array("textfield", t("Address"), "", 64, 64, t("Your address: street and number.")), "city" => array("textfield", t("City"), "", 64, 64, t("Your city.")), "state" => array("textfield", t("State"), "", 4, 2, t("Your state as a two letter code.")), "zip" => array("textfield", t("Zip"), "", 7, 5, t("Your ZIP code.")), "birthday" => array("", t("Birthday"), ""), "gender" => array("select", t("Gender"), "", array(0 => "-", "m" => t("male"), "f" => t("female")), "", 0, 0), "job" => array("textfield", t("Job title"), "", 64, 64, t("Your job title or position.")), "icq" => array("textfield", t("ICQ messenger ID"), "", 12, 12, ""), "msn" => array("textfield", t("MSN messenger ID"), "", 64, 64, ""), "yahoo" => array("textfield", t("Yahoo messenger ID"), "", 64, 64, ""), "aim" => array("textfield", t("AIM messenger ID"), "", 64, 64, ""), "homepage" => array("textfield", t("URL of homepage"), "", 64, 64, t("Make sure you enter a fully qualified URL: remember to include \"http://\".")), "biography" => array("textarea", t("Biography"), "", 64, 4, ""), "interests" => array("textarea", t("Interests"), "", 64, 4, t("What you like.")), "publickey" => array("textarea", t("Public key"), "", 64, 4, ""), "avatar" => array("", t("Avatar or picture"), t("Your virtual face or picture.")) ); $GLOBALS["profile_days"][0] = t("day"); for ($n=1; $n<=31; $n++) { $GLOBALS["profile_days"][$n] = $n; } $GLOBALS["profile_months"] = array(0 => t("month"), 1 => t("January"), 2 => t("February"), 3 => t("March"), 4 => t("April"), 5 => t("May"), 6 => t("June"), 7 => t("July"), 8 => t("August"), 9 => t("September"), 10 => t("October"), 11 => t("November"), 12 => t("December")); } function profile_system($field){ $system["description"] = t("Support for configurable user profiles."); return $system[$field]; } function profile_conf_options() { global $profile_fields; if (!$profile_fields) { _profile_init(); } foreach ($profile_fields as $key => $field) { $fields[$key] = $field[1]; } $output .= form_select(t("Registration time fields"), "profile_register_fields", variable_get("profile_register_fields", array()), $fields, t("The fields users will be able to set at registration time. Any required fields (see below) must appear here too."), "size=\"6\"", 1); $output .= form_select(t("Required fields"), "profile_required_fields", variable_get("profile_required_fields", array()), $fields, t("The fields users that are required to be set."), "size=\"6\"", 1); $output .= form_select(t("Publicly accessible fields"), "profile_public_fields", variable_get("profile_public_fields", array()), $fields, t("The fields users will be able to set and that will be publicly visible."), "size=\"6\"", 1); $output .= form_select(t("Private fields"), "profile_private_fields", variable_get("profile_private_fields", array()), $fields, t("The fields users will be able to set, but which are kept private."), "size=\"6\"", 1); $output .= form_textfield(t("Avatar image path"), "profile_avatar_path", variable_get("profile_avatar_path", "misc/avatars/"), 30, 255, t("Path for avatar directory; it must be writeable and visible from the web.")); $output .= form_textfield(t("Avatar max size"), "profile_avatar_size", variable_get("profile_avatar_size", "85x85"), 10, 10, t("Maximum size for avatars.")); $output .= form_textfield(t("Avatar max filesize"), "profile_avatar_filesize", variable_get("profile_avatar_filesize", "30"), 10, 10, t("Maximum filesize for avatars, in kb.")); return $output; } function profile_user($type, $edit, &$user) { global $profile_fields; if (!