t('XML-RPC validator'), 'description' => t('See !validator-link.', array('!validator-link' => l('the xmlrpc validator1 specification', 'http://www.xmlrpc.com/validator1Docs'))), 'group' => t('XML-RPC'), ); } /** * Implementation of setUp(). */ function setUp() { parent::setUp('xmlrpc_test'); } /** * Run validator1 tests. */ function testValidator1() { $xml_url = url(NULL, array('absolute' => TRUE)) . 'xmlrpc.php'; srand(); mt_srand(); $array_1 = array(array('curly' => mt_rand(-100,100)), array('curly' => mt_rand(-100,100)), array('larry' => mt_rand(-100,100)), array('larry' => mt_rand(-100,100)), array('moe' => mt_rand(-100,100)), array('moe' => mt_rand(-100,100)), array('larry' => mt_rand(-100,100))); shuffle($array_1); $l_res_1 = xmlrpc_test_arrayOfStructsTest($array_1); $r_res_1 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.arrayOfStructsTest', $array_1); $this->assertIdentical($l_res_1, $r_res_1, 'array of structs test: %s'); $string_2 = 't\'&>>zf"md>yr>xlcev">>uai"np&s>>q\'&b<>"&&&'; $l_res_2 = xmlrpc_test_countTheEntities($string_2); $r_res_2 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.countTheEntities', $string_2); $this->assertIdentical($l_res_2, $r_res_2, 'count the entities test: %s'); $struct_3 = array('moe' => mt_rand(-100,100), 'larry' => mt_rand(-100,100), 'curly' => mt_rand(-100,100), 'homer' => mt_rand(-100,100)); $l_res_3 = xmlrpc_test_easyStructTest($struct_3); $r_res_3 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.easyStructTest', $struct_3); $this->assertIdentical($l_res_3, $r_res_3, 'easy struct test: %s'); $struct_4 = array('sub1' => array('bar' => 13), 'sub2' => 14, 'sub3' => array('foo' => 1, 'baz' => 2), 'sub4' => array('ss' => array('sss' => array('ssss' => 'sssss')))); $l_res_4 = xmlrpc_test_echoStructTest($struct_4); $r_res_4 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.echoStructTest', $struct_4); $this->assertIdentical($l_res_4, $r_res_4, 'echo struct test: %s'); $int_5 = mt_rand(-100,100); $bool_5 = (($int_5 % 2) == 0); $string_5 = $this->randomName(); $double_5 = (double)(mt_rand(-1000,1000) / 100); $time_5 = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $base64_5 = $this->randomName(100); $l_res_5 = xmlrpc_test_manyTypesTest($int_5, $bool_5, $string_5, $double_5, xmlrpc_date($time_5), $base64_5); $l_res_5[5] = $l_res_5[5]->data; /* override warpping */ $r_res_5 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.manyTypesTest', $int_5, $bool_5, $string_5, $double_5, xmlrpc_date($time_5), xmlrpc_base64($base64_5)); /* Contains objects, objects are not equal */ // See http://drupal.org/node/37766 why this currnetly fails $this->assertEqual($l_res_5, $r_res_5, 'many types test: %s'); $size = mt_rand(100,200); $array_6 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $array_6[] = $this->randomName(mt_rand(8,12)); } $l_res_6 = xmlrpc_test_moderateSizeArrayCheck($array_6); $r_res_6 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.moderateSizeArrayCheck', $array_6); $this->assertIdentical($l_res_6, $r_res_6, 'moderate size array check: %s'); $struct_7 = array(); for ($y = 2000; $y < 2002; $y++) { for ($m = 3; $m < 5; $m++) { for ($d = 1; $d < 6; $d++) { $ys = (string)$y; $ms = sprintf('%02d', $m); $ds = sprintf('%02d', $d); $struct_7[$ys][$ms][$ds]['moe'] = mt_rand(-100,100); $struct_7[$ys][$ms][$ds]['larry'] = mt_rand(-100,100); $struct_7[$ys][$ms][$ds]['curly'] = mt_rand(-100,100); } } } $l_res_7 = xmlrpc_test_nestedStructTest($struct_7); $r_res_7 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.nestedStructTest', $struct_7); $this->assertIdentical($l_res_7, $r_res_7, 'nested struct test: %s'); $int_8 = mt_rand(-100,100); $l_res_8 = xmlrpc_test_simpleStructReturnTest($int_8); $r_res_8 = xmlrpc($xml_url, 'validator1.simpleStructReturnTest', $int_8); $this->assertIdentical($l_res_8, $r_res_8, 'nested struct test: %s'); /* Now test multicall */ $x = array(); $x[] = array('validator1.arrayOfStructsTest', $array_1); $x[] = array('validator1.countTheEntities', $string_2); $x[] = array('validator1.easyStructTest', $struct_3); $x[] = array('validator1.echoStructTest', $struct_4); $x[] = array('validator1.manyTypesTest', $int_5, $bool_5, $string_5, $double_5, xmlrpc_date($time_5), xmlrpc_base64($base64_5)); $x[] = array('validator1.moderateSizeArrayCheck', $array_6); $x[] = array('validator1.nestedStructTest', $struct_7); $x[] = array('validator1.simpleStructReturnTest', $int_8); $a_l_res = array($l_res_1, $l_res_2, $l_res_3, $l_res_4, $l_res_5, $l_res_6, $l_res_7, $l_res_8); $a_r_res = xmlrpc($xml_url, $x); $this->assertEqual($a_l_res, $a_r_res, 'multicall equals result'); } }