title = $blog[title]; $this->body = $blog[body]; $this->userid = $blog[userid] ? $blog[userid] : $user->userid; $this->timestamp = $blog[timestamp]; } } function blog_help() { ?>

Drupal's blog module allows registered users to maintain an online blog or diary. It provides easy-to-write and easy-to-read online diaries or journals that can be filled with daily thoughts, poetry, boneless blabber, spiritual theories, intimate details, valuable experiences, cynical rants, semi-coherent comments, writing experiments, artistic babblings, critics on current facts, fresh insights, diverse dreams, chronicles and mumbling madness available for public consumption.



Add an entry on the account display for another user, linked to module.php?mod=blog&name=$userid

Provide links on other "Noded" module displays to allow the node to be blogged module.php?mod=blog&type=blog&id=$nid . Currently these are available on blogs and import displays.

Combine the calendar display class with the node calendar display class.

nid\">\"". userid) ."\">\"". ". format_username($blog->userid) ." ". t("on") ." ". format_date($blog->timestamp) .":
"; $output .= "
". check_input($blog->title) ."
" . check_output($blog->body, 1) ."
\n"; } $theme->header(); $theme->box(t("Latest blogs"), $output); $theme->footer(); } function blog_page_user($userid = 0, $date = 0) { global $theme, $user; $userid = $userid ? $userid : $user->userid; $theme->header(); if ($date) { /* ** Displays today's blogs for this user: */ blog_page_day($userid, $date); } else { /* ** Display the last blogs for this user: */ $result = db_query("SELECT n.nid, n.timestamp FROM node n LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = n.author WHERE u.userid = '". check_input($userid) ."' AND n.timestamp > ". (time() - 2592000) ." ORDER BY n.timestamp DESC LIMIT 15"); while ($blog = db_fetch_object($result)) { if ($date != date("ndy", $blog->timestamp)) { $date = date("ndy", $blog->timestamp); blog_page_day($userid, $blog->timestamp); } } } $theme->footer(); } function blog_page_day($userid = 0, $date = 0) { global $theme, $user; $header .= "\n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= "
". check_output($userid) ."'s ". t("blog") ."". format_date($date, custom, "d-M-Y") ."
\n"; $sdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $date), date("d", $date), date("Y", $date)); $edate = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m", $date), date("d", $date), date("Y", $date)); $result = db_query("SELECT b.body, n.timestamp, n.nid FROM blog b LEFT JOIN node n ON b.nid = n.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON n.author = u.id WHERE u.userid = '". check_input($userid) ."' AND n.timestamp > '$sdate' AND n.timestamp < '$edate' ORDER BY b.lid DESC LIMIT 50"); while ($blog = db_fetch_object($result)) { if (!$first) $first = $blog->nid; $output .= "

nid\">\"". ". check_output($blog->body, 1) ."

\n"; } if ($userid == $user->userid) { $output .= "

[ ". t("edit") ." ]

"; } $theme->box($header, $output); } function blog_status() { return array(dumped, posted); } function blog_remove($nid) { global $status, $user; node_save(array(nid => $nid), array(status => $status[dumped])); $blog = node_get_object(array(type => "blog", nid => "$nid")); if ((user_access("administer blogs")) or ($blog->userid == $user->userid)) { node_del(array(type => "blog", nid => $nid, lid => $blog->lid)); } } function blog_view($node) { global $status, $theme; $userid = urlencode($node->userid); $header .= "\n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= " \n"; $header .= "
". $node->userid ."'s ". t("blog") ."timestamp\">". format_date($node->timestamp, custom, "d-M-Y") ."
\n"; $output .= "

". check_output($node->body, 1) ."

\n"; $output .= "

[ ". implode(" | ", link_node($node)) ."]

