/** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * All changes should be applied to ./misc/dialog/dialog.es6.js * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/2873849 * @preserve **/ (function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings) { 'use strict'; drupalSettings.dialog = { autoOpen: true, dialogClass: '', buttonClass: 'button', buttonPrimaryClass: 'button--primary', close: function close(event) { Drupal.dialog(event.target).close(); Drupal.detachBehaviors(event.target, null, 'unload'); } }; Drupal.dialog = function (element, options) { var undef; var $element = $(element); var dialog = { open: false, returnValue: undef, show: function show() { openDialog({ modal: false }); }, showModal: function showModal() { openDialog({ modal: true }); }, close: closeDialog }; function openDialog(settings) { settings = $.extend({}, drupalSettings.dialog, options, settings); $(window).trigger('dialog:beforecreate', [dialog, $element, settings]); $element.dialog(settings); dialog.open = true; $(window).trigger('dialog:aftercreate', [dialog, $element, settings]); } function closeDialog(value) { $(window).trigger('dialog:beforeclose', [dialog, $element]); $element.dialog('close'); dialog.returnValue = value; dialog.open = false; $(window).trigger('dialog:afterclose', [dialog, $element]); } return dialog; }; })(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings);