/** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * All changes should be applied to ./modules/contextual/js/views/KeyboardView.es6.js * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/2873849 * @preserve **/ (function (Drupal, Backbone) { 'use strict'; Drupal.contextual.KeyboardView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'focus .trigger': 'focus', 'focus .contextual-links a': 'focus', 'blur .trigger': function blurTrigger() { this.model.blur(); }, 'blur .contextual-links a': function blurContextualLinksA() { var that = this; this.timer = window.setTimeout(function () { that.model.close().blur(); }, 150); } }, initialize: function initialize() { this.timer = NaN; }, focus: function focus() { window.clearTimeout(this.timer); this.model.focus(); } }); })(Drupal, Backbone);