t('Registry parse file test'), 'description' => t('Parse a simple file and check that its resources are saved to the database.'), 'group' => t('System') ); } function setUp() { $this->fileName = 'registry_test_' . md5(rand()); $this->functionName = 'registry_test_function' . md5(rand()); $this->className = 'registry_test_class' . md5(rand()); $this->interfaceName = 'registry_test_interface' . md5(rand()); parent::setUp(); } /** * testRegistryParseFile */ function testRegistryParseFile() { _registry_parse_file($this->fileName, $this->getFileContents()); foreach (array('functionName', 'className', 'interfaceName') as $resource) { $foundName = db_result(db_query("SELECT name FROM {registry} WHERE name = '%s'", $this->$resource)); $this->assertTrue($this->$resource == $foundName, t('Resource "@resource" found.', array('@resource' => $this->$resource))); } } /** * getFileContents */ function getFileContents() { $file_contents = <<functionName}() {} class {$this->className} {} interface {$this->interfaceName} {} CONTENTS; return $file_contents; } } class RegistryParseFilesTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { protected $fileTypes = array('new', 'existing_changed'); function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Registry parse files test'), 'description' => t('Read two a simple files from disc, and check that their resources are saved to the database.'), 'group' => t('System') ); } function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // Create files with some php to parse - one 'new', one 'existing' so // we test all the important code paths in _registry_parse_files. foreach ($this->fileTypes as $fileType) { $this->$fileType = new stdClass(); $this->$fileType->fileName = file_directory_path() . '/registry_test_' . md5(rand()); $this->$fileType->functionName = 'registry_test_function' . md5(rand()); $this->$fileType->className = 'registry_test_class' . md5(rand()); $this->$fileType->interfaceName = 'registry_test_interface' . md5(rand()); $this->$fileType->contents = $this->getFileContents($fileType); file_save_data($this->$fileType->contents, $this->$fileType->fileName); if ($fileType == 'existing_changed') { // Insert a record with a dodgy md5. $this->$fileType->fakeMD5 = md5($this->$fileType->contents . rand()); db_query("INSERT INTO {registry_file} (md5, filename) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", $this->$fileType->fakeMD5, $this->$fileType->fileName); // Insert some fake resource records. foreach (array('function', 'class', 'interface') as $type) { db_query("INSERT INTO {registry} (name, type, filename) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $type . md5(rand()), $type, $this->$fileType->fileName); } } } } /** * testRegistryParseFiles */ function testRegistryParseFiles() { _registry_parse_files($this->getFiles()); foreach ($this->fileTypes as $fileType) { // Test that we have all the right resources. foreach (array('functionName', 'className', 'interfaceName') as $resource) { $foundName = db_result(db_query("SELECT name FROM {registry} WHERE name = '%s'", $this->$fileType->$resource)); $this->assertTrue($this->$fileType->$resource == $foundName, t('Resource "@resource" found.', array('@resource' => $this->$fileType->$resource))); } // Test that we have the right md5. $md5 = db_result(db_query("SELECT md5 FROM {registry_file} WHERE filename = '%s'", $this->$fileType->fileName)); $this->assertTrue(md5($this->$fileType->contents) == $md5, t('MD5 for "@filename" matched.' . $fileType . $md5, array('@filename' => $this->$fileType->fileName))); } } /** * getFiles */ function getFiles() { $files = array(); foreach ($this->fileTypes as $fileType) { $files[$this->$fileType->fileName] = array('module' => '', 'weight' => 0); if ($fileType == 'existing_changed') { $files[$this->$fileType->fileName]['md5'] = $this->$fileType->fakeMD5; } } return $files; } /** * getFileContents */ function getFileContents($fileType) { $file_contents = <<$fileType->functionName}() {} class {$this->$fileType->className} {} interface {$this->$fileType->interfaceName} {} CONTENTS; return $file_contents; } }