comment) { switch($op) { case t("Preview comment"): $theme->header(); comment_preview($edit); $theme->footer(); break; case t("Post comment"): comment_post($edit); $theme->header(); node_view($node); comment_render($edit[id], $cid); $theme->footer(); break; case t("Add comment"): $theme->header(); comment_reply(check_query($cid), check_query($id)); $theme->footer(); break; case "reply": $theme->header(); comment_reply(check_query($pid), check_query($id)); $theme->footer(); break; case t("Update settings"): comment_settings(check_query($mode), check_query($order), check_query($threshold)); $theme->header(); node_view($node); comment_render($id, $cid); $theme->footer(); break; case t("Update ratings"): node_moderate($moderate["node"]); comment_moderate($moderate["comment"]); $theme->header(); node_view($node); comment_render($id, $cid); $theme->footer(); break; default: $theme->header(); node_view($node); comment_render($id, $cid); $theme->footer(); } } else { $theme->header(); node_view($node); $theme->footer(); } } else { $theme->header(); $theme->box(t("Access denied"), message_access()); $theme->footer(); } } function node_failure() { global $theme; $theme->header(); $theme->box(t("Not found"), t("The node you are looking for does not exist yet or is no longer accessible.") ."\n"); $theme->footer(); } function node_history($node) { if ($node->status == node_status("expired") || $node->status == node_status("posted")) { $output .= "
". format_date($node->timestamp) ." by ". format_name($node) .":
". check_output($node->log, 1) ."

"; } if ($node->pid) { $output .= node_history(node_get_object(array("nid" => $node->pid))); } return $output; } $number = ($title ? db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT nid FROM node WHERE title = '$title' AND status = '". node_status("posted") ."'")) : 1); if ($number > 1) { $result = db_query("SELECT n.*,, u.uid FROM node n LEFT JOIN user u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.title = '$title' AND n.status = '". node_status("posted") ."' ORDER BY timestamp DESC"); while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) { if (node_access($node)) { $output .= "

nid\">". check_output($node->title) ."
$node->type - ". format_name($node) ." - ". format_date($node->timestamp, "small") ."

"; } } $theme->header(); $theme->box(t("Result"), $output); $theme->footer(); } elseif ($number) { $node = ($title ? node_get_object(array("title" => $title)) : node_get_object(array("nid" => ($edit[id] ? $edit[id] : $id)))); if ($node && node_access($node)) { switch ($op) { case "history": $theme->header(); $theme->box(t("History"), node_control($node) ."
". node_history($node) ."
"); $theme->footer(); break; default: node_render($node); } } else { node_failure(); } } else { node_failure(); } page_footer(); ?>