'OpenID login and account registration', 'description' => "Adds an identity to a user's profile and uses it to log in, creates a user account using auto-registration.", 'group' => 'OpenID' ); } function setUp() { parent::setUp('openid', 'openid_test'); // User doesn't need special permissions; only the ability to log in. $this->web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array()); } /** * Test discovery of OpenID Provider Endpoint via Yadis and HTML. */ function testDiscovery() { $this->drupalLogin($this->web_user); // The User-supplied Identifier entered by the user may indicate the URL of // the OpenID Provider Endpoint in various ways, as described in OpenID // Authentication 2.0 and Yadis Specification 1.0. // Note that all of the tested identifiers refer to the same endpoint, so // only the first will trigger an associate request in openid_association() // (association is only done the first time Drupal encounters a given // endpoint). // Yadis discovery (see Yadis Specification 1.0, section 6.2.5): // If the User-supplied Identifier is a URL, it may be a direct or indirect // reference to an XRDS document (a Yadis Resource Descriptor) that contains // the URL of the OpenID Provider Endpoint. // Identifier is the URL of an XRDS document. $this->addIdentity(url('openid-test/yadis/xrds', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 2); // Identifier is the URL of an HTML page that is sent with an HTTP header // that contains the URL of an XRDS document. $this->addIdentity(url('openid-test/yadis/x-xrds-location', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 2); // Identifier is the URL of an HTML page containing a // element that contains the URL of an XRDS document. $this->addIdentity(url('openid-test/yadis/http-equiv', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 2); // HTML-based discovery: // If the User-supplied Identifier is a URL of an HTML page, the page may // contain a element containing the URL of the OpenID // Provider Endpoint. OpenID 1 and 2 describe slightly different formats. // OpenID Authentication 1.1, section 3.1: $this->addIdentity(url('openid-test/html/openid1', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 1); // OpenID Authentication 2.0, section 7.3.3: $this->addIdentity(url('openid-test/html/openid2', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 2); } /** * Test login using OpenID. */ function testLogin() { $this->drupalLogin($this->web_user); // Use a User-supplied Identity that is the URL of an XRDS document. $identity = url('openid-test/yadis/xrds', array('absolute' => TRUE)); $this->addIdentity($identity); $this->drupalLogout(); // Fill out and submit the login form. $edit = array('openid_identifier' => $identity); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in')); // Check we are on the OpenID redirect form. $this->assertTitle(t('OpenID redirect'), t('OpenID redirect page was displayed.')); // Submit form to the OpenID Provider Endpoint. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Send')); $this->assertText($this->web_user->name, t('User was logged in.')); // Test logging in via the user/login page. $this->drupalLogout(); $this->drupalPost('user/login', $edit, t('Log in')); // Check we are on the OpenID redirect form. $this->assertTitle(t('OpenID redirect'), t('OpenID redirect page was displayed.')); // Submit form to the OpenID Provider Endpoint. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Send')); $this->assertText($this->web_user->name, t('User was logged in.')); // Verify user was redirected away from user/login to an accessible page. $this->assertResponse(200); } /** * Test deleting an OpenID identity from a user's profile. */ function testDelete() { $this->drupalLogin($this->web_user); // Add identity to user's profile. $identity = url('openid-test/yadis/xrds', array('absolute' => TRUE)); $this->addIdentity($identity); $this->assertText($identity, t('Identity appears in list.')); // Delete the newly added identity. $this->clickLink(t('Delete')); $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Confirm')); $this->assertText(t('OpenID deleted.'), t('Identity deleted')); $this->assertNoText($identity, t('Identity no longer appears in list.')); } /** * Add OpenID identity to user's profile. */ function addIdentity($identity, $version = 2) { $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->web_user->uid . '/openid'); $edit = array('openid_identifier' => $identity); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add an OpenID')); // OpenID 1 used a HTTP redirect, OpenID 2 uses a HTML form that is submitted automatically using JavaScript. if ($version == 2) { // Manually submit form because SimpleTest is not able to execute JavaScript. $this->assertRaw('', t('JavaScript form submission found.')); $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Send')); } $this->assertRaw(t('Successfully added %identity', array('%identity' => $identity)), t('Identity %identity was added.', array('%identity' => $identity))); } /** * Test openID auto-registration with e-mail verification disabled. */ function testRegisterUserWithoutEmailVerification() { variable_set('user_email_verification', FALSE); // Load the front page to get the user login block. $this->drupalGet(''); // Use a User-supplied Identity that is the URL of an XRDS document. $identity = url('openid-test/yadis/xrds', array('absolute' => TRUE)); // Fill out and submit the login form. $edit = array('openid_identifier' => $identity); $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Log