$uid), 0, 10); * foreach($result as $record) { * // Perform operations on $node->title, etc. here. * } * @endcode * Curly braces are used around "node" to provide table prefixing via * DatabaseConnection::prefixTables(). The explicit use of a user ID is pulled * out into an argument passed to db_query() so that SQL injection attacks * from user input can be caught and nullified. The LIMIT syntax varies between * database servers, so that is abstracted into db_query_range() arguments. * Finally, note the PDO-based ability to foreach() over the result set. * * * All queries are passed as a prepared statement string. A * prepared statement is a "template" of a query that omits literal or variable * values in favor of placeholders. The values to place into those * placeholders are passed separately, and the database driver handles * inserting the values into the query in a secure fashion. That means you * should never quote or string-escape a value to be inserted into the query. * * There are two formats for placeholders: named and unnamed. Named placeholders * are strongly preferred in all cases as they are more flexible and * self-documenting. Named placeholders should start with a colon ":" and can be * followed by one or more letters, numbers or underscores. * * Named placeholders begin with a colon followed by a unique string. Example: * @code * SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE uid=:uid * @endcode * * ":uid" is a placeholder that will be replaced with a literal value when * the query is executed. A given placeholder label cannot be repeated in a * given query, even if the value should be the same. When using named * placeholders, the array of arguments to the query must be an associative * array where keys are a placeholder label (e.g., :uid) and the value is the * corresponding value to use. The array may be in any order. * * Unnamed placeholders are simply a question mark. Example: * @code * SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE uid=? * @endcode * * In this case, the array of arguments must be an indexed array of values to * use in the exact same order as the placeholders in the query. * * Note that placeholders should be a "complete" value. For example, when * running a LIKE query the SQL wildcard character, %, should be part of the * value, not the query itself. Thus, the following is incorrect: * * @code * SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE title LIKE :title% * @endcode * * It should instead read: * * @code * SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE title LIKE :title * @endcode * * and the value for :title should include a % as appropriate. Again, note the * lack of quotation marks around :title. Because the value is not inserted * into the query as one big string but as an explicitly separate value, the * database server knows where the query ends and a value begins. That is * considerably more secure against SQL injection than trying to remember * which values need quotation marks and string escaping and which don't. * * * INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries need special care in order to behave * consistently across all different databases. Therefore, they use a special * object-oriented API for defining a query structurally. For example, rather than * @code * INSERT INTO node (nid, title, body) VALUES (1, 'my title', 'my body') * @endcode * one would instead write: * @code * $fields = array('nid' => 1, 'title' => 'my title', 'body' => 'my body'); * db_insert('my_table')->fields($fields)->execute(); * @endcode * This method allows databases that need special data type handling to do so, * while also allowing optimizations such as multi-insert queries. UPDATE and * DELETE queries have a similar pattern. * * * Drupal also supports transactions, including a transparent fallback for * databases that do not support transactions. To start a new transaction, * simply call $txn = db_transaction(): in your own code. The transaction will * remain open for as long as the variable $txn remains in scope. When $txn is * destroyed, the transaction will be committed. If your transaction is nested * inside of another then Drupal will track each transaction and only commit * the outer-most transaction when the last transaction object goes out out of * scope, that is, all relevant queries completed successfully. * * Example: * * @code * function my_transaction_function() { * // The transaction opens here. * $txn = db_transaction(); * * $id = db_insert('example') * ->fields(array( * 'field1' => 'mystring', * 'field2' => 5, * )) * ->execute(); * * my_other_function($id); * * return $id; * // $txn goes out of scope here, and the entire transaction commits. * } * * function my_other_function($id) { * // The transaction is still open here. * * if ($id % 2 == 0) { * db_update('example') * ->condition('id', $id) * ->fields(array('field2' => 10)) * ->execute(); * } * } * @endcode * */ /** * Base Database API class. * * This class provides a Drupal-specific extension of the PDO database abstraction class in PHP. * Every database driver implementation must provide a concrete implementation of it to support * special handling required by that database. * * @link http://us.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo.php */ abstract class DatabaseConnection extends PDO { /** * Reference to the last statement that was executed. * * We only need this for the legacy db_affected_rows() call, which will be removed. * * @var DatabaseStatementInterface * @todo Remove this variable. */ public $lastStatement; /** * The database target this connection is for. * * We need this information for later auditing and logging. * * @var string */ protected $target = NULL; /** * The current database logging object for this connection. * * @var DatabaseLog */ protected $logger = NULL; /** * Cache of prepared statements. * * This cache only lasts as long as the current page request, so it's not * as useful as it could be, but every little bit helps. * * @var Array */ protected $preparedStatements = array(); /** * Track the number of "layers" of transactions currently active. * * On many databases transactions cannot nest. Instead, we track * nested calls to transactions and collapse them into a single * transaction. * * @var int */ protected $transactionLayers = 0; /** * Whether or not the active transaction (if any) will be rolled back. * * @var boolean */ protected $willRollBack; /** * The name of the Select class for this connection. * * Normally this and the following class names would be static variables, * but statics in methods are still global and shared by all instances. * * @var string */ protected $selectClass = NULL; /** * The name of the Delete class for this connection. * * @var string */ protected $deleteClass = NULL; /** * The name of the Insert class for this connection. * * @var string */ protected $insertClass = NULL; /** * The name of the Merge class for this connection. * * @var string */ protected $mergeClass = NULL; /** * The name of the Update class for this connection. * * @var string */ protected $updateClass = NULL; /** * The name of the Transaction class for this connection. * * @var string */ protected $transactionClass = NULL; /** * The name of the Statement class for this connection. * * @var string */ protected $statementClass = 'DatabaseStatementBase'; /** * Whether this database connection supports transactions. * * @var bool */ protected $transactionSupport = TRUE; /** * Whether this database connection supports transactional DDL. * * Set to FALSE by default because few databases support this feature. * * @var bool */ protected $transactionalDDLSupport = FALSE; /** * The schema object for this connection. * * @var object */ protected $schema = NULL; function __construct($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options = array()) { // Because the other methods don't seem to work right. $driver_options[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE] = PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION; // Call PDO::__construct and PDO::setAttribute. parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options); // Set a specific PDOStatement class if the driver requires that. if (!empty($this->statementClass)) { $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS, array($this->statementClass, array($this))); } } /** * Return the default query options for any given query. * * A given query can be customized with a number of option flags in an * associative array. * * target - The database "target" against which to execute a query. Valid * values are "default" or "slave". The system will first try to open a * connection to a database specified with the user-supplied key. If one * is not available, it will silently fall back to the "default" target. * If multiple databases connections are specified with the same target, * one will be selected at random for the duration of the request. * * fetch - This element controls how rows from a result set will be returned. * legal values include PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, PDO::FETCH_OBJ, * PDO::FETCH_NUM, or a string representing the name of a class. If a string * is specified, each record will be fetched into a new object of that class. * The behavior of all other values is defined by PDO. See * http://www.php.net/PDOStatement-fetch * * return - Depending on the type of query, different return values may be * meaningful. This directive instructs the system which type of return * value is desired. The system will generally set the correct value * automatically, so it is extremely rare that a module developer will ever * need to