// $Id$ (function ($) { /** * Internal function to check using Ajax if clean URLs can be enabled on the * settings page. * * This function is not used to verify whether or not clean URLs * are currently enabled. */ Drupal.behaviors.cleanURLsSettingsCheck = { attach: function (context, settings) { // This behavior attaches by ID, so is only valid once on a page. // Also skip if we are on an install page, as Drupal.cleanURLsInstallCheck will handle // the processing. if (!($('#edit-clean-url').size()) || $('.clean-url-processed, #edit-clean-url.install').size()) { return; } var url = settings.basePath + 'admin/settings/clean-urls/check'; $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//' + location.host + url, dataType: 'json', success: function () { // Check was successful. Redirect using a "clean URL". This will force the form that allows enabling clean URLs. location = settings.basePath +"admin/settings/clean-urls"; } }); $('#clean-url').addClass('clean-url-processed'); } }; /** * Internal function to check using Ajax if clean URLs can be enabled on the * install page. * * This function is not used to verify whether or not clean URLs * are currently enabled. */ Drupal.cleanURLsInstallCheck = function () { var url = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + Drupal.settings.basePath + 'admin/settings/clean-urls/check'; // Submit a synchronous request to avoid database errors associated with // concurrent requests during install. $.ajax({ async: false, url: url, dataType: 'json', success: function () { // Check was successful. $('#edit-clean-url').attr('value', 1); } }); $('#edit-clean-url').addClass('clean-url-processed'); }; /** * When a field is filled out, apply its value to other fields that will likely * use the same value. In the installer this is used to populate the * administrator e-mail address with the same value as the site e-mail address. */ Drupal.behaviors.copyFieldValue = { attach: function (context, settings) { for (var sourceId in settings.copyFieldValue) { // Get the list of target fields. targetIds = settings.copyFieldValue[sourceId]; if (!$('#'+ sourceId + '.copy-field-values-processed', context).size()) { // Add the behavior to update target fields on blur of the primary field. sourceField = $('#' + sourceId); sourceField.bind('blur', function () { for (var delta in targetIds) { var targetField = $('#'+ targetIds[delta]); if (targetField.val() == '') { targetField.val(this.value); } } }); sourceField.addClass('copy-field-values-processed'); } } } }; /** * Show/hide custom format sections on the regional settings page. */ Drupal.behaviors.dateTime = { attach: function (context, settings) { // Show/hide custom format depending on the select's value. $('select.date-format:not(.date-time-processed)', context).change(function () { $(this).addClass('date-time-processed').parents('div.date-container').children('div.custom-container')[$(this).val() == 'custom' ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }); // Attach keyup handler to custom format inputs. $('input.custom-format:not(.date-time-processed)', context).addClass('date-time-processed').keyup(function () { var input = $(this); var url = settings.dateTime.lookup +(settings.dateTime.lookup.match(/\?q=/) ? '&format=' : '?format=') + Drupal.encodeURIComponent(input.val()); $.getJSON(url, function (data) { $('div.description span', input.parent()).html(data); }); }); // Trigger the event handler to show the form input if necessary. $('select.date-format', context).trigger('change'); } }; /** * Show/hide settings for user configurable time zones depending on whether * users are able to set their own time zones or not. */ Drupal.behaviors.userTimeZones = { attach: function (context, settings) { $('#empty-timezone-message-wrapper .description').hide(); $('#edit-configurable-timezones', context).change(function () { $('#empty-timezone-message-wrapper').toggle(); }); }, }; /** * Show the powered by Drupal image preview */ Drupal.behaviors.poweredByPreview = { attach: function (context, settings) { $('#edit-color, #edit-size').change(function () { var path = settings.basePath + 'misc/' + $('#edit-color').val() + '-' + $('#edit-size').val() + '.png'; $('img.powered-by-preview').attr('src', path); }); } }; })(jQuery);