addTag('pager'); } /** * Override the execute method. * * Before we run the query, we need to add pager-based range() instructions * to it. */ public function execute() { global $pager_page_array, $pager_total, $pager_total_items, $pager_limits; // Add convenience tag to mark that this is an extended query. We have to // do this in the constructor to ensure that it is set before preExecute() // gets called. if (!$this->preExecute($this)) { return NULL; } // A NULL limit is the "kill switch" for pager queries. if (empty($this->limit)) { return; } $this->ensureElement(); $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; // Convert comma-separated $page to an array, used by other functions. $pager_page_array = explode(',', $page); if (!isset($pager_page_array[$this->element])) { $pager_page_array[$this->element] = 0; } // We calculate the total of pages as ceil(items / limit). $pager_total_items[$this->element] = $this->getCountQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); $pager_total[$this->element] = ceil($pager_total_items[$this->element] / $this->limit); $pager_page_array[$this->element] = max(0, min((int)$pager_page_array[$this->element], ((int)$pager_total[$this->element]) - 1)); $pager_limits[$this->element] = $this->limit; $this->range($pager_page_array[$this->element] * $this->limit, $this->limit); // Now that we've added our pager-based range instructions, run the query normally. return $this->query->execute(); } /** * Ensure that there is an element associated with this query. * * After running this query, access $this->element to get the element for this * query. */ protected function ensureElement() { if (!empty($this->element)) { return; } $this->element = self::$maxElement++; } /** * Specify the count query object to use for this pager. * * You will rarely need to specify a count query directly. If not specified, * one is generated off of the pager query itself. * * @param SelectQueryInterface $query * The count query object. It must return a single row with a single column, * which is the total number of records. */ public function setCountQuery(SelectQueryInterface $query) { $this->customCountQuery = $query; } /** * Retrieve the count query for this pager. * * The count query may be specified manually or, by default, taken from the * query we are extending. * * @return SelectQueryInterface * A count query object. */ protected function getCountQuery() { if ($this->customCountQuery) { return $this->customCountQuery; } else { return $this->query->countQuery(); } } /** * Specify the maximum number of elements per page for this query. * * The default if not specified is 10 items per page. * * @param $limit * An integer specifying the number of elements per page. If passed a false * value (FALSE, 0, NULL), the pager is disabled. */ public function limit($limit = 10) { $this->limit = $limit; return $this; } /** * Specify the element ID for this pager query. * * The element is used to differentiate different pager queries on the same * page so that they may be operated independently. If you do not specify an * element, every pager query on the page will get a unique element. If for * whatever reason you want to explicitly define an element for a given query, * you may do so here. * * @param $element */ public function element($element) { $this->element = $element; return $this; } } /** * Compose a URL query parameter array for pager links. * * @return * A URL query parameter array that consists of all components of the current * page request except for those pertaining to paging. */ function pager_get_query_parameters() { $query = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($query)) { $query = drupal_get_query_parameters($_GET, array('q', 'page')); } return $query; } /** * Returns HTML for a query pager. * * Menu callbacks that display paged query results should call theme('pager') to * retrieve a pager control so that users can view other results. Format a list * of nearby pages with additional query results. * * @param $variables * An associative array containing: * - tags: An array of labels for the controls in the pager. * - element: An optional integer to distinguish between multiple pagers on * one page. * - parameters: An associative array of query string parameters to append to * the pager links. * - quantity: The number of pages in the list. * * @ingroup themeable */ function theme_pager($variables) { $tags = $variables['tags']; $element = $variables['element']; $parameters = $variables['parameters']; $quantity = $variables['quantity']; global $pager_page_array, $pager_total; // Calculate various markers within this pager piece: // Middle is used to "center" pages around the current page. $pager_middle = ceil($quantity / 2); // current is the page we are currently paged to $pager_current = $pager_page_array[$element] + 1; // first is the first page listed by this pager piece (re quantity) $pager_first = $pager_current - $pager_middle + 1; // last is the last page listed by this pager piece (re quantity) $pager_last = $pager_current + $quantity - $pager_middle; // max is the maximum page number $pager_max = $pager_total[$element]; // End of marker calculations. // Prepare for generation loop. $i = $pager_first; if ($pager_last > $pager_max) { // Adjust "center" if at end of query. $i = $i + ($pager_max - $pager_last); $pager_last = $pager_max; } if ($i <= 0) { // Adjust "center" if at start of query. $pager_last = $pager_last + (1 - $i); $i = 1; } // End of generation loop preparation. $li_first = theme('pager_first', array('text' => (isset($tags[0]) ? $tags[0] : t('« first')), 'element' => $element, 'parameters' => $parameters)); $li_previous = theme('pager_previous', array('text' => (isset($tags[1]) ? $tags[1] : t('‹ previous')), 'element' => $element, 'interval' => 1, 'parameters' => $parameters)); $li_next = theme('pager_next', array('text' => (isset($tags[3]) ? $tags[3] : t('next ›')), 'element' => $element, 'interval' => 1, 'parameters' => $parameters)); $li_last = theme('pager_last', array('text' => (isset($tags[4]) ? $tags[4] : t('last »')), 'element' => $element, 'parameters' => $parameters)); if ($pager_total[$element] > 1) { if ($li_first) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-first'), 'data' => $li_first, ); } if ($li_previous) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-previous'), 'data' => $li_previous, ); } // When there is more than one page, create the pager list. if ($i != $pager_max) { if ($i > 1) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-ellipsis'), 'data' => '…', ); } // Now generate the actual pager piece. for (; $i <= $pager_last && $i <= $pager_max; $i++) { if ($i < $pager_current) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-item'), 'data' => theme('pager_previous', array('text' => $i, 'element' => $element, 'interval' => ($pager_current - $i), 'parameters' => $parameters)), ); } if ($i == $pager_current) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-current'), 'data' => $i, ); } if ($i > $pager_current) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-item'), 'data' => theme('pager_next', array('text' => $i, 'element' => $element, 'interval' => ($i - $pager_current), 'parameters' => $parameters)), ); } } if ($i < $pager_max) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-ellipsis'), 'data' => '…', ); } } // End generation. if ($li_next) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-next'), 'data' => $li_next, ); } if ($li_last) { $items[] = array( 'class' => array('pager-last'), 'data' => $li_last, ); } return '