specify this value. Setting it incorrectly will likely lead to * unpredictable results or fatal errors. Legal values include: * * Database::RETURN_STATEMENT - Return the prepared statement object for the * query. This is usually only meaningful for SELECT queries, where the * statement object is how one accesses the result set returned by the query. * * Database::RETURN_AFFECTED - Return the number of rows affected by an * UPDATE or DELETE query. Be aware that means the number of rows * actually changed, not the number of rows matched by the WHERE clause. * * Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID - Return the sequence ID (primary key) * created by an INSERT statement on a table that contains a serial column. * * Database::RETURN_NULL - Do not return anything, as there is no * meaningful value to return. That is the case for INSERT queries on * tables that do not contain a serial column. * * throw_exception - By default, the database system will catch any errors * on a query as an Exception, log it, and then rethrow it so that code * further up the call chain can take an appropriate action. To suppress * that behavior and simply return NULL on failure, set this option to FALSE. * * @return * An array of default query options. */ protected function defaultOptions() { return array( 'target' => 'default', 'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_OBJ, 'return' => Database::RETURN_STATEMENT, 'throw_exception' => TRUE, ); } /** * Append a database prefix to all tables in a query. * * Queries sent to Drupal should wrap all table names in curly brackets. This * function searches for this syntax and adds Drupal's table prefix to all * tables, allowing Drupal to coexist with other systems in the same database * and/or schema if necessary. * * @param $sql * A string containing a partial or entire SQL query. * @return * The properly-prefixed string. */ public function prefixTables($sql) { global $db_prefix; if (is_array($db_prefix)) { if (array_key_exists('default', $db_prefix)) { $tmp = $db_prefix; unset($tmp['default']); foreach ($tmp as $key => $val) { $sql = strtr($sql, array('{' . $key . '}' => $val . $key)); } return strtr($sql, array('{' => $db_prefix['default'] , '}' => '')); } else { foreach ($db_prefix as $key => $val) { $sql = strtr($sql, array('{' . $key . '}' => $val . $key)); } return strtr($sql, array('{' => '' , '}' => '')); } } else { return strtr($sql, array('{' => $db_prefix , '}' => '')); } } /** * Prepare a query string and return the prepared statement. * * This method caches prepared statements, reusing them when * possible. It also prefixes tables names enclosed in curly-braces. * * @param $query * The query string as SQL, with curly-braces surrounding the * table names. * @param $cache * Whether or not to cache the prepared statement for later reuse in this * same request. Usually we want to, but queries that require preprocessing * cannot be safely cached. * @return * A PDO prepared statement ready for its execute() method. */ protected function prepareQuery($query, $cache = TRUE) { $query = $this->prefixTables($query); if (empty($this->preparedStatements[$query])) { // Call PDO::prepare. $this->preparedStatements[$query] = parent::prepare($query); } return $this->preparedStatements[$query]; } /** * Tell this connection object what its target value is. * * This is needed for logging and auditing. It's sloppy to do in the * constructor because the constructor for child classes has a different * signature. We therefore also ensure that this function is only ever * called once. * * @param $target * The target this connection is for. Set to NULL (default) to disable * logging entirely. */ public function setTarget($target = NULL) { if (!isset($this->target)) { $this->target = $target; } } /** * Returns the target this connection is associated with. * * @return * The target string of this connection. */ public function getTarget() { return $this->target; } /** * Associate a logging object with this connection. * * @param $logger * The logging object we want to use. */ public function setLogger(DatabaseLog $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Get the current logging object for this connection. * * @return * The current logging object for this connection. If there isn't one, * NULL is returned. */ public function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } /** * Create the appropriate sequence name for a given table and serial field. * * This information is exposed to all database drivers, although it is only * useful on some of them. This method is table prefix-aware. * * @param $table * The table name to use for the sequence. * @param $field * The field name to use for the sequence. * @return * A table prefix-parsed string for the sequence name. */ public function makeSequenceName($table, $field) { return $this->prefixTables('{'. $table .'}_'. $field .'_seq'); } /** * Executes a query string against the database. * * This method provides a central handler for the actual execution * of every query. All queries executed by Drupal are executed as * PDO prepared statements. * * @param $query * The query to execute. In most cases this will be a string containing * an SQL query with placeholders. An already-prepared instance of * DatabaseStatementInterface may also be passed in order to allow calling code * to manually bind variables to a query. If a DatabaseStatementInterface * is passed, the $args array will be ignored. * * It is extremely rare that module code will need to pass a statement * object to this method. It is used primarily for database drivers for * databases that require special LOB field handling. * @param $args * An array of arguments for the prepared statement. If the prepared * statement uses ? placeholders, this array must be an indexed array. * If it contains named placeholders, it must be an associative array. * @param $options * An associative array of options to control how the query is run. See * the documentation for DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() for details. * @return * This method will return one of: The executed statement, the number of * rows affected by the query (not the number matched), or the generated * insert id of the last query, depending on the value of $options['return']. * Typically that value will be set by default or a query builder and should * not be set by a user. If there is an error, this method will return NULL * and may throw an exception if $options['throw_exception'] is TRUE. */ public function query($query, array $args = array(), $options = array()) { // Use default values if not already set. $options += $this->defaultOptions(); try { // We allow either a pre-bound statement object or a literal string. // In either case, we want to end up with an executed statement object, // which we pass to PDOStatement::execute. if ($query instanceof DatabaseStatementInterface) { $stmt = $query; $stmt->execute(NULL, $options); } else { $modified = $this->expandArguments($query, $args); $stmt = $this->prepareQuery($query, !$modified); $stmt->execute($args, $options); } // Depending on the type of query we may need to return a different value. // See DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() for a description of each value. switch ($options['return']) { case Database::RETURN_STATEMENT: return $stmt; case Database::RETURN_AFFECTED: return $stmt->rowCount(); case Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID: return $this->lastInsertId(); case Database::RETURN_NULL: return; default: throw new PDOException('Invalid return directive: ' . $options['return']); } } catch (PDOException $e) { _db_check_install_needed(); if ($options['throw_exception']) { if ($query instanceof DatabaseStatementInterface) { $query_string = $stmt->getQueryString(); } else { $query_string = $query; } throw new PDOException($query_string . " - \n" . print_r($args,1) . $e->getMessage()); } return NULL; } } /** * Expand out shorthand placeholders. * * Drupal supports an alternate syntax for doing arrays of values. We therefore * need to expand them out into a full, executable query string. * * @param $query * The query string to modify. * @param $args * The arguments for the query. * @return * TRUE if the query was modified, FALSE otherwise. */ protected function expandArguments(&$query, &$args) { $modified = FALSE; foreach ($args as $key => $data) { // If the placeholder value to insert is an array, assume that we need // to expand it out into a comma-delimited set of placeholders. if (is_array($data)) { $new_keys = array(); foreach ($data as $i => $value) { // This assumes that there are no other placeholders that use the same // name. For example, if the array placeholder is defined as :example // and there is already an :example_2 placeholder, this will generate // a duplicate key. We do not account for that as the calling code // is already broken if that happens. $new_keys[$key . '_' . $i] = $value; } // Update the query with the new placeholders. // preg_replace is a little bit slower than str_replace, but it is // necessary to ensure the replacement does not affect placeholders // that start with the same exact text. For example, if the query // contains the placeholders :foo and :foobar, and :foo has an array // of values, using str_replace would affect both placeholders, but // using the following preg_replace would only affect :foo because it // is followed by a non-word character. $query = preg_replace('#' . $key . '\b#', implode(', ', array_keys($new_keys)), $query); // Update the args array with the new placeholders. unset($args[$key]); $args += $new_keys; $modified = TRUE; } } return $modified; } /** * Prepare and return a SELECT query object with the specified ID. * * @see SelectQuery * @param $table * The base table for this query, that is, the first table in the FROM * clause. This table will also be used as the "base" table for query_alter * hook implementations. * @param $alias * The alias of the base table of this query. * @param $options * An array of options on the query. * @return * A new SelectQuery object. */ public function select($table, $alias = NULL, array $options = array()) { if (empty($this->selectClass)) { $this->selectClass = 'SelectQuery_' . $this->driver(); if (!class_exists($this->selectClass)) { $this->selectClass = 'SelectQuery'; } } $class = $this->selectClass; // new is documented as the highest precedence operator so this will // create a class named $class and pass the arguments into the constructor, // instead of calling a function named $class with the arguments listed and // then creating using the return value as the class name. return new $class($table, $alias, $this, $options); } /** * Prepare and return an INSERT query object with the specified ID. * * @see InsertQuery * @param $options * An array of options on the query. * @return * A new InsertQuery object. */ public function insert($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($this->insertClass)) { $this->insertClass = 'InsertQuery_' . $this->driver(); if (!class_exists($this->insertClass)) { $this->insertClass = 'InsertQuery'; } } $class = $this->insertClass; return new $class($this, $table, $options); } /** * Prepare and return a MERGE query object with the specified ID. * * @see MergeQuery * @param $options * An array of options on the query. * @return * A new MergeQuery object. */ public function merge($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($this->mergeClass)) { $this->mergeClass = 'MergeQuery_' . $this->driver(); if (!class_exists($this->mergeClass)) { $this->mergeClass = 'MergeQuery'; } } $class = $this->mergeClass; return new $class($this, $table, $options); } /** * Prepare and return an UPDATE query object with the specified ID. * * @see UpdateQuery * @param $options * An array of options on the query. * @return * A new UpdateQuery object. */ public function update($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($this->updateClass)) { $this->updateClass = 'UpdateQuery_' . $this->driver(); if (!class_exists($this->updateClass)) { $this->updateClass = 'UpdateQuery'; } } $class = $this->updateClass; return new $class($this, $table, $options); } /** * Prepare and return a DELETE query object with the specified ID. * * @see DeleteQuery * @param $options * An array of options on the query. * @return * A new DeleteQuery object. */ public function delete($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($this->deleteClass)) { $this->deleteClass = 'DeleteQuery_' . $this->driver(); if (!class_exists($this->deleteClass)) { $this->deleteClass = 'DeleteQuery'; } } $class = $this->deleteClass; return new $class($this, $table, $options); } /** * Returns a DatabaseSchema object for manipulating the schema of this database. * * This method will lazy-load the appropriate schema library file. * * @return * The DatabaseSchema object for this connection. */ public function schema() { if (empty($this->schema)) { $class_type = 'DatabaseSchema_' . $this->driver(); $this->schema = new $class_type($this); } return $this->schema; } /** * Escapes a table name string. * * Force all table names to be strictly alphanumeric-plus-underscore. * For some database drivers, it may also wrap the table name in * database-specific escape characters. * * @return * The sanitized table name string. */ public function escapeTable($table) { return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/', '', $table); } /** * Determine if there is an active transaction open. * * @return * TRUE if we're currently in a transaction, FALSE otherwise. */ public function inTransaction() { return ($this->transactionLayers > 0); } /** * Returns a new DatabaseTransaction object on this connection. * * @param $required * If executing an operation that absolutely must use transactions, specify * TRUE for this parameter. If the connection does not support transactions, * this method will throw an exception and the operation will not be possible. * @see DatabaseTransaction */ public function startTransaction($required = FALSE) { if ($required && !$this->supportsTransactions()) { throw new TransactionsNotSupportedException(); } if (empty($this->transactionClass)) { $this->transactionClass = 'DatabaseTransaction_' . $this->driver(); if (!class_exists($this->transactionClass)) { $this->transactionClass = 'DatabaseTransaction'; } } return new $this->transactionClass($this); } /** * Schedule the current transaction for rollback. * * This method throws an exception if no transaction is active. */ public function rollBack() { if ($this->transactionLayers == 0) { throw new NoActiveTransactionException(); } $this->willRollBack = TRUE; } /** * Determine if this transaction will roll back. * * Use this function to skip further operations if the current transaction * is already scheduled to roll back. Throws an exception if no transaction * is active. * * @return * TRUE if the transaction will roll back, FALSE otherwise. */ public function willRollBack() { if ($this->transactionLayers == 0) { throw new NoActiveTransactionException(); } return $this->willRollBack; } /** * Increases the depth of transaction nesting. * * If no transaction is already active, we begin a new transaction. * * @see DatabaseTransaction */ public function pushTransaction() { ++$this->transactionLayers; if ($this->transactionLayers == 1) { if ($this->supportsTransactions()) { parent::startTransaction(); } // Reset any scheduled rollback $this->willRollBack = FALSE; } } /** * Decreases the depth of transaction nesting, committing or rolling back if necessary. * * If we pop off the last transaction layer, then we either commit or roll back * the transaction as necessary. If no transaction is active, we throw * an exception. * * @see DatabaseTransaction */ public function popTransaction() { if ($this->transactionLayers == 0) { throw new NoActiveTransactionException(); } --$this->transactionLayers; if ($this->transactionLayers == 0 && $this->supportsTransactions()) { if ($this->willRollBack) { parent::rollBack(); } else { parent::commit(); } } } /** * Runs a limited-range query on this database object. * * Use this as a substitute for ->query() when a subset of the query is to be * returned. * User-supplied arguments to the query should be passed in as separate parameters * so that they can be properly escaped to avoid SQL injection attacks. * * @param $query * A string containing an SQL query. * @param $args * An array of values to substitute into the query at placeholder markers. * @param $from * The first result row to return. * @param $count * The maximum number of result rows to return. * @param $options * An array of options on the query. * @return * A database query result resource, or NULL if the query was not executed * correctly. */ abstract public function queryRange($query, array $args, $from, $count, array $options = array()); /** * Runs a SELECT query and stores its results in a temporary table. * * Use this as a substitute for ->query() when the results need to stored * in a temporary table. Temporary tables exist for the duration of the page * request. * User-supplied arguments to the query should be passed in as separate parameters * so that they can be properly escaped to avoid SQL injection attacks. * * Note that if you need to know how many results were returned, you should do * a SELECT COUNT(*) on the temporary table afterwards. * * @param $query * A string containing a normal SELECT SQL query. * @param $args * An array of values to substitute into the query at placeholder markers. * @param $tablename * The name of the temporary table to select into. This name will not be * prefixed as there is no risk of collision. * @param $options * An associative array of options to control how the query is run. See * the documentation for DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() for details. * @return * A database query result resource, or FALSE if the query was not executed * correctly. */ abstract function queryTemporary($query, array $args, $tablename, array $options = array()); /** * Returns the type of database driver. * * This is not necessarily the same as the type of the database itself. * For instance, there could be two MySQL drivers, mysql and mysql_mock. * This function would return different values for each, but both would * return "mysql" for databaseType(). */ abstract public function driver(); /** * Determine if this driver supports transactions. * * @return * TRUE if this connection supports transactions, FALSE otherwise. */ public function supportsTransactions() { return $this->transactionSupport; } /** * Determine if this driver supports transactional DDL. * * DDL queries are those that change the schema, such as ALTER queries. * * @return * TRUE if this connection supports transactions for DDL queries, FALSE otherwise. */ public function supportsTransactionalDDL() { return $this->transactionalDDLSupport; } /** * Returns the type of the database being accessed. */ abstract public function databaseType(); /** * Gets any special processing requirements for the condition operator. * * Some condition types require special processing, such as IN, because * the value data they pass in is not a simple value. This is a simple * overridable lookup function. Database connections should define only * those operators they wish to be handled differently