t("Flat list - collapsed"), 2 => t("Flat list - expanded"), 3 => t("Threaded list - collapsed"), 4 => t("Threaded list - expanded")); $GLOBALS["corder"] = array(1 => t("Date - newest first"), 2 => t("Date - oldest first")); function comment_help() { $output .= "

The comment module enables users to submit posts that are directly associated with a piece of content. These associated posts are called comments. Comments may be threaded, which means that Drupal keeps track of multiple subconversations around a piece of content. Threading helps to keep the comment conversation more organized. Users are presented with several ways to view the comment conversation, and if desired, users may easily choose a flat presentation of comments instead of threaded. Further, users may choose to order their comments view by newest first or by oldest first. Finally, users may view a folded list or an expanded list of comments. Folded limits the comment display to subject only. Drupal remembers the comment view preference of each registered user whenever he changes a view setting.

"; $output .= "

Users may also choose to view a maximum number of comments; if there are more comments, navigation links are dispayed.

"; $output .= "

Since a busy site generates lots of comments, Drupal takes care to present a personalized view of comments for each user. The home page lists displays the number of read and unread comments for a given post for the current user. Also, the tracker module (when installed) displays all recent comments on the site. Finally, comments which the user has not yet read are highlighted with a red star (this graphic may depend on the current theme).

"; $output .= "

Comments behave like other user submissions in Drupal. Specifically, ". la("filters", array("mod" => "system", "type" => "filter")) ." like smileys and HTML work fine if the administrator has enabled them. Also, throttles are usually enabled to prevent a single user from spamming the web site with too many comments in a short period of time.

"; $output .= "

Administrators may control which persons are allowed to submit and administer comments. These controls appear in the ". la("user permissions", array("mod" => "user", "op" => "permission")) ." administration page. Additionally, administrators may edit or search through comments on the ". la("comments admininistration page", array("mod" => "comment")) .", as well as set the default display view for new users. Administrators can also state whether a certain role will have their comments published immediately, or just put in a queue to be reviewed.

"; $output .= "

If you really have a lot of comments, you can enable moderation. You assign moderation permissions to role(s), then setup some \"moderation votes\"; these votes will appear to moderators in a dropdown menu near the comment. You also have to assign, for every role and every vote, a value, which can be either positive or negative; use the moderation matrix to do this. This allows for some roles having greater \"weight\" in their moderation, if you wish. If you set a value to 0, that vote won't be available to that role. When a user moderates, the value of their vote is added or subtracted to the score of that comment. Finally, you may want to setup the comment threshholds: these are floor/ceiling values which users see in the comment control panel. Threshholds are useful for hiding poorly rated comments while reading your site.

"; return $output; } function comment_system($field) { $system["description"] = t("Enables user to comment on content (nodes)."); return $system[$field]; } function comment_conf_options() { global $cmodes, $corder; $output .= form_select("Default display mode", "comment_default_mode", variable_get("comment_default_mode", 4), $cmodes, "The default view for comments. Expanded views display the body of the comment. Threaded views keep replies together."); $output .= form_select("Default display order", "comment_default_order", variable_get("comment_default_order", 1), $corder, "The default sorting for new users and anonymous users while viewing comments. These users may change their view using the comment control panel. For registered users, this change is remembered as a persistent user preference."); $output .= form_textfield("Default comments per page", "comment_default_per_page", variable_get("comment_default_per_page", "50"), 5, 5, "Default number of comments for each page; more comments are distributed in several pages."); $result = db_query("SELECT fid, filter FROM moderation_filters"); while ($filter = db_fetch_object($result)) { $thresholds[$filter->fid] = ($filter->filter); } $output .= form_select("Default threshold", "comment_default_threshold", variable_get("comment_default_threshold", 0), $thresholds, "Thresholds are values below which comments are hidden. These threshholds are useful for busy sites which wan tto hide poor comments from most users."); $output .= form_select("Preview comment", "comment_preview", variable_get("comment_preview", 1), array("optional", "required"), "Must users preview comments before submitting?"); $output .= form_select("New comment form", "comment_new_form", variable_get("comment_new_form", 0), array("disabled", "enabled"), "New comment form in the node page?"); $output .= form_select("Comment controls", "comment_controls", variable_get("comment_controls", 0), array("above comments", "below comments", "above and below"), "Position of the comment controls box."); return $output; } function comment_user($type, $edit, &$user) { switch ($type) { case "view_public": return form_item(t("Signature"), check_output($user->signature, 1)); case "view_private": return form_item(t("Signature"), check_output($user->signature, 1)); case "edit_form": // when user tries to edit his own data return form_textarea(t("Signature"), "signature", $edit["signature"], 70, 3, t("Your signature will be publicly displayed at the end of your comments.") ."
". t("Allowed HTML tags") .": ". htmlspecialchars(variable_get("allowed_html", "