' . t('About') . ''; $output .= '
' . t('The Aggregator module is an on-site syndicator and news reader that gathers and displays fresh content from RSS-, RDF-, and Atom-based feeds made available across the web. Thousands of sites (particularly news sites and blogs) publish their latest headlines in feeds, using a number of standardized XML-based formats. For more information, see the online documentation for the Aggregator module.', array('!aggregator-module' => 'https://drupal.org/documentation/modules/aggregator')) . '
'; $output .= '' . t('Thousands of sites (particularly news sites and blogs) publish their latest headlines and posts in feeds, using a number of standardized XML-based formats. Formats supported by the aggregator include RSS, RDF, and Atom.') . '
'; $output .= '' . t('Current feeds are listed below, and new feeds may be added. At the blocks administration page you can enable for each feed the block Aggregator feed that contains the latest items .', array('!addfeed' => \Drupal::url('aggregator.feed_add'), '!block' => \Drupal::url('block.admin_display'))) . '
'; return $output; case 'aggregator.feed_add': return '' . t('Add a feed in RSS, RDF or Atom format. A feed may only have one entry.') . '
'; case 'aggregator.opml_add': return '' . t('OPML is an XML format used to exchange multiple feeds between aggregators. A single OPML document may contain a collection of many feeds. Drupal can parse such a file and import all feeds at once, saving you the effort of adding them manually. You may either upload a local file from your computer or enter a URL where Drupal can download it.') . '
'; } } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function aggregator_theme() { return array( 'aggregator_feed_source' => array( 'variables' => array('aggregator_feed' => NULL, 'view_mode' => NULL), 'file' => 'aggregator.theme.inc', 'template' => 'aggregator-feed-source', ), 'aggregator_block_item' => array( 'variables' => array('item' => NULL, 'feed' => 0), 'file' => 'aggregator.theme.inc', 'template' => 'aggregator-block-item', ), 'aggregator_summary_items' => array( 'variables' => array('summary_items' => NULL, 'source' => NULL), 'file' => 'aggregator.theme.inc', 'template' => 'aggregator-summary-items', ), 'aggregator_summary_item' => array( 'variables' => array('aggregator_item' => NULL, 'view_mode' => NULL), 'file' => 'aggregator.theme.inc', 'template' => 'aggregator-summary-item', ), 'aggregator_item' => array( 'variables' => array('aggregator_item' => NULL, 'view_mode' => NULL), 'file' => 'aggregator.theme.inc', 'template' => 'aggregator-item', ), 'aggregator_page_opml' => array( 'variables' => array('feeds' => NULL), 'file' => 'aggregator.theme.inc', ), 'aggregator_page_rss' => array( 'variables' => array('feeds' => NULL), 'file' => 'aggregator.theme.inc', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_permission(). */ function aggregator_permission() { return array( 'administer news feeds' => array( 'title' => t('Administer news feeds'), ), 'access news feeds' => array( 'title' => t('View news feeds'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_cron(). * * Queues news feeds for updates once their refresh interval has elapsed. */ function aggregator_cron() { $queue = \Drupal::queue('aggregator_feeds'); $ids = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('aggregator_feed')->getFeedIdsToRefresh(); foreach (Feed::loadMultiple($ids) as $feed) { if ($queue->createItem($feed)) { // Add timestamp to avoid queueing item more than once. $feed->setQueuedTime(REQUEST_TIME); $feed->save(); } } // Delete queued timestamp after 6 hours assuming the update has failed. $ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('aggregator_feed') ->condition('queued', REQUEST_TIME - (3600 * 6), '<') ->execute(); if ($ids) { $feeds = Feed::loadMultiple($ids); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $feed->setQueuedTime(0); $feed->save(); } } } /** * Implements hook_queue_info(). */ function aggregator_queue_info() { $queues['aggregator_feeds'] = array( 'title' => t('Aggregator refresh'), 'worker callback' => function (FeedInterface $feed) { $feed->refreshItems(); }, 'cron' => array( 'time' => 60, ), ); return $queues; } /** * Renders the HTML content safely, as allowed. * * @param $value * The content to be filtered. * * @return * The filtered content. */ function aggregator_filter_xss($value) { return Xss::filter($value, preg_split('/\s+|<|>/', \Drupal::config('aggregator.settings')->get('items.allowed_html'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); } /** * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates. */ function aggregator_preprocess_block(&$variables) { if ($variables['configuration']['provider'] == 'aggregator') { $variables['attributes']['role'] = 'complementary'; } }