than the default. * * @see DatabaseCondition::compile(). * @param $operator * The condition operator, such as "IN", "BETWEEN", etc. Case-sensitive. * @return * The extra handling directives for the specified operator, or NULL. */ abstract public function mapConditionOperator($operator); /** * Throws an exception to deny direct access to transaction commits. * * We do not want to allow users to commit transactions at any time, only * by destroying the transaction object or allowing it to go out of scope. * A direct commit bypasses all of the safety checks we've built on top of * PDO's transaction routines. * * @see DatabaseTransaction */ public function commit() { throw new ExplicitTransactionsNotSupportedException(); } } /** * Primary front-controller for the database system. * * This class is uninstantiatable and un-extendable. It acts to encapsulate * all control and shepherding of database connections into a single location * without the use of globals. * */ abstract class Database { /** * Flag to indicate a query call should simply return NULL. * * This is used for queries that have no reasonable return value * anyway, such as INSERT statements to a table without a serial * primary key. */ const RETURN_NULL = 0; /** * Flag to indicate a query call should return the prepared statement. */ const RETURN_STATEMENT = 1; /** * Flag to indicate a query call should return the number of affected rows. */ const RETURN_AFFECTED = 2; /** * Flag to indicate a query call should return the "last insert id". */ const RETURN_INSERT_ID = 3; /** * An nested array of all active connections. It is keyed by database name and target. * * @var array */ static protected $connections = array(); /** * A processed copy of the database connection information from settings.php * * @var array */ static protected $databaseInfo = NULL; /** * A list of key/target credentials to simply ignore. * * @var array */ static protected $ignoreTargets = array(); /** * The key of the currently active database connection. * * @var string */ static protected $activeKey = 'default'; /** * An array of active query log objects. * * Every connection has one and only one logger object for all targets * and logging keys. * * array( * '$db_key' => DatabaseLog object. * ); * * @var array */ static protected $logs = array(); /** * Start logging a given logging key on the specified connection. * * @see DatabaseLog * @param $logging_key * The logging key to log. * @param $key * The database connection key for which we want to log. * @return * The query log object. Note that the log object does support richer * methods than the few exposed through the Database class, so in some * cases it may be desirable to access it directly. */ final public static function startLog($logging_key, $key = 'default') { if (empty(self::$logs[$key])) { self::$logs[$key] = new DatabaseLog($key); // Every target already active for this connection key needs to have // the logging object associated with it. if (!empty(self::$connections[$key])) { foreach (self::$connections[$key] as $connection) { $connection->setLogger(self::$logs[$key]); } } } self::$logs[$key]->start($logging_key); return self::$logs[$key]; } /** * Retrieve the queries logged on for given logging key. * * This method also ends logging for the specified key. To get the query log * to date without ending the logger request the logging object by starting * it again (which does nothing to an open log key) and call methods on it as * desired. * * @see DatabaseLog * @param $logging_key * The logging key to log. * @param $key * The database connection key for which we want to log. * @return * The query log for the specified logging key and connection. */ final public static function getLog($logging_key, $key = 'default') { if (empty(self::$logs[$key])) { return NULL; } $queries = self::$logs[$key]->get($logging_key); self::$logs[$key]->end($logging_key); return $queries; } /** * Gets the active connection object for the specified target. * * @return * The active connection object. */ final public static function getActiveConnection($target = 'default') { // This could just be a call to getConnection(), but that's an extra // method call for every single query. // If the requested target does not exist, or if it is ignored, we fall back // to the default target. The target is typically either "default" or "slave", // indicating to use a slave SQL server if one is available. If it's not // available, then the default/master server is the correct server to use. if (!empty(self::$ignoreTargets[self::$activeKey][$target]) || !isset(self::$databaseInfo[self::$activeKey][$target])) { $target = 'default'; } if (!isset(self::$connections[self::$activeKey][$target])) { self::openConnection(self::$activeKey, $target); } return isset(self::$connections[self::$activeKey][$target]) ? self::$connections[self::$activeKey][$target] : NULL; } /** * Gets the connection object for the specified database key and target. * * @return * The corresponding connection object. */ final public static function getConnection($key = 'default', $target = 'default') { // If the requested target does not exist, or if it is ignored, we fall back // to the default target. The target is typically either "default" or "slave", // indicating to use a slave SQL server if one is available. If it's not // available, then the default/master server is the correct server to use. if (!empty(self::$ignoreTargets[$key][$target]) || !isset(self::$databaseInfo[$key][$target])) { $target = 'default'; } if (!isset(self::$connections[$key][$target])) { self::openConnection($key, $target); } return isset(self::$connections[$key][$target]) ? self::$connections[$key][$target] : NULL; } /** * Determine if there is an active connection. * * Note that this method will return FALSE if no connection has been established * yet, even if one could be. * * @return * TRUE if there is at least one database connection established, FALSE otherwise. */ final public static function isActiveConnection() { return !empty(self::$activeKey) && !empty(self::$connections) && !empty(self::$connections[self::$activeKey]); } /** * Set the active connection to the specified key. * * @return * The previous database connection key. */ final public static function setActiveConnection($key = 'default') { if (empty(self::$databaseInfo)) { self::parseConnectionInfo(); } if (!empty(self::$databaseInfo[$key])) { $old_key = self::$activeKey; self::$activeKey = $key; return $old_key; } } /** * Process the configuration file for database information. */ final protected static function parseConnectionInfo() { global $databases; _db_check_install_needed(); $databaseInfo = $databases; foreach ($databaseInfo as $index => $info) { foreach ($databaseInfo[$index] as $target => $value) { // If there is no "driver" property, then we assume it's an array of // possible connections for this target. Pick one at random. That // allows us to have, for example, multiple slave servers. if (empty($value['driver'])) { $databaseInfo[$index][$target] = $databaseInfo[$index][$target][mt_rand(0, count($databaseInfo[$index][$target]) - 1)]; } } } self::$databaseInfo = $databaseInfo; } /** * Add database connection info for a given key/target. * * This method allows the addition of new connection credentials at runtime. * Under normal circumstances the preferred way to specify database credentials * is via settings.php. However, this method allows them to be added at * arbitrary times, such as during unit tests, when connecting to admin-defined * third party databases, etc. * * If the given key/target pair already exists, this method will be ignored. * * @param $key * The database key. * @param $target * The database target name. * @param $info * The database connection information, as it would be defined in settings.php. * Note that the structure of this array will depend on the database driver * it is connecting to. */ public static function addConnectionInfo($key, $target, $info) { if (empty(self::$databaseInfo[$key][$target])) { self::$databaseInfo[$key][$target] = $info; } } /** * Gets information on the specified database connection. * * @param $connection * The connection key for which we want information. */ final public static function getConnectionInfo($key = 'default') { if (empty(self::$databaseInfo)) { self::parseConnectionInfo(); } if (!empty(self::$databaseInfo[$key])) { return self::$databaseInfo[$key]; } } /** * Open a connection to the server specified by the given key and target. * * @param $key * The database connection key, as specified in settings.php. The default * is "default". * @param $target * The database target to open. */ final protected static function openConnection($key, $target) { global $db_prefix; if (empty(self::$databaseInfo)) { self::parseConnectionInfo(); } try { // If the requested database does not exist then it is an unrecoverable error. if (!isset(self::$databaseInfo[$key])) { throw new Exception('DB does not exist'); } if (!$driver = self::$databaseInfo[$key][$target]['driver']) { throw new Exception('Drupal is not set up'); } // We cannot rely on the registry yet, because the registry requires // an open database connection. $driver_class = 'DatabaseConnection_' . $driver; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/database/' . $driver . '/database.inc'; self::$connections[$key][$target] = new $driver_class(self::$databaseInfo[$key][$target]); self::$connections[$key][$target]->setTarget($target); // If we have any active logging objects for this connection key, we need // to associate them with the connection we just opened. if (!empty(self::$logs[$key])) { self::$connections[$key][$target]->setLogger(self::$logs[$key]); } // We need to pass around the simpletest database prefix in the request // and we put that in the user_agent header. if (preg_match("/^simpletest\d+$/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $db_prefix .