Drupal x.x.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------ - added support for the MetaWeblog API and MovableType extensions. - comment module: * made it possible to disable the "comment viewing controls". - performance: * improved module loading when serving cached pages. * made it possible to automatically disable modules when under heavy load. * made it possible to automatically disable blocks when under heavy load. - theme system: * made all theme functions start with 'theme_'. * made all theme functions return their output. * migrated away from using the BaseTheme class. * added many new theme functions and refactored existing theme functions. * replaced theme "UnConeD" by "Chameleon". - usability: * added breadcrumb navigation to all pages. * made it possible to add context-sensitive help to all pages. * replaced drop-down menus by radio buttons where appropriate. * removed the 'magic_quotes_gpc = 0' requirement. - accessibility: * made themes degrade gracefully in absence of CSS. * grouped form elements using '
' and '' tags. * added '