// $Id$ Drupal.tableHeaderDoScroll = function() { if (typeof(Drupal.tableHeaderOnScroll)=='function') { Drupal.tableHeaderOnScroll(); } }; Drupal.behaviors.tableHeader = function (context) { // This breaks in anything less than IE 7. Prevent it from running. if (jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10) < 7) { return; } // Keep track of all cloned table headers. var headers = []; $('table.sticky-enabled thead:not(.tableHeader-processed)', context).each(function () { // Clone thead so it inherits original jQuery properties. var headerClone = $(this).clone(true).insertBefore(this.parentNode).wrap('').parent().css({ position: 'fixed', top: '0px' }); headerClone = $(headerClone)[0]; headers.push(headerClone); // Store parent table. var table = $(this).parent('table')[0]; headerClone.table = table; // Finish initialzing header positioning. tracker(headerClone); $(table).addClass('sticky-table'); $(this).addClass('tableHeader-processed'); }); // Track positioning and visibility. function tracker(e) { // Save positioning data. var viewHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight; if (e.viewHeight != viewHeight) { e.viewHeight = viewHeight; e.vPosition = $(e.table).offset().top - 4; e.hPosition = $(e.table).offset().left; e.vLength = e.table.clientHeight - 100; // Resize header and its cell widths. var parentCell = $('th', e.table); $('th', e).each(function(index) { var cellWidth = parentCell.eq(index).css('width'); // Exception for IE7. if (cellWidth == 'auto') { cellWidth = parentCell.get(index).clientWidth +'px'; } $(this).css('width', cellWidth); }); $(e).css('width', $(e.table).css('width')); } // Track horizontal positioning relative to the viewport and set visibility. var hScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; var vOffset = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) - e.vPosition; var visState = (vOffset > 0 && vOffset < e.vLength) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; $(e).css({left: -hScroll + e.hPosition +'px', visibility: visState}); } // Only attach to scrollbars once, even if Drupal.attachBehaviors is called // multiple times. if (!$('body').hasClass('tableHeader-processed')) { $('body').addClass('tableHeader-processed'); $(window).scroll(Drupal.tableHeaderDoScroll); $(document.documentElement).scroll(Drupal.tableHeaderDoScroll); } // Track scrolling. Drupal.tableHeaderOnScroll = function() { $(headers).each(function () { tracker(this); }); }; // Track resizing. var time = null; var resize = function () { // Ensure minimum time between adjustments. if (time) { return; } time = setTimeout(function () { $('table.sticky-header').each(function () { // Force cell width calculation. this.viewHeight = 0; tracker(this); }); // Reset timer time = null; }, 250); }; $(window).resize(resize); };