level = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; } else { $severity_level = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $description[] = t('This is not supported by Drupal.'); } $description[] = t('The recommended level for Drupal is "READ COMMITTED".'); } if (!empty($tables_missing_primary_key)) { $description[] = t('For this to work correctly, all tables must have a primary key. The following table(s) do not have a primary key: @tables.', ['@tables' => implode(', ', $tables_missing_primary_key)]); } $description[] = t('See the setting MySQL transaction isolation level page for more information.', [ ':performance_doc' => '', ]); $requirements['mysql_transaction_level'] = [ 'title' => t('Transaction isolation level'), 'severity' => $severity_level, 'value' => $isolation_level, 'description' => Markup::create(implode(' ', $description)), ]; } } return $requirements; }