in')); // The OpenID module responds with an HTML form that is to be submitted // to the OpenID Provider Endpoint. This is usually done automatically // using JavaScript, but the SimpleTest browser does not support JavaScript, // so the form is submitted manually instead. $this->assertRaw('', t('JavaScript form submission found.')); $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Send')); $this->assertText('johndoe', t('User was logged in.')); $user = user_load_by_name('johndoe'); $this->assertTrue($user, t('User was found.')); $this->assertEqual($user->mail, 'johndoe@example.com', t('User was registered with right email address.')); } } /** * Test internal helper functions. */ class OpenIDUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'OpenID helper functions', 'description' => 'Test OpenID helper functions.', 'group' => 'OpenID' ); } function setUp() { parent::setUp('openid'); module_load_include('inc', 'openid'); } /** * Test _openid_dh_XXX_to_XXX() functions. */ function testConversion() { $this->assertEqual(_openid_dh_long_to_base64('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'), 'CHJ/Y2mq+DyhUCZ0evjH8ZbOPwrS', t('_openid_dh_long_to_base64() returned expected result.')); $this->assertEqual(_openid_dh_base64_to_long('BsH/g8Nrpn2dtBSdu/sr1y8hxwyx'), '09876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321', t('_openid_dh_base64_to_long() returned expected result.')); $this->assertEqual(_openid_dh_long_to_binary('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'), "\x08r\x7fci\xaa\xf8<\xa1P&tz\xf8\xc7\xf1\x96\xce?\x0a\xd2", t('_openid_dh_long_to_binary() returned expected result.')); $this->assertEqual(_openid_dh_binary_to_long("\x06\xc1\xff\x83\xc3k\xa6}\x9d\xb4\x14\x9d\xbb\xfb+\xd7/!\xc7\x0c\xb1"), '09876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321', t('_openid_dh_binary_to_long() returned expected result.')); } /** * Test _openid_dh_xorsecret(). */ function testOpenidDhXorsecret() { $this->assertEqual(_openid_dh_xorsecret('123456790123456790123456790', "abc123ABC\x00\xFF"), "\xa4'\x06\xbe\xf1.\x00y\xff\xc2\xc1", t('_openid_dh_xorsecret() returned expected result.')); } /** * Test _openid_get_bytes(). */ function testOpenidGetBytes() { $this->assertEqual(strlen(_openid_get_bytes(20)), 20, t('_openid_get_bytes() returned expected result.')); } /** * Test _openid_signature(). */ function testOpenidSignature() { // Test that signature is calculated according to OpenID Authentication 2.0, // section 6.1. In the following array, only the two first entries should be // included in the calculation, because the substring following the period // is mentioned in the third argument for _openid_signature(). The last // entry should not be included, because it does not start with "openid.". $response = array( 'openid.foo' => 'abc1', 'openid.bar' => 'abc2', 'openid.baz' => 'abc3', 'foobar.foo' => 'abc4', ); $association = new stdClass; $association->mac_key = "1234567890abcdefghij\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF7\xF8\xF9"; $this->assertEqual(_openid_signature($association, $response, array('foo', 'bar')), 'QnKZQzSFstT+GNiJDFOptdcZjrc=', t('Expected signature calculated.')); } /** * Test _openid_is_xri(). */ function testOpenidXRITest() { // Test that the XRI test is according to OpenID Authentication 2.0, // section 7.2. If the user-supplied string starts with xri:// it should be // stripped and the resulting string should be treated as an XRI when it // starts with "=", "@", "+", "$", "!" or "(". $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('xri://=foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier with xri scheme.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('xri://@foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier with xri scheme.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('xri://+foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier with xri scheme.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('xri://$foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier with xri scheme.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('xri://!foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier with xri scheme..')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('xri://(foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier with xri scheme..')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('=foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('@foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('+foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('$foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('!foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier.')); $this->assertTrue(_openid_is_xri('(foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an xri identifier.')); $this->assertFalse(_openid_is_xri('foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an http URL.')); $this->assertFalse(_openid_is_xri('xri://foo'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an http URL.')); $this->assertFalse(_openid_is_xri('http://foo/'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an http URL.')); $this->assertFalse(_openid_is_xri('http://example.com/'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an http URL.')); $this->assertFalse(_openid_is_xri('user@example.com/'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an http URL.')); $this->assertFalse(_openid_is_xri('http://user@example.com/'), t('_openid_is_xri returned expected result for an http URL.')); } }