(function ($, Drupal) { "use strict"; /** * Filters the block list by a text input search string. * * Text search input: input.block-filter-text * Target element: input.block-filter-text[data-element] * Source text: .block-filter-text-source */ Drupal.behaviors.blockFilterByText = { attach: function (context, settings) { var $input = $('input.block-filter-text').once('block-filter-text'); var $element = $($input.attr('data-element')); var $blocks, $details; /** * Hides the
element for a category if it has no visible blocks. */ function hideCategoryDetails(index, element) { var $catDetails = $(element); $catDetails.toggle($catDetails.find('li:visible').length > 0); } /** * Filters the block list. */ function filterBlockList(e) { var query = $(e.target).val().toLowerCase(); /** * Shows or hides the block entry based on the query. */ function showBlockEntry(index, block) { var $block = $(block); var $sources = $block.find('.block-filter-text-source'); var textMatch = $sources.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(query) !== -1; $block.toggle(textMatch); } // Filter if the length of the query is at least 2 characters. if (query.length >= 2) { $blocks.each(showBlockEntry); // Note that we first open all
to be able to use ':visible'. // Mark the
elements that were closed before filtering, so // they can be reclosed when filtering is removed. $details.not('[open]').attr('data-drupal-block-state', 'forced-open'); // Hide the category
if they don't have any visible rows. $details.attr('open', 'open').each(hideCategoryDetails); } else { $blocks.show(); $details.show(); // Return
elements that had been closed before filtering // to a closed state. $details.filter('[data-drupal-block-state="forced-open"]').removeAttr('open data-drupal-block-state'); } } if ($element.length) { $details = $element.find('details'); $blocks = $details.find('li'); $input.on('keyup', filterBlockList); } } }; /** * Highlights the block that was just placed into the block listing. */ Drupal.behaviors.blockHighlightPlacement = { attach: function (context, settings) { if (settings.blockPlacement) { $('#blocks').once('block-highlight', function () { var $container = $(this); // Just scrolling the document.body will not work in Firefox. The html // element is needed as well. $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#block-placed').offset().top - $container.offset().top + $container.scrollTop() }, 500); }); } } }; }(jQuery, Drupal));