(function ($, Drupal) { "use strict"; /** * Details feature detection. * * @todo This is a stop-gap fix only. collapse.js needs to be replaced with a * proper HTML5 details polyfill. * * @author Mathias Bynens * @see http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/html5-details-jquery */ var isDetailsSupported = (function (doc) { var el = doc.createElement('details'), fake, root, diff; if (!('open' in el)) { return false; } root = doc.body || (function () { var de = doc.documentElement; fake = true; return de.insertBefore(doc.createElement('body'), de.firstElementChild || de.firstChild); }()); el.innerHTML = 'ab'; el.style.display = 'block'; root.appendChild(el); diff = el.offsetHeight; el.open = true; diff = diff != el.offsetHeight; root.removeChild(el); if (fake) { root.parentNode.removeChild(root); } return diff; }(document)); /** * The collapsible details object represents a single collapsible details element. */ function CollapsibleDetails(node, settings) { this.$node = $(node); this.$node.data('details', this); this.settings = $.extend({ duration:'fast', easing:'linear' }, settings ); // Expand details if there are errors inside, or if it contains an // element that is targeted by the URI fragment identifier. var anchor = location.hash && location.hash !== '#' ? ', ' + location.hash : ''; if (this.$node.find('.error' + anchor).length) { this.$node.attr('open', true); } // Initialize and setup the summary, this.setupSummary(); // Initialize and setup the legend. this.setupLegend(); } /** * Extend CollapsibleDetails function. */ $.extend(CollapsibleDetails, { /** * Holds references to instantiated CollapsibleDetails objects. */ instances: [] }); /** * Extend CollapsibleDetails prototype. */ $.extend(CollapsibleDetails.prototype, { /** * Flag preventing multiple simultaneous animations. */ animating: false, /** * Initialize and setup summary events and markup. */ setupSummary: function () { this.$summary = $(''); this.$node .bind('summaryUpdated', $.proxy(this.onSummaryUpdated, this)) .trigger('summaryUpdated'); }, /** * Initialize and setup legend markup. */ setupLegend: function () { // Turn the summary into a clickable link. var $legend = this.$node.find('> summary'); $('') .append(this.$node.attr('open') ? Drupal.t('Hide') : Drupal.t('Show')) .prependTo($legend) .after(' '); // .wrapInner() does not retain bound events. var $link = $('') .prepend($legend.contents()) .appendTo($legend) .click($.proxy(this.onLegendClick, this)); $legend.append(this.$summary); }, /** * Handle legend clicks */ onLegendClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.toggle(); }, /** * Update summary */ onSummaryUpdated: function () { var text = $.trim(this.$node.drupalGetSummary()); this.$summary.html(text ? ' (' + text + ')' : ''); }, /** * Toggle the visibility of a details element using smooth animations. */ toggle: function () { // Don't animate multiple times. if (this.animating) { return; } if (!this.$node.attr('open')) { var $content = this.$node.find('> .details-wrapper').hide(); this.$node .trigger({ type:'collapsed', value:false }) .find('> summary span.details-summary-prefix').html(Drupal.t('Hide')); $content.slideDown( $.extend(this.settings, { complete:$.proxy(this.onCompleteSlideDown, this) }) ); } else { this.$node.trigger({ type:'collapsed', value:true }); this.$node.find('> .details-wrapper').slideUp( $.extend(this.settings, { complete:$.proxy(this.onCompleteSlideUp, this) }) ); } }, /** * Completed opening details element. */ onCompleteSlideDown: function () { this.$node.attr('open', true); this.$node.trigger('completeSlideDown'); this.animating = false; }, /** * Completed closing details element. */ onCompleteSlideUp: function () { this.$node.attr('open', false); this.$node .find('> summary span.details-summary-prefix').html(Drupal.t('Show')); this.$node.trigger('completeSlideUp'); this.animating = false; } }); Drupal.behaviors.collapse = { attach: function (context, settings) { if (isDetailsSupported) { return; } var $collapsibleDetails = $(context).find('details.collapsible').once('collapse'); if ($collapsibleDetails.length) { for (var i = 0; i < $collapsibleDetails.length; i++) { CollapsibleDetails.instances.push(new CollapsibleDetails($collapsibleDetails[i], settings.collapsibleDetails)); } } } }; // Expose constructor in the public space. Drupal.CollapsibleDetails = CollapsibleDetails; })(jQuery, Drupal);