= $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } } catch (Exception $e) { // It is extremely rare that an exception will be generated here other // than when installing. We therefore intercept it and try the installer, // passing on the exception otherwise. _db_check_install_needed(); throw $e; } } /** * Instruct the system to temporarily ignore a given key/target. * * At times we need to temporarily disable slave queries. To do so, * call this method with the database key and the target to disable. * That database key will then always fall back to 'default' for that * key, even if it's defined. * * @param $key * The database connection key. * @param $target * The target of the specified key to ignore. */ public static function ignoreTarget($key, $target) { self::$ignoreTargets[$key][$target] = TRUE; } } /** * Exception to mark databases that do not support transations. * * This exception will be thrown when a transaction is started that does not * allow for the "silent fallback" of no transaction and the database connection * in use does not support transactions. The calling code must then take * appropriate action. */ class TransactionsNotSupportedException extends Exception { } /** * Exception to throw when popTransaction() is called when no transaction is active. */ class NoActiveTransactionException extends Exception { } /** * Exception to deny attempts to explicitly manage transactions. * * This exception will be thrown when the PDO connection commit() is called. * Code should never call this method directly. */ class ExplicitTransactionsNotSupportedException extends Exception { } /** * Exception thrown for merge queries that do not make semantic sense. * * There are many ways that a merge query could be malformed. They should all * throw this exception and set an appropriately descriptive message. */ class InvalidMergeQueryException extends Exception {} /** * A wrapper class for creating and managing database transactions. * * Not all databases or database configurations support transactions. For * example, MySQL MyISAM tables do not. It is also easy to begin a transaction * and then forget to commit it, which can lead to connection errors when * another transaction is started. * * This class acts as a wrapper for transactions. To begin a transaction, * simply instantiate it. When the object goes out of scope and is destroyed * it will automatically commit. It also will check to see if the specified * connection supports transactions. If not, it will simply skip any transaction * commands, allowing user-space code to proceed normally. The only difference * is that rollbacks won't actually do anything. * * In the vast majority of cases, you should not instantiate this class directly. * Instead, call ->startTransaction(), from the appropriate connection object. */ class DatabaseTransaction { /** * The connection object for this transaction. * * @var DatabaseConnection */ protected $connection; public function __construct(DatabaseConnection &$connection) { $this->connection = &$connection; $this->connection->pushTransaction(); } public function __destruct() { $this->connection->popTransaction(); } } /** * A prepared statement. * * Some methods in that class are purposely commented out. Due to a change in * how PHP defines PDOStatement, we can't define a signature for those methods that * will work the same way between versions older than 5.2.6 and later versions. * * Please refer to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=42452 for more details. * * Child implementations should either extend PDOStatement: * @code * class DatabaseStatement_oracle extends PDOStatement implements DatabaseStatementInterface {} * @endcode * * or implement their own class, but in that case they will also have to implement * the Iterator or IteratorArray interfaces before DatabaseStatementInterface: * @code * class DatabaseStatement_oracle implements Iterator, DatabaseStatementInterface {} * @endcode */ interface DatabaseStatementInterface extends Traversable { /** * Executes a prepared statement * * @param $args * An array of values with as many elements as there are bound parameters in the SQL statement being executed. * @param $options * An array of options for this query. * @return * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ public function execute($args, $options); /** * Get the query string of that statement. * * @return * The query string, in its form with placeholders. */ public function getQueryString(); /** * Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement. * * @return * The number of rows affected by the last DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE * statement executed */ public function rowCount(); /** * Set the default fetch mode for this statement. * * See http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.constants.php for the definition of the * constants used. * * @param $mode * One of the PDO::FETCH_* constants. * @param $a1 * An option depending of the fetch mode specified by $mode: * - for PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, it is the index of the column to fetch, * - for PDO::FETCH_CLASS, it is the name of the class to create, and * - for PDO::FETCH_INTO, it is the object to add the data to. * @param $a2 * In case of when mode is PDO::FETCH_CLASS, the optional arguments to * pass to the constructor. */ // public function setFetchMode($mode, $a1 = NULL, $a2 = array()); /** * Fetches the next row from a result set. * * See http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.constants.php for the definition of the * constants used. * * @param $mode * One of the PDO::FETCH_* constants. * Default to what was specified by setFetchMode(). * @param $cursor_orientation * Not implemented in all database drivers, don't use. * @param $cursor_offset * Not implemented in all database drivers, don't use. * @return * A result, formatted according to $mode. */ // public function fetch($mode = NULL, $cursor_orientation = NULL, $cursor_offset = NULL); /** * Return a single field out of the current * * @param $index * The numeric index of the field to return. Defaults to the first field. * @return * A single field from the next record. */ public function fetchField($index = 0); /** * Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. * * The object will be of the class specified by DatabaseStatementInterface::setFetchMode() * or stdClass if not specified. */ // public function fetchObject(); /** * Fetches the next row and returns it as an associative array. * * This method corresponds to PDOStatement::fetchObject(), * but for associative arrays. For some reason PDOStatement does * not have a corresponding array helper method, so one is added. * * @return * An associative array. */ public function fetchAssoc(); /** * Returns an array containing all of the result set rows. * * @param $mode * One of the PDO::FETCH_* constants. * @param $column_index * If $mode is PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, the index of the column to fetch. * @param $constructor_arguments * If $mode is PDO::FETCH_CLASS, the arguments to pass to the constructor. * @return * An array of results. */ // function fetchAll($mode = NULL, $column_index = NULL, array $constructor_arguments); /** * Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array. * * Note that this method will run the result set to the end. * * @param $index * The index of the column number to fetch. * @return * An indexed array. */ public function fetchCol($index = 0); /** * Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. * * This method is only useful for two-column result sets. It will return * an associative array where the key is one column from the result set * and the value is another field. In most cases, the default of the first two * columns is appropriate. * * Note that this method will run the result set to the end. * * @param $key_index * The numeric index of the field to use as the array key. * @param $value_index * The numeric index of the field to use as the array value. * @return * An associative array. */ public function fetchAllKeyed($key_index = 0, $value_index = 1); /** * Returns an entire result set as an associative array keyed by the named field. * * If the given key appears multiple times, later records will overwrite * earlier ones. * * Note that this method will run the result set to the end. * * @param $key * The name of the field on which to index the array. * @param $fetch * The fetchmode to use. If set to PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_NUM, or * PDO::FETCH_BOTH the returned value with be an array of arrays. For any * other value it will be an array of objects. * @return * An associative array. */ public function fetchAllAssoc($key, $fetch = PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } /** * Default implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface. * * PDO allows us to extend the PDOStatement class to provide additional * functionality beyond that offered by default. We do need extra * functionality. By default, this class is not driver-specific. If a given * driver needs to set a custom statement class, it may do so in its constructor. * * @link http://us.php.net/pdostatement */ class DatabaseStatementBase extends PDOStatement implements DatabaseStatementInterface { /** * Reference to the database connection object for this statement. * * The name $dbh is inherited from