Thousands of sites (particularly news sites and weblogs) publish their latest headlines and/or stories in a machine-readable format so that other sites can easily link to them. This content is usually in the form of an RSS feed (which is an XML-based syndication standard).

You can read aggregated content from many sites using RSS feed readers, such as Amphetadesk.

Drupal provides the means to aggregate feeds from many sites and display these aggregated feeds to your site\'s visitors. To do this, enable the aggregator module in site administration and then go to the aggregator configuration page, where you can subscribe to feeds and set up other options.

How do I find RSS feeds to aggregate?

Many web sites (especially weblogs) display small XML icons or other obvious links on their home page. You can follow these to obtain the web address for the RSS feed. Common extensions for RSS feeds are .rss, .xml and .rdf. For example: Slashdot RSS.

If you can\'t find a feed for a site, or you want to find several feeds on a given topic, try an RSS syndication directory such as Syndic8.

To learn more about RSS, read Mark Pilgrim\'s What is RSS and\'s The Evolution of RSS articles.

NOTE: Enable your site\'s XML syndication button by turning on the Syndicate block in block management.

How do I add a news feed?

To subscribe to an RSS feed on another site, use the aggregation page.

Once there, click the new feed tab. Drupal will then ask for the following:

Once you have submitted the new feed, check to make sure it is working properly by selecting update items on the aggregation page. If you do not see any items listed for that feed, edit the feed and make sure that the URL was entered correctly.

Adding categories

News items can be filed into categories. To create a category, start at the aggregation page.

Once there, select new category from the menu. Drupal will then ask for the following:

Using the news aggregator

The news aggregator has a number of ways that it displays your subscribed content:

Pages that display items (for sources, categories, etc.) display the following for each item:

Additionally, users with the administer news feeds permission will see a link to categorize the news items. Clicking this will allow them to select which category(s) each news item is in.

Technical details

Drupal automatically generates an OPML feed file that is available by selecting the XML icon on the News Sources page.

When fetching feeds Drupal supports conditional GETs, this reduces the bandwidth usage for feeds that have not been updated since the last check.

If a feed is permanently moved to a new location Drupal will automatically update the feed URL to the new address.

', array('%block' => url('admin/block'), '%admin-news' => url('admin/aggregator'), '%new-feed' => url('admin/aggregator/add/feed'), '%new-category' => url('admin/aggregator/add/category'), '%update-items' => url('admin/aggregator'), '%news-aggregator' => url('aggregator'), '%sources' => url('aggregator/sources'), '%categories' => url('aggregator/categories'))); case 'admin/modules#description': return t('Aggregates syndicated content (RSS and RDF feeds).'); case 'admin/aggregator': return t('

Thousands of sites (particularly news sites and weblogs) publish their latest headlines and/or stories in a machine-readable format so that other sites can easily link to them. This content is usually in the form of an RSS feed (which is an XML-based syndication standard). To display the feed or category in a block you must decide how many items to show by editing the feed or block and turning on the feed\'s block.

', array('%block' => url('admin/block'))); case 'admin/aggregator/add/feed': return t('

Add a site that has an RSS/RDF feed. The URL is the full path to the RSS feed file. For the feed to update automatically you must run "cron.php" on a regular basis. If you already have a feed with the URL you are planning to use, the system will not accept another feed with the same URL.

'); case 'admin/aggregator/add/category': return t('

Categories provide a way to group items from different news feeds together. Each news category has its own feed page and block. For example, you could tag various sport-related feeds as belonging to a category called Sports. News items can be added to a category automatically by setting a feed to automatically place its item into that category, or by using the categorize items link in any listing of news items.

'); } } function aggregator_settings() { $items = array(0 => t('none')) + drupal_map_assoc(array(3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25), '_aggregator_items'); $period = drupal_map_assoc(array(3600, 10800, 21600, 32400, 43200, 86400, 172800, 259200, 604800, 1209600, 2419200, 4838400, 9676800), 'format_interval'); $form['aggregator_allowed_html_tags'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Allowed HTML tags'), '#size' => 80, '#maxlength' => 255, '#default_value' => variable_get('aggregator_allowed_html_tags', '