// $Id$ (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.menuFieldsetSummaries = { attach: function (context) { $('fieldset.menu-link-form', context).setSummary(function (context) { if ($('#edit-menu-enabled', context).attr('checked')) { return Drupal.checkPlain($('#edit-menu-link-title', context).val()); } else { return Drupal.t('Not in menu'); } }); } }; /** * Automatically fill in a menu link title, if possible. */ Drupal.behaviors.menuLinkAutomaticTitle = { attach: function (context) { // Try to find menu settings widget elements as well as a 'title' field in // the form, but play nicely with user permissions and form alterations. var $checkbox = $('fieldset.menu-link-form #edit-menu-enabled', context); var $link_title = $('#menu-wrapper #edit-menu-link-title', context); var $title = $('#menu-wrapper', context).closest('form').find('#title-wrapper input.form-text'); // Bail out if we do not have all required fields. if (!($checkbox.length && $link_title.length && $title.length)) { return; } // If there is a link title already, mark it as overridden. The user expects // that toggling the checkbox twice will take over the node's title. if ($checkbox.attr('checked') && $link_title.val().length) { $link_title.data('menuLinkAutomaticTitleOveridden', true); } // Whenever the value is changed manually, disable this behavior. $link_title.keyup(function () { $link_title.data('menuLinkAutomaticTitleOveridden', true); }); // Global trigger on checkbox (do not fill-in a value when disabled). $checkbox.change(function () { if ($checkbox.attr('checked')) { if (!$link_title.data('menuLinkAutomaticTitleOveridden')) { $link_title.val($title.val()); } } else { $link_title.val(''); $link_title.removeData('menuLinkAutomaticTitleOveridden'); } $checkbox.closest('fieldset.vertical-tabs-pane').trigger('summaryUpdated'); }); // Take over any title change. $title.keyup(function () { if (!$link_title.data('menuLinkAutomaticTitleOveridden') && $checkbox.attr('checked')) { $link_title.val($title.val()); } }); } }; })(jQuery);