PDOStatement. * * @var DatabaseConnection */ public $dbh; protected function __construct($dbh) { $this->dbh = $dbh; $this->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } public function execute($args, $options) { if (isset($options['fetch'])) { if (is_string($options['fetch'])) { // Default to an object. Note: db fields will be added to the object // before the constructor is run. If you need to assign fields after // the constructor is run, see http://drupal.org/node/315092. $this->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $options['fetch']); } else { $this->setFetchMode($options['fetch']); } } $this->dbh->lastStatement = $this; $logger = $this->dbh->getLogger(); if (!empty($logger)) { $query_start = microtime(TRUE); } $return = parent::execute($args); if (!empty($logger)) { $query_end = microtime(TRUE); $logger->log($this, $args, $query_end - $query_start); } return $return; } public function getQueryString() { return $this->queryString; } public function fetchCol($index = 0) { return $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, $index); } public function fetchAllAssoc($key, $fetch = PDO::FETCH_OBJ) { $return = array(); $this->setFetchMode($fetch); if (in_array($fetch, array(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_NUM, PDO::FETCH_BOTH))) { foreach ($this as $record) { $return[$record[$key]] = $record; } } else { foreach ($this as $record) { $return[$record->$key] = $record; } } return $return; } public function fetchAllKeyed($key_index = 0, $value_index = 1) { $return = array(); $this->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_NUM); foreach ($this as $record) { $return[$record[$key_index]] = $record[$value_index]; } return $return; } public function fetchField($index = 0) { // Call PDOStatement::fetchColumn to fetch the field. return $this->fetchColumn($index); } public function fetchAssoc() { // Call PDOStatement::fetch to fetch the row. return $this->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } } /** * The following utility functions are simply convenience wrappers. * They should never, ever have any database-specific code in them. */ /** * Execute an arbitrary query string against the active database. * * Do not use this function for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries. Those should * be handled via the appropriate query builder factory. Use this function for * SELECT queries that do not require a query builder. * * @see DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() * @param $query * The prepared statement query to run. Although it will accept both * named and unnamed placeholders, named placeholders are strongly preferred * as they are more self-documenting. * @param $args * An array of values to substitute into the query. If the query uses named * placeholders, this is an associative array in any order. If the query uses * unnamed placeholders (?), this is an indexed array and the order must match * the order of placeholders in the query string. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. * @return * A prepared statement object, already executed. */ function db_query($query, $args = array(), $options = array()) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); } list($query, $args, $options) = _db_query_process_args($query, $args, $options); return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->query($query, $args, $options); } /** * Execute an arbitrary query string against the active database, restricted to a specified range. * * @see DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() * @param $query * The prepared statement query to run. Although it will accept both * named and unnamed placeholders, named placeholders are strongly preferred * as they are more self-documenting. * @param $args * An array of values to substitute into the query. If the query uses named * placeholders, this is an associative array in any order. If the query uses * unnamed placeholders (?), this is an indexed array and the order must match * the order of placeholders in the query string. * @param $from * The first record from the result set to return. * @param $limit * The number of records to return from the result set. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. * @return * A prepared statement object, already executed. */ function db_query_range($query, $args, $from = 0, $count = 0, $options = array()) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $count = array_pop($args); $from = array_pop($args); } list($query, $args, $options) = _db_query_process_args($query, $args, $options); return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->queryRange($query, $args, $from, $count, $options); } /** * Execute a query string against the active database and save the result set to a temp table. * * @see DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() * @param $query * The prepared statement query to run. Although it will accept both * named and unnamed placeholders, named placeholders are strongly preferred * as they are more self-documenting. * @param $args * An array of values to substitute into the query. If the query uses named * placeholders, this is an associative array in any order. If the query uses * unnamed placeholders (?), this is an indexed array and the order must match * the order of placeholders in the query string. * @param $tablename * The name of the temporary table to select into. This name will not be * prefixed as there is no risk of collision. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. */ function db_query_temporary($query, $args, $tablename, $options = array()) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); } list($query, $args, $options) = _db_query_process_args($query, $args, $options); return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->queryTemporary($query, $args, $tablename, $options); } /** * Returns a new InsertQuery object for the active database. * * @param $table * The table into which to insert. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. * @return * A new InsertQuery object for this connection. */ function db_insert($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($options['target']) || $options['target'] == 'slave') { $options['target'] = 'default'; } return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->insert($table, $options); } /** * Returns a new MergeQuery object for the active database. * * @param $table * The table into which to merge. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. * @return * A new MergeQuery object for this connection. */ function db_merge($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($options['target']) || $options['target'] == 'slave') { $options['target'] = 'default'; } return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->merge($table, $options); } /** * Returns a new UpdateQuery object for the active database. * * @param $table * The table to update. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. * @return * A new UpdateQuery object for this connection. */ function db_update($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($options['target']) || $options['target'] == 'slave') { $options['target'] = 'default'; } return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->update($table, $options); } /** * Returns a new DeleteQuery object for the active database. * * @param $table * The table from which to delete. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. * @return * A new DeleteQuery object for this connection. */ function db_delete($table, array $options = array()) { if (empty($options['target']) || $options['target'] == 'slave') { $options['target'] = 'default'; } return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->delete($table, $options); } /** * Returns a new SelectQuery object for the active database. * * @param $table * The base table for this query. May be a string or another SelectQuery * object. If a query object is passed, it will be used as a subselect. * @param $alias * The alias for the base table of this query. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the query operates. * @return * A new SelectQuery object for this connection. */ function db_select($table, $alias = NULL, array $options = array()) { if (empty($options['target'])) { $options['target'] = 'default'; } return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->select($table, $alias, $options); } /** * Returns a new transaction object for the active database. * * @param $required * TRUE if the calling code will not function properly without transaction * support. If set to TRUE and the active database does not support transactions * a TransactionsNotSupportedException exception will be thrown. * @param $options * An array of options to control how the transaction operates. Only the * target key has any meaning in this case. * @return * A new DatabaseTransaction object for this connection. */ function db_transaction($required = FALSE, Array $options = array()) { if (empty($options['target'])) { $options['target'] = 'default'; } return Database::getActiveConnection($options['target'])->startTransaction($required); } /** * Sets a new active database. * * @param $key * The key in the $databases array to set as the default database. * @returns * The key of the formerly active database. */ function db_set_active($key = 'default') { return Database::setActiveConnection($key); } /** * Determine if there is an active connection. * * Note that this method will return FALSE if no connection has been established * yet, even if one could be. * * @return * TRUE if there is at least one database connection established, FALSE otherwise. */ function db_is_active() { return Database::isActiveConnection(); } /** * Restrict a dynamic table, column or constraint name to safe characters. * * Only keeps alphanumeric and underscores. * * @param $table * The table name to escape. * @return * The escaped table name as a string. */ function db_escape_table($table) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->escapeTable($table); } /** * Perform an SQL query and return success or failure. * * @param $sql * A string containing a complete SQL query. %-substitution * parameters are not supported. * @return * An array containing the keys: * success: a boolean indicating whether the query succeeded * query: the SQL query executed, passed through check_plain() */ function update_sql($sql) { $result = Database::getActiveConnection()->query($sql); return array('success' => $result !