\n"; $theme->box($header, $output); } function blog_form($edit = array()) { global $REQUEST_URI, $id, $mod, $type, $user, $theme; if ($mod == "node" || $edit[type] == "blog") { } else if ($type == "blog") { $item = node_get_object(array(type => "blog", nid => $id)); $edit["title"] = $item->title; $edit["body"] = $item->body ." [userid) ."&date=$item->timestamp\">$item->userid]"; } else if ($type == "import") { $item = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT i.*, f.title as ftitle, f.link as flink FROM item i, feed f WHERE i.iid = '". check_input($id) ."' AND i.fid = f.fid")); $edit["title"] = $item->title; $edit["body"] = "link\">$item->title - ". check_output($item->description) ." [flink\">$item->ftitle]\n"; } if ($edit[title]) { $form .= blog_view(new Blog(node_preview($edit))); } $form .= form_textfield(t("Subject"), "title", $edit["title"], 50, 64); $form .= form_textarea(t("Body"), "body", $edit["body"], 70, 15, t("Allowed HTML tags") .": ". htmlspecialchars(variable_get("allowed_html", ""))); $form .= form_hidden("type", "blog"); if ($edit["nid"] > 0) { $form .= form_hidden("nid", $edit["nid"]); } if ($edit && !$edit["title"]) { $form .= "". t("Warning: you did not supply a subject.") ."

\n"; $form .= form_submit(t("Preview")); } else if ($edit && !$edit["body"]) { $form .= "". t("Warning: you did not supply any text.") ."

