/** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/2815083 * @preserve **/ (function ($, window, Drupal, drupalSettings, { isFocusable, tabbable }) { Drupal.behaviors.AJAX = { attach(context, settings) { function loadAjaxBehavior(base) { const elementSettings = settings.ajax[base]; if (typeof elementSettings.selector === 'undefined') { elementSettings.selector = `#${base}`; } once('drupal-ajax', $(elementSettings.selector)).forEach(el => { elementSettings.element = el; elementSettings.base = base; Drupal.ajax(elementSettings); }); } Object.keys(settings.ajax || {}).forEach(base => loadAjaxBehavior(base)); Drupal.ajax.bindAjaxLinks(document.body); once('ajax', '.use-ajax-submit').forEach(el => { const elementSettings = {}; elementSettings.url = $(el.form).attr('action'); elementSettings.setClick = true; elementSettings.event = 'click'; elementSettings.progress = { type: 'throbber' }; elementSettings.base = el.id; elementSettings.element = el; Drupal.ajax(elementSettings); }); }, detach(context, settings, trigger) { if (trigger === 'unload') { Drupal.ajax.expired().forEach(instance => { Drupal.ajax.instances[instance.instanceIndex] = null; }); } } }; Drupal.AjaxError = function (xmlhttp, uri, customMessage) { let statusCode; let statusText; let responseText; if (xmlhttp.status) { statusCode = `\n${Drupal.t('An AJAX HTTP error occurred.')}\n${Drupal.t('HTTP Result Code: !status', { '!status': xmlhttp.status })}`; } else { statusCode = `\n${Drupal.t('An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally.')}`; } statusCode += `\n${Drupal.t('Debugging information follows.')}`; const pathText = `\n${Drupal.t('Path: !uri', { '!uri': uri })}`; statusText = ''; try { statusText = `\n${Drupal.t('StatusText: !statusText', { '!statusText': xmlhttp.statusText.trim() })}`; } catch (e) {} responseText = ''; try { responseText = `\n${Drupal.t('ResponseText: !responseText', { '!responseText': xmlhttp.responseText.trim() })}`; } catch (e) {} responseText = responseText.replace(/<("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/gi, ''); responseText = responseText.replace(/[\n]+\s+/g, '\n'); const readyStateText = xmlhttp.status === 0 ? `\n${Drupal.t('ReadyState: !readyState', { '!readyState': xmlhttp.readyState })}` : ''; customMessage = customMessage ? `\n${Drupal.t('CustomMessage: !customMessage', { '!customMessage': customMessage })}` : ''; this.message = statusCode + pathText + statusText + customMessage + responseText + readyStateText; this.name = 'AjaxError'; }; Drupal.AjaxError.prototype = new Error(); Drupal.AjaxError.prototype.constructor = Drupal.AjaxError; Drupal.ajax = function (settings) { if (arguments.length !== 1) { throw new Error('Drupal.ajax() function must be called with one configuration object only'); } const base = settings.base || false; const element = settings.element || false; delete settings.base; delete settings.element; if (!settings.progress && !element) { settings.progress = false; } const ajax = new Drupal.Ajax(base, element, settings); ajax.instanceIndex = Drupal.ajax.instances.length; Drupal.ajax.instances.push(ajax); return ajax; }; Drupal.ajax.instances = []; Drupal.ajax.expired = function () { return Drupal.ajax.instances.filter(instance => instance && instance.element !== false && !document.body.contains(instance.element)); }; Drupal.ajax.bindAjaxLinks = element => { once('ajax', '.use-ajax', element).forEach(ajaxLink => { const $linkElement = $(ajaxLink); const elementSettings = { progress: { type: 'throbber' }, dialogType: $linkElement.data('dialog-type'), dialog: $linkElement.data('dialog-options'), dialogRenderer: $linkElement.data('dialog-renderer'), base: $linkElement.attr('id'), element: ajaxLink }; const href = $linkElement.attr('href'); if (href) { elementSettings.url = href; elementSettings.event = 'click'; } Drupal.ajax(elementSettings); }); }; Drupal.Ajax = function (base, element, elementSettings) { const defaults = { event: element ? 'mousedown' : null, keypress: true, selector: base ? `#${base}` : null, effect: 'none', speed: 'none', method: 'replaceWith', progress: { type: 'throbber', message: Drupal.t('Please wait...') }, submit: { js: true } }; $.extend(this, defaults, elementSettings); this.commands = new Drupal.AjaxCommands(); this.instanceIndex = false; if (this.wrapper) { this.wrapper = `#${this.wrapper}`; } this.element = element; this.element_settings = elementSettings; this.elementSettings = elementSettings; if (this.element && this.element.form) { this.