== FALSE, 'query' => check_plain($sql)); } /** * Generate placeholders for an array of query arguments of a single type. * * Given a Schema API field type, return correct %-placeholders to * embed in a query * * @todo This may be possible to remove in favor of db_select(). * @param $arguments * An array with at least one element. * @param $type * The Schema API type of a field (e.g. 'int', 'text', or 'varchar'). */ function db_placeholders($arguments, $type = 'int') { $placeholder = db_type_placeholder($type); return implode(',', array_fill(0, count($arguments), $placeholder)); } /** * Wraps the given table.field entry with a DISTINCT(). The wrapper is added to * the SELECT list entry of the given query and the resulting query is returned. * This function only applies the wrapper if a DISTINCT doesn't already exist in * the query. * * @todo Remove this. * @param $table * Table containing the field to set as DISTINCT * @param $field * Field to set as DISTINCT * @param $query * Query to apply the wrapper to * @return * SQL query with the DISTINCT wrapper surrounding the given table.field. */ function db_distinct_field($table, $field, $query) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->distinctField($table, $field, $query); } /** * Retrieve the name of the currently active database driver, such as * "mysql" or "pgsql". * * @return The name of the currently active database driver. */ function db_driver() { return Database::getActiveConnection()->driver(); } /** * @} End of "defgroup database". */ /** * @ingroup schemaapi * @{ */ /** * Create a new table from a Drupal table definition. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $name * The name of the table to create. * @param $table * A Schema API table definition array. */ function db_create_table(&$ret, $name, $table) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->createTable($ret, $name, $table); } /** * Return an array of field names from an array of key/index column specifiers. * * This is usually an identity function but if a key/index uses a column prefix * specification, this function extracts just the name. * * @param $fields * An array of key/index column specifiers. * @return * An array of field names. */ function db_field_names($fields) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->fieldNames($fields); } /** * Check if a table exists. */ function db_table_exists($table) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->tableExists($table); } /** * Check if a column exists in the given table. */ function db_column_exists($table, $column) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->columnExists($table, $column); } /** * Find all tables that are like the specified base table name. * * @param $table_expression * An SQL expression, for example "simpletest%" (without the quotes). * BEWARE: this is not prefixed, the caller should take care of that. * @return * Array, both the keys and the values are the matching tables. */ function db_find_tables($table_expression) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->findTables($table_expression); } /** * Given a Schema API field type, return the correct %-placeholder. * * Embed the placeholder in a query to be passed to db_query and and pass as an * argument to db_query a value of the specified type. * * @todo Remove this after all queries are converted to type-agnostic form. * @param $type * The Schema API type of a field. * @return * The placeholder string to embed in a query for that type. */ function db_type_placeholder($type) { switch ($type) { case 'varchar': case 'char': case 'text': case 'datetime': return '\'%s\''; case 'numeric': // Numeric values are arbitrary precision numbers. Syntactically, numerics // should be specified directly in SQL. However, without single quotes // the %s placeholder does not protect against non-numeric characters such // as spaces which would expose us to SQL injection. return '%n'; case 'serial': case 'int': return '%d'; case 'float': return '%f'; case 'blob': return '%b'; } // There is no safe value to return here, so return something that // will cause the query to fail. return 'unsupported type ' . $type . 'for db_type_placeholder'; } function _db_create_keys_sql($spec) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->createKeysSql($spec); } /** * This maps a generic data type in combination with its data size * to the engine-specific data type. */ function db_type_map() { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->getFieldTypeMap(); } /** * Rename a table. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be renamed. * @param $new_name * The new name for the table. */ function db_rename_table(&$ret, $table, $new_name) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->renameTable($ret, $table, $new_name); } /** * Drop a table. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be dropped. */ function db_drop_table(&$ret, $table) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->dropTable($ret, $table); } /** * Add a new field to a table. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * Name of the table to be altered. * @param $field * Name of the field to be added. * @param $spec * The field specification array, as taken from a schema definition. * The specification may also contain the key 'initial', the newly * created field will be set to the value of the key in all rows. * This is most useful for creating NOT NULL columns with no default * value in existing tables. * @param $keys_new * Optional keys and indexes specification to be created on the * table along with adding the field. The format is the same as a * table specification but without the 'fields' element. If you are * adding a type 'serial' field, you MUST specify at least one key * or index including it in this array. @see db_change_field for more * explanation why. */ function db_add_field(&$ret, $table, $field, $spec, $keys_new = array()) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->addField($ret, $table, $field, $spec, $keys_new); } /** * Drop a field. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $field * The field to be dropped. */ function db_drop_field(&$ret, $table, $field) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->dropField($ret, $table, $field); } /** * Set the default value for a field. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $field * The field to be altered. * @param $default * Default value to be set. NULL for 'default NULL'. */ function db_field_set_default(&$ret, $table, $field, $default) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->fieldSetDefault($ret, $table, $field, $default); } /** * Set a field to have no default value. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $field * The field to be altered. */ function db_field_set_no_default(&$ret, $table, $field) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->fieldSetNoDefault($ret, $table, $field); } /** * Add a primary key. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $fields * Fields for the primary key. */ function db_add_primary_key(&$ret, $table, $fields) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->addPrimaryKey($ret, $table, $fields); } /** * Drop the primary key. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. */ function db_drop_primary_key(&$ret, $table) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->dropPrimaryKey($ret, $table); } /** * Add a unique key. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $name * The name of the key. * @param $fields * An array of field names. */ function db_add_unique_key(&$ret, $table, $name, $fields) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->addUniqueKey($ret, $table, $name, $fields); } /** * Drop a unique key. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $name * The name of the key. */ function db_drop_unique_key(&$ret, $table, $name) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->dropUniqueKey($ret, $table, $name); } /** * Add an index. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $name * The name of the index. * @param $fields * An array of field names. */ function db_add_index(&$ret, $table, $name, $fields) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->addIndex($ret, $table, $name, $fields); } /** * Drop an index. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * The table to be altered. * @param $name * The name of the index. */ function db_drop_index(&$ret, $table, $name) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->dropIndex($ret, $table, $name); } /** * Change a field definition. