name)) { $relative_path = dirname($relative_path); } else { $relative_path = 'sites/all/modules'; } return DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $relative_path; } public function isInstalled() { return (bool) drupal_get_path('module', $this->name); } public static function canUpdateDirectory($directory) { if (file_scan_directory($directory, '/.*\.module/')) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public static function canUpdate($project_name) { return (bool) drupal_get_path('module', $project_name); } /** * Return available database schema updates one a new version is installed. */ public function getSchemaUpdates() { require_once './includes/'; require_once './includes/'; if (_update_get_project_type($project) != 'module') { return array(); } module_load_include('install', $project); if (!$updates = drupal_get_schema_versions($project)) { return array(); } $updates_to_run = array(); $modules_with_updates = update_get_update_list(); if ($updates = $modules_with_updates[$project]) { if ($updates['start']) { return $updates['pending']; } } return array(); } public function postInstallTasks() { return array( l(t('Enable newly added modules in !project', array('!project' => $this->title)), 'admin/modules'), ); } public function postUpdateTasks() { // @todo: If there are schema updates. return array( l(t('Run database updates for !project', array('!project' => $this->title)), 'update.php'), ); } } /** * Class for updating themes using FileTransfer classes via authorize.php. */ class ThemeUpdater extends Updater implements DrupalUpdaterInterface { /** * Return the directory where a theme should be installed. * * If the theme is already installed, drupal_get_path() will return * a valid path and we should install it there (although we need to use an * absolute path, so we prepend DRUPAL_ROOT). If we're installing a new * theme, we always want it to go into sites/all/themes, since that's * where all the documentation recommends users install their themes, and * there's no way that can conflict on a multi-site installation, since * the Update manager won't let you install a new theme if it's already * found on your system, and if there was a copy in sites/all, we'd see it. */ public function getInstallDirectory() { if ($relative_path = drupal_get_path('theme', $this->name)) { $relative_path = dirname($relative_path); } else { $relative_path = 'sites/all/themes'; } return DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $relative_path; } public function isInstalled() { return (bool) drupal_get_path('theme', $this->name); } static function canUpdateDirectory($directory) { // This is a lousy test, but don't know how else to confirm it is a theme. if (file_scan_directory($directory, '/.*\.module/')) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public static function canUpdate($project_name) { return (bool) drupal_get_path('theme', $project_name); } public function postInstall() { // Update the system table. clearstatcache(); drupal_static_reset('_system_rebuild_theme_data'); _system_rebuild_theme_data(); // Active the theme db_update('system') ->fields(array('status' => 1)) ->condition('type', 'theme') ->condition('name', $this->name) ->execute(); } public function postInstallTasks() { return array( l(t('Set the !project theme as default', array('!project' => $this->title)), 'admin/appearance'), ); } }