decoct($actual_mode), '%expected' => decoct($expected_mode))); } } $this->assertEqual($actual_mode, $expected_mode, $message); } /** * Create a directory and assert it exists. * * @param $path * Optional string with a directory path. If none is provided, a random * name in the site's files directory will be used. * @return * The path to the directory. */ function createDirectory($path = NULL) { // A directory to operate on. if (is_null($path)) { $path = file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName(); } $this->assertTrue(mkdir($path) && is_dir($path), t('Directory was created successfully.')); return $path; } /** * Create a file and save it to the files table and assert that it occurs * correctly. * * @param $filepath * Optional string specifying the file path. If none is provided then a * randomly named file will be created in the site's files directory. * @return * File object. */ function createFile($filepath = NULL) { if (is_null($filepath)) { $filepath = file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName(); } file_put_contents($filepath, ''); $this->assertTrue(is_file($filepath), t('The test file exists on the disk.')); $file = new stdClass(); $file->filepath = $filepath; $file->filename = basename($file->filepath); $file->filemime = 'text/plain'; $file->uid = 1; $file->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME; $file->filesize = 0; $this->assertNotIdentical(drupal_write_record('files', $file), FALSE, t('The file was added to the database.')); return $file; } } /** * This will run tests against the file validation functions (file_validate_*). */ class FileValidateTest extends DrupalWebTestCase { /** * Implementation of getInfo(). */ function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('File validation'), 'description' => t('Tests the functions used to validate uploaded files.'), 'group' => t('File'), ); } /** * Implementation of setUp(). */ function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->image = new stdClass(); $this->image->filepath = 'misc/druplicon.png'; $this->iamge->filename = basename($this->image->filepath); $this->non_image = new stdClass(); $this->non_image->filepath = 'misc/jquery.js'; $this->non_image->filename = basename($this->non_image->filepath); } /** * Test the file_validate() function. */ function testFileValidate() { // Empty validators. $this->assertEqual(file_validate($this->image, array()), array(), t('Validating an empty array works succesfully.')); // Use the file_test.module's test validator to ensure that passing tests // return correctly. $passing = array('file_test_validator' => array(array())); $this->assertEqual(file_validate($this->image, $passing), array(), t('Validating passes.')); $failing = array('file_test_validator' => array(array('Failed', 'Badly'))); $this->assertEqual(file_validate($this->image, $failing), array('Failed', 'Badly'), t('Validating returns errors.')); } /** * Test the file_validate_extensions() function. */ function testFileValidateExtensions() { $file = new stdClass(); $file->filename = 'asdf.txt'; $errors = file_validate_extensions($file, 'asdf txt pork'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t('Valid extension accepted.'), 'File'); $file->filename = 'asdf.txt'; $errors = file_validate_extensions($file, 'exe png'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t('Invalid extension blocked.'), 'File'); } /** * This ensures a specific file is actually an image. */ function testFileValidateIsImage() { $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->image->filepath), t('The image being tested exists.'), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_is_image($this->image); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t('No error reported for our image file.'), 'File'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->non_image->filepath), t('The non-image being tested exists.'), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_is_image($this->non_image); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t('An error reported for our non-image file.'), 'File'); } /** * This ensures the resolution of a specific file is within bounds. * The image will be resized if it's too large. */ function testFileValidateImageResolution() { // Non-images. $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->non_image); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t("Shouldn't get any errors for a non-image file."), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->non_image, '50x50', '100x100'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t("Don't check the resolution on non files."), 'File'); // Minimum size. $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t('No errors for an image when there is no minimum or maximum resolution.'), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, 0, '200x1'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t("Got an error for an image that wasn't wide enough."), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, 0, '1x200'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t("Got an error for an image that wasn't tall enough."), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, 0, '200x200'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t('Small images report an error.'), 'File'); // Maximum size. if (image_get_toolkit()) { // Copy the image so that the original doesn't get resized. $temp_dir = file_directory_temp(); copy(realpath('misc/druplicon.png'), realpath($temp_dir) . '/druplicon.png'); $this->image->filepath = $temp_dir . '/druplicon.png'; $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, '10x5'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t('No errors should be reported when an oversized image can be scaled down.'), 'File'); $info = image_get_info($this->image->filepath); $this->assertTrue($info['width'] <= 10, t('Image scaled to correct width.'), 'File'); $this->assertTrue($info['height'] <= 5, t('Image scaled to correct height.'), 'File'); unlink(realpath($temp_dir . '/druplicon.png')); } else { // TODO: should check that the error is returned if no toolkit is available. $errors = file_validate_image_resolution($this->image, '5x10'); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t("Oversize images that can't be scaled get an error."), 'File'); } } /** * This will ensure the filename length is valid. */ function testFileValidateNameLength() { // Create a new file object. $file = new stdClass(); // Add a filename with an allowed length and test it. $file->filename = str_repeat('x', 255); $this->assertEqual(strlen($file->filename), 255); $errors = file_validate_name_length($file); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t('No errors reported for 255 length filename.'), 'File'); // Add a filename with a length too long and test it. $file->filename = str_repeat('x', 256); $errors = file_validate_name_length($file); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t('An error reported for 256 length filename.'), 'File'); // Add a filename with an empty string and test it. $file->filename = ''; $errors = file_validate_name_length($file); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t('An error reported for 0 length filename.'), 'File'); } /** * Test file_validate_size(). */ function testFileValidateSize() { global $user; $original_user = $user; drupal_save_session(FALSE); // Run these test as uid = 1. $user = user_load(array('uid' => 1)); $file = new stdClass(); $file->filesize = 999999; $errors = file_validate_size($file, 1, 1); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t('No size limits enforced on uid=1.'), 'File'); // Run these tests as a regular user. $user = $this->drupalCreateUser(); // Create a file with a size of 1000 bytes, and quotas of only 1 byte. $file = new stdClass(); $file->filesize = 1000; $errors = file_validate_size($file, 0, 0); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 0, t('No limits means no errors.'), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_size($file, 1, 0); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t('Error for the file being over the limit.'), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_size($file, 0, 1); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 1, t('Error for the user being over their limit.'), 'File'); $errors = file_validate_size($file, 1, 1); $this->assertEqual(count($errors), 2, t('Errors for both the file and their limit.'), 'File'); $user = $original_user; drupal_save_session(TRUE); } } /** * Tests the file_save_data() function. */ class FileSaveDataTest extends FileTestCase { /** * Implementation of getInfo(). */ function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('File save'), 'description' => t('Tests the file save data function.'), 'group' => t('File'), ); } /** * Test the file_save_data() function. */ function testFileSaveData() { $contents = $this->randomName(8); // No filename. $filepath = file_save_data($contents); $this->assertTrue($filepath, t('Unnamed file saved correctly.')); $this->assertEqual(file_directory_path(), dirname($filepath), t("File was placed in Drupal's files directory.")); $this->assertEqual($contents, file_get_contents(realpath($filepath)), t('Contents of the file are correct.')); // Provide a filename. $filepath = file_save_data($contents, 'asdf.txt', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $this->assertTrue($filepath, t('Unnamed file saved correctly.')); $this->assertEqual(file_directory_path(), dirname($filepath), t("File was placed in Drupal's files directory.")); $this->assertEqual('asdf.txt', basename($filepath), t('File was named correctly.')); $this->assertEqual($contents, file_get_contents(realpath($filepath)), t('Contents of the file are correct.')); $this->assertFilePermissions($filepath, 0664); } } /** * Test the file_save_upload() function. */ class FileSaveUploadTest extends FileTestCase { /** * Implementation of getInfo(). */ function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('File uploading'), 'description' => t('Tests the file uploading functions.'), 'group' => t('File'), ); } /** * Implementation of setUp(). */ function setUp() { // Need to enable the test module for an upload target. parent::setUp('file_test'); } /** * Test the file_save_upload() function. */ function testFileSaveUpload() { $max_fid_before = db_result(db_query('SELECT MAX(fid) AS fid FROM {files}')); $upload_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access content')); $this->drupalLogin($upload_user); $image = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('image')); $this->assertTrue(is_file($image->filename), t("The file we're going to upload exists.")); $edit = array('files[file_test_upload]' => realpath($image->filename)); $this->drupalPost('file-test/upload', $edit, t('Submit')); $this->assertResponse(200, t('Received a 200 response for posted test file.')); $max_fid_after = db_result(db_query('SELECT MAX(fid) AS fid FROM {files}')); $this->assertTrue($max_fid_after > $max_fid_before, t('A new file was created.')); // FIXME: Replace with file_load() once the hook_file patch gets committed. $file = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT f.* FROM {files} f WHERE f.fid = %d', array($max_fid_after))); $this->assertTrue($file, t('Loaded the file.')); } } /** * Directory related tests. */ class FileDirectoryTest extends FileTestCase { /** * Implementation of getInfo(). */ function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('File paths and directories'), 'description' => t('Tests operations dealing with directories.'), 'group' => t('File'), ); } /** * Test the file_directory_path() function. */ function testFileCheckDirectory() { // A directory to operate on. $directory = file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName(); $this->assertFalse(is_dir($directory), t('Directory does not exist prior to testing.')); // Non-existent directory. $form_element = $this->randomName(); $this->assertFalse(file_check_directory($directory, 0, $form_element), t('Error reported for non-existing directory.'), 'File'); // Check that an error was set for the form element above. $errors = form_get_errors(); $this->assertEqual($errors[$form_element], t('The directory %directory does not exist.', array('%directory' => $directory)), t('Properly generated an error for the passed form element.'), 'File'); // Make a directory. $this->assertTrue(file_check_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY), t('No error reported when creating a new directory.'), 'File'); // Make sure directory actually exists. $this->assertTrue(is_dir($directory), t('Directory actually exists.'), 'File'); // Make directory read only. @chmod($directory, 0444); $form_element = $this->randomName(); $this->assertFalse(file_check_directory($directory, 0, $form_element), t('Error reported for a non-writeable directory.'), 'File'); // Check if form error was set. $errors = form_get_errors(); $this->assertEqual($errors[$form_element], t('The directory %directory is not writable', array('%directory' => $directory)), t('Properly generated an error for the passed form element.'), 'File'); // Test directory permission modification. $this->assertTrue(file_check_directory($directory, FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS), t('No error reported when making directory writeable.'), 'File'); // Verify directory actually is writeable. $this->assertTrue(is_writeable($directory), t('Directory is writeable.'), 'File'); // Remove .htaccess file to then test that it gets re-created. @unlink(file_directory_path() .'/.htaccess'); file_check_directory(file_directory_path()); $this->assertTrue(is_file(file_directory_path() . '/.htaccess'), t('Successfully created the .htaccess file in the files directory.'), 'File'); // Verify contents of .htaccess file. $file = file_get_contents(file_directory_path() .'/.htaccess'); $this->assertEqual($file, "SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006\nOptions None\nOptions +FollowSymLinks", t('The .htaccess file contains the proper content.'), 'File'); } /** * Check file_directory_path() and file_directory_temp(). */ function testFileDirectoryPath() { // Directory path. $path = variable_get('file_directory_path', conf_path() . '/files'); $this->assertEqual($path, file_directory_path(), t('Properly returns the stored file directory path.'), 'File'); } /** * Check file_directory_path() and file_directory_temp(). */ function testFileDirectoryTemp() { // Temporary directory handling. variable_set('file_directory_temp', NULL); $temp = file_directory_temp(); $this->assertTrue(!is_null($temp), t('Properly set and retrieved temp directory %directory.', array('%directory' => $temp)), 'File'); } /** * This tests that a file is actually in the specified directory, to prevent * exploits. */ function testFileCheckLocation() { $source = 'misc/xyz.txt'; $directory = 'misc'; $result = file_check_location($source, $directory); $this->assertTrue($result, t('Non-existent file validates when checked for location in existing directory.'), 'File'); $source = 'fake/xyz.txt'; $directory = 'fake'; $result = file_check_location($source, $directory); $this->assertTrue($result, t('Non-existent file validates when checked for location in non-existing directory.'), 'File'); $source = 'misc/../install.php'; $directory = 'misc'; $result = file_check_location($source, $directory); $this->assertFalse($result, t('Existing file fails validation when it exists outside the directory path, using a /../ exploit.'), 'File'); $source = 'misc/druplicon.png'; $directory = 'misc'; $result = file_check_location($source, $directory); $this->assertTrue($result, t('Existing file passes validation when checked for location in directory path, and filepath contains a subfolder of the checked path.'), 'File'); $result = file_check_location($source, $directory); $this->assertTrue($result, t('Existing file passes validation, returning the source when checked for location in directory.'), 'File'); } /** * This will take a directory and path, and find a valid filepath that is not * taken by another file. */ function testFileCreateNewFilepath() { // First we test against an imaginary file that does not exist in a // directory. $basename = 'xyz.txt'; $directory = 'misc'; $original = $directory .'/'. $basename; $path = file_create_filename($basename, $directory); $this->assertEqual($path, $original, t('New filepath %new equals %original.', array('%new' => $path, '%original' => $original)), 'File'); // Then we test against a file that already exists within that directory. $basename = 'druplicon.png'; $original = $directory .'