$form = $(this.element.form); } if (!this.url) { const $element = $(this.element); if ($element.is('a')) { this.url = $element.attr('href'); } else if (this.element && element.form) { this.url = this.$form.attr('action'); } } const originalUrl = this.url; this.url = this.url.replace(/\/nojs(\/|$|\?|#)/, '/ajax$1'); if (drupalSettings.ajaxTrustedUrl[originalUrl]) { drupalSettings.ajaxTrustedUrl[this.url] = true; } const ajax = this; ajax.options = { url: ajax.url, data: ajax.submit, beforeSerialize(elementSettings, options) { return ajax.beforeSerialize(elementSettings, options); }, beforeSubmit(formValues, elementSettings, options) { ajax.ajaxing = true; return ajax.beforeSubmit(formValues, elementSettings, options); }, beforeSend(xmlhttprequest, options) { ajax.ajaxing = true; return ajax.beforeSend(xmlhttprequest, options); }, success(response, status, xmlhttprequest) { if (typeof response === 'string') { response = $.parseJSON(response); } if (response !== null && !drupalSettings.ajaxTrustedUrl[ajax.url]) { if (xmlhttprequest.getResponseHeader('X-Drupal-Ajax-Token') !== '1') { const customMessage = Drupal.t('The response failed verification so will not be processed.'); return ajax.error(xmlhttprequest, ajax.url, customMessage); } } return ajax.success(response, status); }, complete(xmlhttprequest, status) { ajax.ajaxing = false; if (status === 'error' || status === 'parsererror') { return ajax.error(xmlhttprequest, ajax.url); } }, dataType: 'json', jsonp: false, type: 'POST' }; if (elementSettings.dialog) { ajax.options.data.dialogOptions = elementSettings.dialog; } if (ajax.options.url.indexOf('?') === -1) { ajax.options.url += '?'; } else { ajax.options.url += '&'; } let wrapper = `drupal_${elementSettings.dialogType || 'ajax'}`; if (elementSettings.dialogRenderer) { wrapper += `.${elementSettings.dialogRenderer}`; } ajax.options.url += `${Drupal.ajax.WRAPPER_FORMAT}=${wrapper}`; $(ajax.element).on(elementSettings.event, function (event) { if (!drupalSettings.ajaxTrustedUrl[ajax.url] && !Drupal.url.isLocal(ajax.url)) { throw new Error(Drupal.t('The callback URL is not local and not trusted: !url', { '!url': ajax.url })); } return ajax.eventResponse(this, event); }); if (elementSettings.keypress) { $(ajax.element).on('keypress', function (event) { return ajax.keypressResponse(this, event); }); } if (elementSettings.prevent) { $(ajax.element).on(elementSettings.prevent, false); } }; Drupal.ajax.WRAPPER_FORMAT = '_wrapper_format'; Drupal.Ajax.AJAX_REQUEST_PARAMETER = '_drupal_ajax'; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.execute = function () { if (this.ajaxing) { return; } try { this.beforeSerialize(this.element, this.options); return $.ajax(this.options); } catch (e) { this.ajaxing = false; window.alert(`An error occurred while attempting to process ${this.options.url}: ${e.message}`); return $.Deferred().reject(); } }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.keypressResponse = function (element, event) { const ajax = this; if (event.which === 13 || event.which === 32 && element.type !== 'text' && element.type !== 'textarea' && element.type !== 'tel' && element.type !== 'number') { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $(element).trigger(ajax.elementSettings.event); } }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.eventResponse = function (element, event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const ajax = this; if (ajax.ajaxing) { return; } try { if (ajax.$form) { if (ajax.setClick) { element.form.clk = element; } ajax.$form.ajaxSubmit(ajax.options); } else { ajax.beforeSerialize(ajax.element, ajax.options); $.ajax(ajax.options); } } catch (e) { ajax.ajaxing = false; window.alert(`An error occurred while attempting to process ${ajax.options.url}: ${e.message}`); } }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.beforeSerialize = function (element, options) { if (this.$form && document.body.contains(this.$form.get(0))) { const settings = this.settings || drupalSettings; Drupal.detachBehaviors(this.