The Drupal Project Message Plugin ================================= Thanks for using this Drupal component. You can participate in its development on, through our issue system: You can get the full Drupal repo here: You can browse the full Drupal repo here: What does it do? ---------------- This Composer plugin displays a configurable message after Composer installation processes have finished. This is ideal for a 'next steps' type prompt to help get the user oriented. Currently only two Composer events are supported: - post-create-project-cmd, when a `composer create-project` command has finished. - post-install-cmd, when a `composer install` command has finished. How do I set it up? ------------------- Require this Composer plugin in your project template composer.json file: "require": { "drupal/core-project-message": "^8.8" } ### Configuration There are three ways to configure this plugin to output information: - Using a text file. - Using composer.json schema keys. - Embedding the information in the extra section of the composer.json file. ### Using a text file By default, the plugin will respond to `post-install-cmd` or `post-create-project-cmd` Composer events by looking for a similarly-named file in the root of the project. For instance, if the user issues a `composer create-project` command, when that command is finished, the plugin will look for a file named `post-create-project-cmd-message.txt` and then display it on the command line. The file should be plain text, with markup suitable for Symfony's `OutputInterface::writeln()` method. See documentation here: You can also configure your own file(s), using the `extra` section of your composer.json file: "extra": { "drupal-core-project-message": { "post-create-project-cmd-file": "bespoke/special_file.txt" } } ### Using composer.json schema keys You can tell the plugin to output the structured support information from the composer.json file by telling it the keys you wish to display. Currently, only `name`, `description`, `homepage` and `support` are supported. "extra": { "drupal-core-project-message": { "include-keys": ["homepage", "support"], } } Then you can include this information in your composer.json file, which you should probably be doing anyway. ### Embedding the information in the extra section You can specify text directly within the `extra` section by using the `[event-name]-message` key. This message should be an array, with one string for each line: "extra": { "drupal-core-project-message": { "post-create-project-cmd-message": [ "Thanks for installing this project.", "Please visit our documentation here:" ] } } These strings should be plain text, with markup suitable for Symfony's `OutputInterface::writeln()` method. See documentation here: The `-message` section will always override `-file` for a given event.