/'. $basename; $expected = $directory .'/druplicon_0.png'; $path = file_create_filename($basename, $directory); $this->assertEqual($path, $expected, t('Creating a new filepath from %original equals %new.', array('%new' => $path, '%original' => $original)), 'File'); // @TODO: Finally we copy a file into a directory several times, to ensure a properly iterating filename suffix. } /** * This will test the filepath for a destination based on passed flags and * whether or not the file exists. * * If a file exists, file_destination($destination, $replace) will either * return: * - the existing filepath, if $replace is FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE * - a new filepath if FILE_EXISTS_RENAME * - an error (returning FALSE) if FILE_EXISTS_ERROR. * If the file doesn't currently exist, then it will simply return the * filepath. */ function testFileDestination() { // First test for non-existent file. $destination = 'misc/xyz.txt'; $path = file_destination($destination, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $this->assertEqual($path, $destination, t('Non-existing filepath destination is correct with FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE.'), 'File'); $path = file_destination($destination, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->assertEqual($path, $destination, t('Non-existing filepath destination is correct with FILE_EXISTS_RENAME.'), 'File'); $path = file_destination($destination, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR); $this->assertEqual($path, $destination, t('Non-existing filepath destination is correct with FILE_EXISTS_ERROR.'), 'File'); $destination = 'misc/druplicon.png'; $path = file_destination($destination, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $this->assertEqual($path, $destination, t('Existing filepath destination remains the same with FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE.'), 'File'); $path = file_destination($destination, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->assertNotEqual($path, $destination, t('A new filepath destination is created when filepath destination already exists with FILE_EXISTS_RENAME.'), 'File'); $path = file_destination($destination, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR); $this->assertEqual($path, FALSE, t('An error is returned when filepath destination already exists with FILE_EXISTS_ERROR.'), 'File'); } } /** * Deletion related tests. */ class FileDeleteTest extends FileTestCase { /** * Implementation of getInfo(). */ function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('File delete'), 'description' => t('Tests the file delete function.'), 'group' => t('File'), ); } /** * Delete a normal file. */ function testNormal() { // Create a file for testing $file = $this->createFile(); // Delete a regular file $this->assertTrue(file_delete($file->filepath), t('Deleted worked.')); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file->filepath), t('Test file has actually been deleted.')); } /** * Try deleting a missing file. */ function testMissing() { // Try to delete a non-existing file $this->assertTrue(file_delete(file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName()), t('Returns true when deleting a non-existant file.')); } /** * Try deleting a directory. */ function testDirectory() { // A directory to operate on. $this->dirname = $this->createDirectory(); // Try to delete a directory $this->assertFalse(file_delete($this->dirname), t('Could not delete the delete directory.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->dirname), t('Directory has not been deleted.')); } } /** * Move related tests */ class FileMoveTest extends FileTestCase { /** * Implementation of getInfo(). */ function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('File moving'), 'description' => t('Tests the file move function.'), 'group' => t('File'), ); } /** * Move a normal file. */ function testNormal() { // Create a file for testing $file = $this->createFile(); // Moving to a new name. $desired_filepath = file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName(); $new_filepath = file_move($file->filepath, $desired_filepath, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR); $this->assertTrue($new_filepath, t('Move was successful.')); $this->assertEqual($new_filepath, $desired_filepath, t('Returned expected filepath.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($new_filepath), t('File exists at the new location.')); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file->filepath), t('No file remains at the old location.')); $this->assertFilePermissions($new_filepath, 0664); // Moving with rename. $desired_filepath = file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($new_filepath), t('File exists before moving.')); $this->assertTrue(file_put_contents($desired_filepath, ' '), t('Created a file so a rename will have to happen.')); $newer_filepath = file_move($new_filepath, $desired_filepath, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->assertTrue($newer_filepath, t('Move was successful.')); $this->assertNotEqual($newer_filepath, $desired_filepath, t('Returned expected filepath.