\n"; $form .= form_submit(t("Preview")); } else { $form .= form_submit(t("Preview")); $form .= form_submit(t("Submit")); } $output .= form($REQUEST_URI, $form); return $output; } function blog_save($edit) { global $status, $user; if (!$edit["nid"]) { node_save($edit, array(author => $user->id, body, status => variable_get("blog_status", $status[posted]), timestamp => time(), title, type => "blog")); } else if (user_access("administer blogs")) { node_save($edit, array(attributes => node_attributes_save("blog", $edit), body, title, type => "blog")); } } function blog_edit_history($nid) { global $user; // DB: changed this to 15 older blog entries rather than today's entries // as there was no way to edit entries older than a day. The notion // of a day can be quite annoying when bloging around midnight. All // entries are accessible now. // // $blog = node_get_object(array(nid => $nid, type => "blog")); // $sdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $blog->timestamp), date("d", $blog->timestamp), date("Y", $blog->timestamp)); // $edate = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m", $blog->timestamp), date("d", $blog->timestamp), date("Y", $blog->timestamp)); // $result = db_query("SELECT n.title, b.body, n.timestamp, n.nid FROM blog b LEFT JOIN node n ON b.nid = n.nid WHERE n.author = '$user->id' AND n.timestamp > '$sdate' AND n.timestamp < '$edate' ORDER BY b.lid DESC LIMIT 100"); $result = db_query("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.timestamp, b.body FROM blog b LEFT JOIN node n ON b.nid = n.nid WHERE n.author = '". check_input($user->id) ."' AND n.nid < '". check_input($nid) ."' ORDER BY b.lid DESC LIMIT 15"); $output .= ""; while ($blog = db_fetch_object($result)) { $output .= "\n"; } $output .= "
". check_output($blog->title) ."
". check_output($blog->body, 1) ."
nid\">". t("edit") ."nid\">". t("delete") ."
"; return $output; } function blog_page() { global $op, $name, $date; if (user_access("access blogs")) { if ($name) { blog_page_user($name, $date); } else { blog_page_all(); } } } function blog_user() { global $op, $id, $name, $date, $edit, $theme, $user; if (user_access("post blogs")) { switch ($op) { case "delete": blog_remove($id); blog_page_day($user->userid, time()); break; case "edit": $theme->box(t("Submit a blog"), blog_form(node_get_array(array("nid" => $id, "type" => "blog")))); $theme->box(t("Older blogs"), blog_edit_history($id)); break; case t("Preview"): $theme->box(t("Preview Blog"), blog_form($edit)); break; case t("Submit"): blog_save($edit); blog_page_day($user->userid, time()); break; default: $theme->box(t("Submit a blog"), blog_form($edit)); } } } function blog_link($type) { global $user; if ($type == "page" && user_access("access blogs")) { $links[] = "". t("latest blogs") .""; } if ($type == "menu" && user_access("post blogs")) { $links[] = "userid) ."\">". t("your blog") .""; } return $links ? $links : array(); } function blog_block() { global $name, $date, $user, $mod; $result = db_query("SELECT u.userid, n.timestamp, n.title, n.nid FROM node n LEFT JOIN users u ON n.author = u.id WHERE n.type = 'blog' ORDER BY n.nid DESC LIMIT 10"); while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) { $output .= "userid) ."\">". check_output($node->title) ."
\n"; } $block[0]["subject"] = "
". t("Latest blogs") .""; $block[0]["content"] = $output; $block[0]["info"] = t("Latest blogs"); $block[0]["link"] = "module.php?mod=blog"; $date = $data ? $data : time(); $userid = $name ? $name : $user->userid; if (($mod == "blog") || ($mod == "block")) { // Only show this block on "blog pages" and in the admin block section. $calendar = new BlogCalendar($userid, $date); $block[1]["subject"] = "" . t("Browse blog") . ""; $block[1]["content"] = $calendar->display(); $block[1]["info"] = t("Calendar to browse blogs"); } return $block; } function blog_search($keys) { global $status, $user; $result = db_query("SELECT n.*, b.* FROM blog b LEFT JOIN node n ON n.nid = b.nid AND n.lid = b.lid WHERE (n.title LIKE '%$keys%' OR b.body LIKE '%$keys%') ORDER BY n.timestamp DESC LIMIT 20"); while ($blog = db_fetch_object($result)) { $find[$i++] = array("title" => check_output($blog->title), "link" => (user_access("administer nodes") ? "admin.php?mod=node&type=blog&op=edit&id=$blog->nid" : "node.php?id=$blog->nid"), "user" => $blog->userid, "date" => $blog->timestamp); } return $find; } class BlogCalendar { var $date; var $userid; function BlogCalendar($userid, $date) { $this->userid = urlencode($userid); // Prevent future dates: $today = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n", time()), date("d", time()), date("Y", time())); $this->date = (($date && $date <= $today) ? $date : $today); $this->date = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n", $this->date), date("d", $this->date), date("Y", $this->date)); } function display() { // Extract information from the given date: $month = date("n", $this->date); $year = date("Y", $this->date); $day = date("d", $this->date); // Extract today's date: $today = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n", time()), date("d", time()), date("Y", time())); // Extract the timestamp of the last day of today's month: $thislast = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n", time()), date("t", time()), date("Y", time())); // Extract first day of the month: $first = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); // Extract last day of the month: $last = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); // Calculate previous and next months dates and check for shorter months (28/30 days) $prevmonth = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month - 1, 1, $year); $prev = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month - 1, min(date("t", $prevmonth), $day), $year); $nextmonth = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month + 1, 1, $year); $next = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month + 1, min(date("t", $nextmonth), $day), $year); // Generate calendar header: $output .= "\n\n"; $output .= "\n"; $output .= " \n"; // Generate the days of the week: $output .= " "; $somesunday = mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 20, 1994); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $output .= ""; } $output .= "\n"; // Initialize temporary variables: $nday = 1; $sday = $first; // Loop through all the days of the month: while ($nday <= $last) { // Set up blank days for first week of the month: if ($first) { $output .= " \n"; $first = 0; } // Start every week on a new line: if ($sday == 0) $output .= " \n"; // Print one cell: $date = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $nday, $year); if ($date == $this->date) $output .= " \n"; else if ($date > $today) $output .= " \n"; else $output .= " \n"; // Start every week on a new line: if ($sday == 6) $output .= " \n"; // Update temporary variables: $sday++; $sday = $sday % 7; $nday++; } // Complete the calendar: if ($sday) { $end = 7 - $sday; $output .= " \n \n"; } $output .= "
userid&date=$prev\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none;\"><<   ". date("F Y", $this->date) ."   " . ($next <= $thislast ? "userid&date=$next\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none;\">>>" : ">>") . "
" . substr(ucfirst(t(date("l", $somesunday + $i * 86400))), 0, 1) . "
$nday$ndayuserid&date=$date\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none;\">$nday
\n\n"; // Return calendar: return $output; } } ?>