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: To maintain database portability, you have to explicitly * recreate all indices and primary keys that are using the changed field. * * That means that you have to drop all affected keys and indexes with * db_drop_{primary_key,unique_key,index}() before calling db_change_field(). * To recreate the keys and indices, pass the key definitions as the * optional $keys_new argument directly to db_change_field(). * * For example, suppose you have: * @code * $schema['foo'] = array( * 'fields' => array( * 'bar' => array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE) * ), * 'primary key' => array('bar') * ); * @endcode * and you want to change foo.bar to be type serial, leaving it as the * primary key. The correct sequence is: * @code * db_drop_primary_key($ret, 'foo'); * db_change_field($ret, 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', * array('type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE), * array('primary key' => array('bar'))); * @endcode * * The reasons for this are due to the different database engines: * * On PostgreSQL, changing a field definition involves adding a new field * and dropping an old one which* causes any indices, primary keys and * sequences (from serial-type fields) that use the changed field to be dropped. * * On MySQL, all type 'serial' fields must be part of at least one key * or index as soon as they are created. You cannot use * db_add_{primary_key,unique_key,index}() for this purpose because * the ALTER TABLE command will fail to add the column without a key * or index specification. The solution is to use the optional * $keys_new argument to create the key or index at the same time as * field. * * You could use db_add_{primary_key,unique_key,index}() in all cases * unless you are converting a field to be type serial. You can use * the $keys_new argument in all cases. * * @param $ret * Array to which query results will be added. * @param $table * Name of the table. * @param $field * Name of the field to change. * @param $field_new * New name for the field (set to the same as $field if you don't want to change the name). * @param $spec * The field specification for the new field. * @param $keys_new * Optional keys and indexes specification to be created on the * table along with changing the field. The format is the same as a * table specification but without the 'fields' element. */ function db_change_field(&$ret, $table, $field, $field_new, $spec, $keys_new = array()) { return Database::getActiveConnection()->schema()->changeField($ret, $table, $field, $field_new, $spec, $keys_new); } /** * @} End of "ingroup schemaapi". */ /** * Prints a themed maintenance page with the 'Site offline' text, * adding the provided error message in the case of 'display_errors' * set to on. Ends the page request; no return. */ function _db_error_page($error = '') { global $db_type; drupal_init_language(); drupal_maintenance_theme(); drupal_set_header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 503 Service Unavailable'); drupal_set_title('Site offline'); } /** * @ingroup database-legacy * * These functions are no longer necessary, as the DatabaseStatementInterface interface * offers this and much more functionality. They are kept temporarily for backward * compatibility during conversion and should be removed as soon as possible. * * @{ */ function db_fetch_object(DatabaseStatementInterface $statement) { return $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } function db_fetch_array(DatabaseStatementInterface $statement) { return $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } function db_result(DatabaseStatementInterface $statement) { return $statement->fetchField(); } /** * Redirect the user to the installation script if Drupal has not been * installed yet (i.e., if no $databases array has been defined in the * settings file) and we are not already there. Otherwise, do nothing. */ function _db_check_install_needed() { global $databases; if (empty($databases) && !function_exists('install_main')) { include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/install.inc'; install_goto('install.php'); } } /** * Backward-compatibility utility. * * This function should be removed after all queries have been converted * to the new API. It is temporary only. * * @todo Remove this once the query conversion is complete. */ function _db_query_process_args($query, $args, $options) { if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } if (empty($options['target'])) { $options['target'] = 'default'; } // Temporary backward-compatibility hacks. Remove later. $old_query = $query; $query = str_replace(array('%n', '%d', '%f', '%b', "'%s'", '%s'), '?', $old_query); if ($old_query !== $query) { $args = array_values($args); // The old system allowed named arrays, but PDO doesn't if you use ?. } // A large number of queries pass FALSE or empty-string for // int/float fields because the previous version of db_query() // casted them to int/float, resulting in 0. MySQL PDO happily // accepts these values as zero but PostgreSQL PDO does not, and I // do not feel like tracking down and fixing every such query at // this time. if (preg_match_all('/%([dsfb])/', $old_query, $m) > 0) { foreach ($m[1] as $idx => $char) { switch ($char) { case 'd': $args[$idx] = (int) $args[$idx]; break; case 'f': $args[$idx] = (float) $args[$idx]; break; } } } return array($query, $args, $options); } /** * Returns the last insert id. * * @todo Remove this function when all queries have been ported to db_insert(). * @param $table * The name of the table you inserted into. * @param $field * The name of the autoincrement field. */ function db_last_insert_id($table, $field) { $sequence_name = Database::getActiveConnection()->makeSequenceName($table, $field); return Database::getActiveConnection()->lastInsertId($sequence_name); } /** * Determine the number of rows changed by the preceding query. * * This may not work, actually, without some tricky temp code. * * @todo Remove this function when all queries have been ported to db_update(). */ function db_affected_rows() { $statement = Database::getActiveConnection()->lastStatement; if (!$statement) { return 0; } return $statement->rowCount(); } /** * Helper function for db_rewrite_sql. * * Collects JOIN and WHERE statements via hook_db_rewrite_sql() * Decides whether to select primary_key or DISTINCT(primary_key) * * @todo Remove this function when all code has been converted to query_alter. * @param $query * Query to be rewritten. * @param $primary_table * Name or alias of the table which has the primary key field for this query. * Typical table names would be: {block}, {comment}, {forum}, {node}, * {menu}, {term_data} or {vocabulary}. However, in most cases the usual * table alias (b, c, f, n, m, t or v) is used instead of the table name. * @param $primary_field * Name of the primary field. * @param $args * Array of additional arguments. * @return * An array: join statements, where statements, field or DISTINCT(field). */ function _db_rewrite_sql($query = '', $primary_table = 'n', $primary_field = 'nid', $args = array()) { $where = array(); $join = array(); $distinct = FALSE; foreach (module_implements('db_rewrite_sql') as $module) { $result = module_invoke($module, 'db_rewrite_sql', $query, $primary_table, $primary_field, $args); if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) { if (isset($result['where'])) { $where[] = $result['where']; } if (isset($result['join'])) { $join[] = $result['join']; } if (isset($result['distinct']) && $result['distinct']) { $distinct = TRUE; } } elseif (isset($result)) { $where[] = $result; } } $where = empty($where) ? '' : '(' . implode(') AND (', $where) . ')'; $join = empty($join) ? '' : implode(' ', $join); return array($join, $where, $distinct); } /** * Rewrites node, taxonomy and comment queries. Use it for listing queries. Do not * use FROM table1, table2 syntax, use JOIN instead. * * @todo Remove this function when all code has been converted to query_alter. * @param $query * Query to be rewritten. * @param $primary_table * Name or alias of the table which has the primary key field for this query. * Typical table names would be: {block}, {comment}, {forum}, {node}, * {menu}, {term_data} or {vocabulary}. However, it is more common to use the * the usual table aliases: b, c, f, n, m, t or v. * @param $primary_field * Name of the primary field. * @param $args * An array of arguments, passed to the implementations of hook_db_rewrite_sql. * @return * The original query with JOIN and WHERE statements inserted from * hook_db_rewrite_sql implementations. nid is rewritten if needed. */ function db_rewrite_sql($query, $primary_table = 'n', $primary_field = 'nid', $args = array()) { list($join, $where, $distinct) = _db_rewrite_sql($query, $primary_table, $primary_field, $args); if ($distinct) { $query = db_distinct_field($primary_table, $primary_field, $query); } if (!empty($where) || !empty($join)) { $pattern = '{ # Beginning of the string ^ ((?P # Everything within this set of parentheses is named "anonymous view" (?: [^()]++ # anything not parentheses | \( (?P>anonymous_view) \) # an open parenthesis, more "anonymous view" and finally a close parenthesis. )* )[^()]+WHERE) }x'; preg_match($pattern, $query, $matches); if ($where) { $n = strlen($matches[1]); $second_part = substr($query, $n); $first_part = substr($matches[1], 0, $n - 5) ." $join WHERE $where AND ( "; foreach (array('GROUP', 'ORDER', 'LIMIT') as $needle) { $pos = strrpos($second_part, $needle); if ($pos !== FALSE) { // All needles are five characters long. $pos += 5; break; } } if ($pos === FALSE) { $query = $first_part . $second_part . ')'; } else { $query = $first_part . substr($second_part, 0, -$pos) . ')' . substr($second_part, -$pos); } } else { $query = $matches[1] . " $join " . substr($query, strlen($matches[1])); } } return $query; } /** * @} End of "ingroup database-legacy". */