/* * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/3084859 * @preserve */ /** * @file * System admin module: modules page. */ .system-modules thead > tr { border: 0; } .system-modules div.incompatible { font-weight: bold; } .system-modules td.checkbox { width: 4%; min-width: 25px; padding-left: 1rem; /* LTR */ } [dir="rtl"] .system-modules td.checkbox { padding-right: 1rem; } .system-modules td.module { width: 25%; } .system-modules td { vertical-align: top; } .system-modules label, .system-modules-uninstall label { color: #1d1d1d; font-size: 1.15em; } .system-modules details { color: #5c5c5b; } .system-modules details[open] { overflow: visible; height: auto; white-space: normal; } .system-modules details[open] summary .text { text-transform: none; -webkit-hyphens: auto; -ms-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; } .system-modules td details a { color: #5c5c5b; border: 0; } .system-modules td details { margin: 0; border: 0; } .system-modules td details summary { padding: 0; cursor: default; text-transform: none; font-weight: normal; } .system-modules td { padding-left: 0; /* LTR */ } [dir="rtl"] .system-modules td { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 12px; } @media screen and (max-width: 40em) { .system-modules td.name { width: 20%; } .system-modules td.description { width: 40%; } } .system-modules .requirements { max-width: 490px; padding: 5px 0; } .system-modules .links { overflow: hidden; /* prevents collapse */ } .system-modules .checkbox { margin: 0 5px; } .system-modules .checkbox .form-item { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .admin-requirements, .admin-required { color: #666; font-size: 0.9em; } .admin-enabled { color: #080; } .admin-missing { color: #f00; } .module-link { display: block; float: left; /* LTR */ margin-top: 2px; padding: 2px 20px; white-space: nowrap; } [dir="rtl"] .module-link { float: right; } .module-link-help { background: url(../../images/core/787878/questionmark-disc.svg) 0 50% no-repeat; /* LTR */ } [dir="rtl"] .module-link-help { background-position: top 50% right 0; } .module-link-permissions { background: url(../../images/core/787878/key.svg) 0 50% no-repeat; /* LTR */ } [dir="rtl"] .module-link-permissions { background-position: top 50% right 0; } .module-link-configure { background: url(../../images/core/787878/cog.svg) 0 50% no-repeat; /* LTR */ } [dir="rtl"] .module-link-configure { background-position: top 50% right 0; }