function id2story($id) {
### Perform query:
$result = db_query("SELECT s.*, u.userid FROM stories s LEFT JOIN users u ON = WHERE = $id");
return db_fetch_object($result);
function load_theme() {
global $user, $themes;
if ($user->theme && file_exists($themes[$user->theme][0])) {
include_once $themes[$user->theme][0];
else {
include_once $themes[key($themes)][0];
return new Theme();
function discussion_score($comment) {
$value = ($comment->votes) ? ($comment->score / $comment->votes) : (($comment->score) ? $comment->score : 0);
return (strpos($value, ".")) ? substr($value ."00", 0, 4) : $value .".00";
function check_field($message) {
return str_replace("\"", """, stripslashes($message));
function check_input($message) {
global $allowed_html, $submission_size;
return strip_tags(addslashes(substr($message, 0, $submission_size)), $allowed_html);
function check_code($message) {
return $message;
function check_output($message, $nl2br = 0) {
global $allowed_html;
if ($nl2br == 1) return nl2br(strip_tags(stripslashes($message), $allowed_html));
else return strip_tags(stripslashes($message), $allowed_html);
function discussion_num_replies($id, $count = 0) {
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(cid) FROM comments WHERE pid = $id");
return ($result) ? db_result($result, 0) : 0;
function discussion_num_filtered($sid, $pid) {
global $user;
$threshold = ($user->id) ? $user->threshold : "0";
$pid = ($pid) ? $pid : 0;
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(cid) FROM comments WHERE sid = $sid AND pid = $pid AND (votes != 0 AND score / votes < $threshold)");
return ($result) ? db_result($result, 0) : 0;
function format_plural($count, $singular, $plural) {
return ($count == 1) ? "$count $singular" : "$count $plural";
function format_interval($timestamp) {
if ($timestamp >= 86400) {
$output .= format_plural(floor($timestamp / 86400), "day ", "days ");
$timestamp = $timestamp % 86400;
if ($timestamp >= 3600) {
$output .= format_plural(floor($timestamp / 3600), "hour ", "hours ");
$timestamp = $timestamp % 3600;
if ($timestamp >= 60) {
$output .= floor($timestamp / 60) ." min ";
$timestamp = $timestamp % 60;
if ($timestamp > 0) {
$output .= "$timestamp sec";
return $output;
function format_date($timestamp, $type = "medium") {
global $user;
$timestamp += ($user->timezone) ? $user->timezone - date("Z") : 0;
switch ($type) {
case "small":
$date = date("D, m/d/y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "medium":
$date = date("l, m/d/Y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "large":
$date = date("D, M d, Y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "extra large":
$date = date("l, F dS, Y - H:i", $timestamp);
$date = date("D, M d, Y - H:i", $timestamp);
return $date;
function format_data($field, $replacement = "na") {
return ($field) ? $field : $replacement;
function format_username($username, $admin = 0) {
if ($username) return ($admin) ? "$username" : "$username";
else { global $anonymous; return $anonymous; }
function format_email($address) {
return ($address) ? "$address" : format_data($address);
function format_url($address, $description = "") {
// 1. add `http://' in case it's missing.
// 2. add a trailing `/' in case it's missing.
// 3. remove any parameters in the URI.
$description = ($description) ? $description : $address;
return ($address) ? "$description" : format_data($address);