/** * @file * Defines Javascript behaviors for the node module. */ (function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings) { "use strict"; Drupal.behaviors.nodeDetailsSummaries = { attach: function (context) { var $context = $(context); $context.find('.node-form-revision-information').drupalSetSummary(function (context) { var $revisionContext = $(context); var revisionCheckbox = $revisionContext.find('.form-item-revision input'); // Return 'New revision' if the 'Create new revision' checkbox is checked, // or if the checkbox doesn't exist, but the revision log does. For users // without the "Administer content" permission the checkbox won't appear, // but the revision log will if the content type is set to auto-revision. if (revisionCheckbox.is(':checked') || (!revisionCheckbox.length && $revisionContext.find('.form-item-revision-log textarea').length)) { return Drupal.t('New revision'); } return Drupal.t('No revision'); }); $context.find('.node-form-author').drupalSetSummary(function (context) { var $authorContext = $(context); var name = $authorContext.find('.field-name-uid input').val(); var date = $authorContext.find('.field-name-created input').val(); return date ? Drupal.t('By @name on @date', {'@name': name, '@date': date}) : Drupal.t('By @name', {'@name': name}); }); $context.find('.node-form-options').drupalSetSummary(function (context) { var $optionsContext = $(context); var vals = []; if ($optionsContext.find('input').is(':checked')) { $optionsContext.find('input:checked').next('label').each(function () { vals.push(Drupal.checkPlain($.trim($(this).text()))); }); return vals.join(', '); } else { return Drupal.t('Not promoted'); } }); $context.find('fieldset.node-translation-options').drupalSetSummary(function (context) { var $translationContext = $(context); var translate; var $checkbox = $translationContext.find('.form-item-translation-translate input'); if ($checkbox.size()) { translate = $checkbox.is(':checked') ? Drupal.t('Needs to be updated') : Drupal.t('Does not need to be updated'); } else { $checkbox = $translationContext.find('.form-item-translation-retranslate input'); translate = $checkbox.is(':checked') ? Drupal.t('Flag other translations as outdated') : Drupal.t('Do not flag other translations as outdated'); } return translate; }); } }; })(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings);