drupal x.x.x, xx/xx/xxxx
- added tracker.module:
    * replaces the previous "your [site]" links.
- added weblogs.module.
- themes:
    * cleaned up the theme system.
    * moved themes that are not maintained to contributions CVS repository.
    * added theme Trillian.
- database abstraction:
    * changed to PEAR database abstraction layer.
    * using ANSI SQL queries to be more portable.
- rewrote the user system:
    * added support for Drupal authentication through XML-RPC and through a Jabber server.
- various updates:
    * improved the search system by making it context sensitive.
    * fixed node retrieval based on titles.
    * improved multiple sites using the same Drupal database support.
    * added support for session ids in URLs instead of cookies.
    * made front page a configuration setting.

drupal 3.0.1, 15/10/2001
- various updates:
    * added missing translations
    * updated the themes: tidied up some HTML code and added new Drupal logos.

drupal 3.0.0, 15/09/2001
- major overhaul of the entire underlying design:
    * everything is based on nodes: nodes are a conceptual "black box" to couple and manage different types of content and that promotes reusing existing code, thus reducing the complexity and size of drupal as well as improving long-term stability.
- rewrote submission/moderation queue and renamed it to queue.module.
- removed FAQ and documentation module and merged them into a "book module".
- removed ban module and integrated it into account.module as "access control":
    * access control is based on much more powerful regular expressions (regex) now rather than on MySQL pattern matching.
- rewrote watchdog and submission throttle:
    * improved watchdog messages and added watchdog filter.
- rewrote headline code and renamed it to import.module and export.module:
    * added various improvements, including a better parser, bundles and better control over individual feeds.
- rewrote section code and renamed it to meta.module:
    * supports unlimeted amount of nested topics.  Topics can be nested to create a multi-level hierarchy.
- rewrote configuration file resolving:
    * Drupal tries to locate a configuration file that matches your domainname or uses conf.php if the former failed.  Note also that the configuration files got renamed from .conf to .php for security's sake on mal-configured Drupal sites.
- added caching support which makes Drupal extremely scalable.
- added access.module:
    * allows you to setup 'roles' (groups) and to bind a set of permissions to each group.
- added blog.module.
- added poll.module.
- added system.module:
    * moved most of the configuration options from hostname.conf to the new administration section.
    * added support for custom "filters".
- added statistics.module
- added moderate.module:
    * allows to assign users editorial/moderator rights to certain nodes or topics.
- added page.module:
    * allows creation of static (and dynamic) pages through the administration interface.
- added help.module:
    * groups all available module documentation on a single page.
- added forum.module:
    * added an integrated forum.
- added cvs.module and cvs-to-sql.pl:
    * allows to display and mail CVS log messages as daily digests.
- added book.module:
    * allows collaborative handbook writing: primary used for drupal documentation.
- removed cron.module and integrated it into conf.module.
- removed module.module as it was no longer needed.
- various updates:
    * added "auto-post new submissions" feature versus "moderate new submissions".
    * introduced links/drupal tags: [[link]]
    * added preview functionality when submitting new content (such as a story) from the administration pages.
    * made the administration section only show those links a user has access to.
    * made all modules use specific form_* functions to guarantee a rock-solid forms and more consistent layout.
    * improved scheduler:
        + content can be scheduled to be 'posted', 'queued' and 'hidden'.
    * improved account module:
        + added "access control" to allow/deny certain usernames/e-mail addresses/hostnames.
    * improved locale module:
        + added new overview to easy the translation process.
    * improved comment module:
        + made it possible to permanently delete comments.
    * improved rating module
    * improved story module:
        + added preview functionality for administrators.
        + made it possible to permanently delete stories.
    * improved themes:
        + W3C validation on a best effort basis.
        + removed $theme->control() from themes.
        + added theme "goofy".
- collaboratively revised and expanded the drupal documentation.

drupal 2.0.0, 15/03/2001
- rewrote the comment/discussion code:
    * comment navigation should be less confusing now.
    * additional/alternative display and order methods have been added.
    * modules can be extended with a "comment system": modules can embed the existing comment system without having to write their own, duplicate comment system.
- added sections and section manager:
    * story sections can be maintained from the administration pages.
    * story sections make the open submission more adaptive in that you can set individual post, dump and expiration thresholds for each section according to the story type and urgency level: stories in certain sections do not "expire" and might stay interesting and active as time passes by, whereas news-related stories are only considered "hot" over a short period of time.
- multiple vhosts + multiple directories:
    * you can setup multiple drupal sites on top of the same physical source tree either by using vhosts or sub-directories.
- added "user ratings" similar to SlashCode's Karma or Scoop's Mojo:
    * all rating logic is packed into a module to ease experimenting with different rating heuristics/algorithms.
- added "search infrastructure":
    * improved search page and integrated search functionality in the administration pages.
- added translation / localization / internationalization support:
    * because many people would love to see their website showing a lot less of English, and far more of their own language, drupal provides a framework to setup a multi-lingual website or to overwrite the default English text in English.
- added fine-grained user permission (or group) system:
    * users can be granted access to specific administration sections.  Example: a FAQ maintainer can be given access to maintain the FAQ and translators can be given access to the translation pages.
- added FAQ module
- changed the "open submission queue" into a (optional) module.
- various updates:
    * improved account module:
        + user accounts can be deleted.
        + added fine-grained permission support.
    * improved block module
    * improved diary module:
        + diary entries can be deleted
    * improved headline module:
        + improved parser to support more "generic" RDF/RSS/XML backend.
    * improved module module
    * improved watchdog module
    * improved database abstraction layer
    * improved themes:
        + W3C validation on a best effort basis
        + added theme "example" (alas "Stone Age")
    * added new scripts to directory "scripts"
    * added directory "misc"
    * added CREDITS file
- revised documentation

drupal 1.0.0, 15/01/2001
- initial release