$form.get(0), settings, 'serialize'); } options.data[Drupal.Ajax.AJAX_REQUEST_PARAMETER] = 1; const pageState = drupalSettings.ajaxPageState; options.data['ajax_page_state[theme]'] = pageState.theme; options.data['ajax_page_state[theme_token]'] = pageState.theme_token; options.data['ajax_page_state[libraries]'] = pageState.libraries; }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.beforeSubmit = function (formValues, element, options) {}; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.beforeSend = function (xmlhttprequest, options) { if (this.$form) { options.extraData = options.extraData || {}; options.extraData.ajax_iframe_upload = '1'; const v = $.fieldValue(this.element); if (v !== null) { options.extraData[this.element.name] = v; } } $(this.element).prop('disabled', true); if (!this.progress || !this.progress.type) { return; } const progressIndicatorMethod = `setProgressIndicator${this.progress.type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${this.progress.type.slice(1).toLowerCase()}`; if (progressIndicatorMethod in this && typeof this[progressIndicatorMethod] === 'function') { this[progressIndicatorMethod].call(this); } }; Drupal.theme.ajaxProgressThrobber = message => { const messageMarkup = typeof message === 'string' ? Drupal.theme('ajaxProgressMessage', message) : ''; const throbber = '
'; return `
`; }; Drupal.theme.ajaxProgressIndicatorFullscreen = () => '
'; Drupal.theme.ajaxProgressMessage = message => `
`; Drupal.theme.ajaxProgressBar = $element => $('
').append($element); Drupal.Ajax.prototype.setProgressIndicatorBar = function () { const progressBar = new Drupal.ProgressBar(`ajax-progress-${this.element.id}`, $.noop, this.progress.method, $.noop); if (this.progress.message) { progressBar.setProgress(-1, this.progress.message); } if (this.progress.url) { progressBar.startMonitoring(this.progress.url, this.progress.interval || 1500); } this.progress.element = $(Drupal.theme('ajaxProgressBar', progressBar.element)); this.progress.object = progressBar; $(this.element).after(this.progress.element); }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.setProgressIndicatorThrobber = function () { this.progress.element = $(Drupal.theme('ajaxProgressThrobber', this.progress.message)); $(this.element).after(this.progress.element); }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.setProgressIndicatorFullscreen = function () { this.progress.element = $(Drupal.theme('ajaxProgressIndicatorFullscreen')); $('body').append(this.progress.element); }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.success = function (response, status) { if (this.progress.element) { $(this.progress.element).remove(); } if (this.progress.object) { this.progress.object.stopMonitoring(); } $(this.element).prop('disabled', false); const elementParents = $(this.element).parents('[data-drupal-selector]').addBack().toArray(); let focusChanged = false; Object.keys(response || {}).forEach(i => { if (response[i].command && this.commands[response[i].command]) { this.commands[response[i].command](this, response[i], status); if (response[i].command === 'invoke' && response[i].method === 'focus' || response[i].command === 'focusFirst') { focusChanged = true; } } }); if (!focusChanged && this.element && !$(this.element).data('disable-refocus')) { let target = false; for (let n = elementParents.length - 1; !target && n >= 0; n--) { target = document.querySelector(`[data-drupal-selector="${elementParents[n].getAttribute('data-drupal-selector')}"]`); } if (target) { $(target).trigger('focus'); } } if (this.$form && document.body.contains(this.$form.get(0))) { const settings = this.settings || drupalSettings; Drupal.attachBehaviors(this.$form.get(0), settings); } this.settings = null; }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.getEffect = function (response) { const type = response.effect || this.effect; const speed = response.speed || this.speed; const effect = {}; if (type === 'none') { effect.showEffect = 'show'; effect.hideEffect = 'hide'; effect.showSpeed = ''; } else if (type === 'fade') { effect.showEffect = 'fadeIn'; effect.hideEffect = 'fadeOut'; effect.showSpeed = speed; } else { effect.showEffect = `${type}Toggle`; effect.hideEffect = `${type}Toggle`; effect.showSpeed = speed; } return effect; }; Drupal.Ajax.prototype.error = function (xmlhttprequest, uri, customMessage) { if (this.progress.element) { $(this.progress.element).remove(); } if (this.progress.object) { this.progress.object.stopMonitoring(); } $(this.wrapper).show(); $(this.element).prop('disabled', false); if (this.$form && document.body.contains(this.$form.get(0))) { const settings = this.settings || drupalSettings; Drupal.attachBehaviors(this.$form.get(0), settings); } throw new Drupal.AjaxError(xmlhttprequest, uri, customMessage); }; Drupal.theme.ajaxWrapperNewContent = ($newContent, ajax, response) => (response.effect || ajax.effect) !== 'none' && $newContent.filter(i => !($newContent[i].nodeName === '#comment' || $newContent[i].nodeName === '#text' && /^(\s|\n|\r)*$/.test($newContent[i].textContent))).length > 1 ? Drupal.theme('ajaxWrapperMultipleRootElements', $newContent) : $newContent; Drupal.theme.ajaxWrapperMultipleRootElements = $elements => $('
