$type2index = array("addresses" => 0x01, "profanity" => 0x02, "hostnames" => 0x03, "usernames" => 0x04); $index2type = array(0x01 => "addresses", 0x02 => "profanity", 0x03 => "hostnames", 0x04 => "usernames"); function ban_match($mask, $category) { // Perform query: $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE type = '$category' AND LOWER('$mask') LIKE LOWER(mask)"); // Return result: return db_fetch_object($result); } function ban_add($mask, $category, $reason, $message = "") { global $index2type; if (empty($mask)) { $message = "failed: empty banmasks are not allowed.
\n"; } else if ($ban = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE type = '$category' AND '$mask' LIKE mask"))) { $message = "failed: ban is already matched by '$ban->mask'.
\n"; } else { $result = db_query("INSERT INTO bans (mask, type, reason, timestamp) VALUES ('$mask', '$category', '$reason', '". time() ."')"); $message = "added new ban with mask '$mask'.
\n"; // Add log entry: watchdog("message", "added new ban '$mask' to category '". $index2type[$category] ."' with reason '$reason'."); } } function ban_delete($id) { global $index2type; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id = '$id'"); if ($ban = db_fetch_object($result)) { // Perform query: $result = db_query("DELETE FROM bans WHERE id = '$id'"); // Deleted log entry: watchdog("message", "removed ban '$ban->mask' from category '". $index2type[$ban->type] ."'."); } } ?>