'Block functionality', 'description' => 'Add, edit and delete custom block. Configure and move a module-defined block.', 'group' => 'Block', ); } function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // Create and login user $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer blocks', 'administer filters', 'access administration pages')); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); // Define the existing regions $this->regions = array(); $this->regions[] = array('name' => 'header', 'id' => 'header-region'); $this->regions[] = array('name' => 'sidebar_first', 'id' => 'sidebar-first'); $this->regions[] = array('name' => 'content', 'id' => 'center'); $this->regions[] = array('name' => 'sidebar_second', 'id' => 'sidebar-second'); $this->regions[] = array('name' => 'footer'); } /** * Test creating custom block (i.e. box), moving it to a specific region and then deleting it. */ function testBox() { // Add a new box by filling out the input form on the admin/structure/block/add page. $box = array(); $box['info'] = $this->randomName(8); $box['title'] = $this->randomName(8); $box['body'] = $this->randomName(32); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/add', $box, t('Save block')); // Confirm that the box has been created, and then query the created bid. $this->assertText(t('The block has been created.'), t('Box successfully created.')); $bid = db_query("SELECT bid FROM {box} WHERE info = :info", array(':info' => $box['info']))->fetchField(); // Check to see if the box was created by checking that it's in the database.. $this->assertNotNull($bid, t('Box found in database')); // Check if the block can be moved to all availble regions. $box['module'] = 'block'; $box['delta'] = $bid; foreach ($this->regions as $region) { $this->moveBlockToRegion($box, $region); } // Delete the created box & verify that it's been deleted and no longer appearing on the page. $this->clickLink(t('delete')); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/delete/' . $bid, array(), t('Delete')); $this->assertRaw(t('The block %title has been removed.', array('%title' => $box['info'])), t('Box successfully deleted.')); $this->assertNoText(t($box['title']), t('Box no longer appears on page.')); } /** * Test creating custom block (i.e. box) using Full HTML. */ function testBoxFormat() { // Add a new box by filling out the input form on the admin/structure/block/add page. $box = array(); $box['info'] = $this->randomName(8); $box['title'] = $this->randomName(8); $box['body'] = '


'; $box['body_format'] = 2; $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/add', $box, t('Save block')); // Set the created box to a specific region. $bid = db_query("SELECT bid FROM {box} WHERE info = :info", array(':info' => $box['info']))->fetchField(); $edit = array(); $edit['block_' . $bid . '[region]'] = $this->regions[1]['name']; $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks')); // Confirm that the box is being displayed using configured text format. $this->assertRaw('


', t('Box successfully being displayed using Full HTML.')); // Confirm that a user without access to Full HTML can not see the body field, // but can still submit the form without errors. $block_admin = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer blocks')); $this->drupalLogin($block_admin); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/block/configure/block/' . $bid); $this->assertNoText(t('Block body')); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/configure/block/' . $bid, array(), t('Save block')); $this->assertNoText(t('Please ensure that each block description is unique.')); // Confirm that the box is still being displayed using configured text format. $this->assertRaw('