').append($elements); Drupal.AjaxCommands = function () {}; Drupal.AjaxCommands.prototype = { insert(ajax, response) { const $wrapper = response.selector ? $(response.selector) : $(ajax.wrapper); const method = response.method || ajax.method; const effect = ajax.getEffect(response); const settings = response.settings || ajax.settings || drupalSettings; let $newContent = $($.parseHTML(response.data, document, true)); $newContent = Drupal.theme('ajaxWrapperNewContent', $newContent, ajax, response); switch (method) { case 'html': case 'replaceWith': case 'replaceAll': case 'empty': case 'remove': Drupal.detachBehaviors($wrapper.get(0), settings); break; default: break; } $wrapper[method]($newContent); if (effect.showEffect !== 'show') { $newContent.hide(); } const $ajaxNewContent = $newContent.find('.ajax-new-content'); if ($ajaxNewContent.length) { $ajaxNewContent.hide(); $newContent.show(); $ajaxNewContent[effect.showEffect](effect.showSpeed); } else if (effect.showEffect !== 'show') { $newContent[effect.showEffect](effect.showSpeed); } if ($newContent.parents('html').length) { $newContent.each((index, element) => { if (element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Drupal.attachBehaviors(element, settings); } }); } }, remove(ajax, response, status) { const settings = response.settings || ajax.settings || drupalSettings; $(response.selector).each(function () { Drupal.detachBehaviors(this, settings); }).remove(); }, changed(ajax, response, status) { const $element = $(response.selector); if (!$element.hasClass('ajax-changed')) { $element.addClass('ajax-changed'); if (response.asterisk) { $element.find(response.asterisk).append(` * `); } } }, alert(ajax, response, status) { window.alert(response.text); }, announce(ajax, response) { if (response.priority) { Drupal.announce(response.text, response.priority); } else { Drupal.announce(response.text); } }, redirect(ajax, response, status) { window.location = response.url; }, css(ajax, response, status) { $(response.selector).css(response.argument); }, settings(ajax, response, status) { const ajaxSettings = drupalSettings.ajax; if (ajaxSettings) { Drupal.ajax.expired().forEach(instance => { if (instance.selector) { const selector = instance.selector.replace('#', ''); if (selector in ajaxSettings) { delete ajaxSettings[selector]; } } }); } if (response.merge) { $.extend(true, drupalSettings, response.settings); } else { ajax.settings = response.settings; } }, data(ajax, response, status) { $(response.selector).data(response.name, response.value); }, focusFirst(ajax, response, status) { let focusChanged = false; const container = document.querySelector(response.selector); if (container) { const tabbableElements = tabbable(container); if (tabbableElements.length) { tabbableElements[0].focus(); focusChanged = true; } else if (isFocusable(container)) { container.focus(); focusChanged = true; } } if (ajax.hasOwnProperty('element') && !focusChanged) { ajax.element.focus(); } }, invoke(ajax, response, status) { const $element = $(response.selector); $element[response.method](...response.args); }, restripe(ajax, response, status) { $(response.selector).find('> tbody > tr:visible, > tr:visible').removeClass('odd even').filter(':even').addClass('odd').end().filter(':odd').addClass('even'); }, update_build_id(ajax, response, status) { $(`input[name="form_build_id"][value="${response.old}"]`).val(response.new); }, add_css(ajax, response, status) { $('head').prepend(response.data); }, message(ajax, response) { const messages = new Drupal.Message(document.querySelector(response.messageWrapperQuerySelector)); if (response.clearPrevious) { messages.clear(); } messages.add(response.message, response.messageOptions); } }; })(jQuery, window, Drupal, drupalSettings, window.tabbable);