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($newer_filepath), t('File exists at the new location.')); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($new_filepath), t('No file remains at the old location.')); $this->assertFilePermissions($newer_filepath, 0664); // TODO: test moving to a directory (rather than full directory/file path) } /** * Try to move a missing file. */ function testMissing() { // Move non-existant file. $new_filepath = file_move($this->randomName(), $this->randomName()); $this->assertFalse($new_filepath, t('Moving a missing file fails.')); } /** * Try to move a file onto itself. */ function testOverwriteSelf() { // Create a file for testing. $file = $this->createFile(); // Move the file onto itself without renaming shouldn't make changes. $new_filepath = file_move($file->filepath, $file->filepath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $this->assertFalse($new_filepath, t('Moving onto itself without renaming fails.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file->filepath), t('File exists after moving onto itself.')); // Move the file onto itself with renaming will result in a new filename. $new_filepath = file_move($file->filepath, $file->filepath, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->assertTrue($new_filepath, t('Moving onto itself with renaming works.')); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file->filepath), t('Original file has been removed.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($new_filepath), t('File exists after moving onto itself.')); } } /** * Copy related tests. */ class FileCopyTest extends FileTestCase { /** * Implementation of getInfo(). */ function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('File copying'), 'description' => t('Tests the file copy function.'), 'group' => t('File'), ); } /** * Copy a normal file. */ function testNormal() { // Create a file for testing $this->file = $this->createFile(); // Copying to a new name. $desired_filepath = file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName(); $new_filepath = file_copy($this->file->filepath, $desired_filepath, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR); $this->assertTrue($new_filepath, t('Copy was successful.')); $this->assertEqual($new_filepath, $desired_filepath, t('Returned expected filepath.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->file->filepath), t('Original file remains.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($new_filepath), t('New file exists.')); $this->assertFilePermissions($new_filepath, 0664); // Copying with rename. $desired_filepath = file_directory_path() . '/' . $this->randomName(); $this->assertTrue(file_put_contents($desired_filepath, ' '), t('Created a file so a rename will have to happen.')); $newer_filepath = file_copy($new_filepath, $desired_filepath, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->assertTrue($newer_filepath, t('Copy was successful.')); $this->assertNotEqual($newer_filepath, $desired_filepath, t('Returned expected filepath.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->file->filepath), t('Original file remains.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($new_filepath), t('New file exists.')); $this->assertFilePermissions($new_filepath, 0664); // TODO: test copying to a directory (rather than full directory/file path) } /** * Copy a non-existant file. */ function testNonExistant() { // Copy non-existant file $desired_filepath = $this->randomName(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($desired_filepath), t("Randomly named file doesn't exists.")); $new_filepath = file_copy($desired_filepath, $this->randomName()); $this->assertFalse($new_filepath, t('Copying a missing file fails.')); } /** * Copy a file onto itself. */ function testOverwriteSelf() { // Create a file for testing $this->file = $this->createFile(); // Copy the file onto itself with renaming works. $new_filepath = file_copy($this->file->filepath, $this->file->filepath, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->assertTrue($new_filepath, t('Copying onto itself with renaming works.')); $this->assertNotEqual($new_filepath, $this->file->filepath, t('Copied file has a new name.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->file->filepath), t('Original file exists after copying onto itself.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($new_filepath), t('Copied file exists after copying onto itself.')); // Copy the file onto itself without renaming fails. $new_filepath = file_copy($this->file->filepath, $this->file->filepath, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR); $this->assertFalse($new_filepath, t('Copying onto itself without renaming fails.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->file->filepath), t('File exists after copying onto itself.')); // Copy the file into same directory without renaming fails. $new_filepath = file_copy($this->file->filepath, dirname($this->file->filepath), FILE_EXISTS_ERROR); $this->assertFalse($new_filepath, t('Copying onto itself fails.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->file->filepath), t('File exists after copying onto itself.')); // Copy the file into same directory with renaming works. $new_filepath = file_copy($this->file->filepath, dirname($this->file->filepath), FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->assertTrue($new_filepath, t('Copying into same directory works.')); $this->assertNotEqual($new_filepath, $this->file->filepath, t('Copied file has a new name.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->file->filepath), t('Original file exists after copying onto itself.')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($new_filepath), t('Copied file exists after copying onto itself.')); } }