/** * @file * Attaches comment behaviors to the node form. */ (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.commentFieldsetSummaries = { attach: function (context) { $('fieldset.comment-node-settings-form', context).drupalSetSummary(function (context) { return Drupal.checkPlain($('.form-item-comment input:checked', context).next('label').text()); }); // Provide the summary for the node type form. $('fieldset.comment-node-type-settings-form', context).drupalSetSummary(function(context) { var vals = []; // Default comment setting. vals.push($(".form-item-comment select option:selected", context).text()); // Threading. var threading = $(".form-item-comment-default-mode input:checked", context).next('label').text(); if (threading) { vals.push(threading); } // Comments per page. var number = $(".form-item-comment-default-per-page select option:selected", context).val(); vals.push(Drupal.t('@number comments per page', {'@number': number})); return Drupal.checkPlain(vals.join(', ')); }); } }; })(jQuery);