', t('Box successfully being displayed using Full HTML.')); } /** * Test block visibility. */ function testBlockVisibility() { $block = array(); $block['title'] = 'Syndicate'; $block['module'] = 'node'; $block['delta'] = 'syndicate'; // Set the block to be hidden on any user path, and to be shown only to // authenticated users. $edit = array(); $edit['pages'] = 'user*'; $edit['roles[2]'] = TRUE; $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/configure/' . $block['module'] . '/' . $block['delta'], $edit, t('Save block')); // Move block to the first sidebar. $this->moveBlockToRegion($block, $this->regions[1]); $this->drupalGet(''); $this->assertText('Syndicate', t('Block was displayed on the front page.')); $this->drupalGet('user*'); $this->assertNoText('Syndicate', t('Block was not displayed according to block visibility rules.')); // Confirm that the block is not displayed to anonymous users. $this->drupalLogout(); $this->drupalGet(''); $this->assertNoText('Syndicate', t('Block was not displayed to anonymous users.')); } /** * Test configuring and moving a module-define block to specific regions. */ function testBlock() { // Select the Navigation block to be configured and moved. $block = array(); $block['module'] = 'system'; $block['delta'] = 'management'; $block['title'] = $this->randomName(8); // Set block title to confirm that interface works and override any custom titles. $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/configure/' . $block['module'] . '/' . $block['delta'], array('title' => $block['title']), t('Save block')); $this->assertText(t('The block configuration has been saved.'), t('Block title set.')); $bid = db_query("SELECT bid FROM {block} WHERE module = :module AND delta = :delta", array( ':module' => $block['module'], ':delta' => $block['delta'], ))->fetchField(); // Check to see if the block was created by checking that it's in the database. $this->assertNotNull($bid, t('Block found in database')); // Check if the block can be moved to all availble regions. foreach ($this->regions as $region) { $this->moveBlockToRegion($block, $region); } // Set the block to the disabled region. $edit = array(); $edit[$block['module'] . '_' . $block['delta'] . '[region]'] = '-1'; $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks')); // Confirm that the block was moved to the proper region. $this->assertText(t('The block settings have been updated.'), t('Block successfully move to disabled region.')); $this->assertNoText(t($block['title']), t('Block no longer appears on page.')); // Confirm that the regions xpath is not availble $xpath = '//div[@id="block-block-' . $bid . '"]/*'; $this->assertNoFieldByXPath($xpath, FALSE, t('Box found in no regions.')); // For convenience of developers, put the navigation block back. $edit = array(); $edit[$block['module'] . '_' . $block['delta'] . '[region]'] = $this->regions[1]['name']; $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks')); $this->assertText(t('The block settings have been updated.'), t('Block successfully move to first sidebar region.')); $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/configure/' . $block['module'] . '/' . $block['delta'], array('title' => 'Navigation'), t('Save block')); $this->assertText(t('The block configuration has been saved.'), t('Block title set.')); } function moveBlockToRegion($block, $region) { // If an id for an region hasn't been specified, we assume it's the same as the name. if (!(isset($region['id']))) { $region['id'] = $region['name']; } // Set the created block to a specific region. $edit = array(); $edit[$block['module'] . '_' . $block['delta'] . '[region]'] = $region['name']; $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks')); // Confirm that the block was moved to the proper region. $this->assertText(t('The block settings have been updated.'), t('Block successfully moved to %region_name region.', array( '%region_name' => $region['name']))); // Confirm that the block is being displayed. $this->assertText(t($block['title']), t('Block successfully being displayed on the page.')); // Confirm that the box was found at the proper region. $xpath = '//div[@id="' . $region['id'] . '"]//div[@id="block-' . $block['module'] . '-' . $block['delta'] . '"]/*'; $this->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, FALSE, t('Box found in %region_name region.', array('%region_name' => $region['name']))); } } class NonDefaultBlockAdmin extends DrupalWebTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Non default theme admin', 'description' => 'Check the administer page for non default theme.', 'group' => 'Block', ); } /** * Test non-default theme admin. */ function testNonDefaultBlockAdmin() { $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer blocks', 'administer site configuration')); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); $this->drupalPost('admin/appearance', array('status[stark]' => 1), t('Save configuration')); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/block/list/stark'); $this->assertRaw('stark/layout.css', t('Stark CSS found')); } } /** * Test blocks correctly initialized when picking a new default theme. */ class NewDefaultThemeBlocks extends DrupalWebTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'New default theme blocks', 'description' => 'Checks that the new default theme gets blocks.', 'group' => 'Block', ); } /** * Check the enabled Garland blocks are correctly copied over. */ function testNewDefaultThemeBlocks() { // Create administrative user. $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer site configuration')); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); // Ensure no other theme's blocks are in the block table yet. $count = db_query_range("SELECT 1 FROM {block} WHERE theme NOT IN ('garland', 'seven')", 0, 1)->fetchField(); $this->assertFalse($count, t('Only Garland and Seven have blocks.')); // Populate list of all blocks for matching against new theme. $blocks = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {block} WHERE theme = 'garland'"); foreach ($result as $block) { // $block->theme and $block->bid will not match, so remove them. unset($block->theme, $block->bid); $blocks[$block->module][$block->delta] = $block; } // Turn on the Stark theme and ensure that it contains all of the blocks // that Garland did. $this->drupalPost('admin/appearance', array('theme_default' => 'stark'), t('Save configuration')); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {block} WHERE theme='stark'"); foreach ($result as $block) { unset($block->theme, $block->bid); $this->assertEqual($blocks[$block->module][$block->delta], $block, t('Block %name matched', array('%name' => $block->module . '-' . $block->delta))); } } } /** * Test the block system with admin themes. */ class BlockAdminThemeTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Admin theme block admin accessibility', 'description' => "Check whether the block administer page for a disabled theme acccessible if and only if it's the admin theme.", 'group' => 'Block', ); } /** * Check for the accessibility of the admin theme on the block admin page. */ function testAdminTheme() { // Create administrative user. $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer blocks', 'administer site configuration')); $this->drupalLogin($admin_user); // Ensure that access to block admin page is denied when theme is disabled. $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/block/list/stark'); $this->assertResponse(403, t('The block admin page for a disabled theme can not be accessed')); // Enable admin theme and confirm that tab is accessible. $edit['admin_theme'] = 'stark'; $this->drupalPost('admin/appearance', $edit, t('Save configuration')); $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/block/list/stark'); $this->assertResponse(200, t('The block admin page for the admin theme can be accessed')); } }