$profile_fields) { _profile_init(); } switch ($type) { case "register_form": // first registration form (to add something to just email and nick) return _profile_form($edit, "register"); case "register_validate": // validate first registration form return _profile_validate($edit, "required"); case "edit_form": // when user tries to edit his own data return _profile_form(object2array($user), "private"); case "edit_validate": // validate user data editing return _profile_validate($edit, "private"); case "view_public": // when others look at user data return _profile_user_view($user, "public"); case "view_private": // when user looks at his own data return _profile_user_view($user, "private"); } } function profile_required($title) { // this pleads "theme_invoke, theme_invoke" ;) return $title ." ". theme_invoke("theme_mark"); } function _profile_form($edit, $mode) { global $profile_fields, $user; $reg_fields = _profile_active_fields($mode); $required_fields = _profile_active_fields("required"); foreach ($profile_fields as $name => $field) { if ($field[0] && in_array($name, $reg_fields)) { $f = "form_".$field[0]; $t = "profile_".$name; $output .= $f((in_array($name, $required_fields) ? profile_required($field[1]) : $field[1]), $t, $edit[$t], $field[3], $field[4], $field[5], $field[6]); } } if (in_array("birthday", $reg_fields)) { $output .= form_item((in_array("birthday", $required_fields) ? profile_required($profile_fields["birthday"][1]) : $profile_fields["birthday"][1]), _profile_edit_birth(array2object($edit)), $profile_fields["birthday"][2]); } if (in_array("avatar", $reg_fields)) { if ($edit["profile_avatar"] && $edit["uid"]) { $file = profile_avatar_path($edit["uid"], $edit["profile_avatar"]); if ($file) { $output .= "
"; } } $output .= form_file($profile_fields["avatar"][1], "profile_avatar", 64, $profile_fields["avatar"][2]); } return $output; } function _profile_validate($edit, $mode) { global $profile_fields, $user, $HTTP_POST_VARS; $req_fields = _profile_active_fields($mode); if (in_array("birthday", $req_fields) && ($birth_error = _profile_validate_birth($edit))) { $error .= $birth_error."
"; } if (in_array("avatar", $req_fields) && ($avatar_error = _profile_validate_avatar($edit))) { $error .= $avatar_error."
"; } foreach (array_keys($profile_fields) as $field) { // replicate any key which was saved during registration but is not in this form if (!$edit[$field] && $user->$field) { $edit[$field] = $user->$field; } } // now check for required fields foreach(_profile_active_fields("required") as $required) { if (in_array($required, $req_fields)) { if (!$edit["profile_".$required]) { $error .= t("This required field is missing: %a", array("%a" => $profile_fields[$required][1]))."
"; } } } if ($error) { return $error; } else { return $edit; } } function _profile_user_view(&$user, $mode) { global $profile_fields; foreach (_profile_active_fields($mode) as $name) { $field = $profile_fields[$name]; $t = "profile_".$name; switch ($field[0]) { case "textfield": case "textarea": case "checkbox": if (isset($user->$t)) { $output .= form_item($field[1], check_output($user->$t)); } break; case "select": if (isset($user->$t)) { $output .= form_item($field[1], check_output($profile_fields[$name][3][$user->$t])); } break; case "": // special if ($t == "profile_avatar") { if (isset($user->$t)) { $file = profile_avatar_path($user->uid, $user->profile_avatar); if (file_exists($file)) { $output .= form_item(t("Avatar"), ""); } } } if ($t == "profile_birthday") { if (isset($user->profile_birthday) && isset($user->profile_birthmonth) && isset($user->profile_birthyear)) { // this is very european-centric, can we use format_date? $output .= form_item(t("Birthday"), $user->profile_birthday."/".$user->profile_birthmonth."/".$user->profile_birthyear); } } } } return $output; } function _profile_validate_avatar(&$edit) { global $HTTP_POST_FILES, $user; // check that uploaded file is an image, with a max file size and max height/width unset($edit["profile_avatar"]); if ($HTTP_POST_FILES["edit"]["name"]["profile_avatar"] == "") { $edit["profile_avatar"] = $user->profile_avatar; return ""; } $image_file = $HTTP_POST_FILES["edit"]["tmp_name"]["profile_avatar"]; if (is_uploaded_file($image_file)) { $extension = strtolower(strrchr($HTTP_POST_FILES["edit"]["name"]["profile_avatar"], ".")); $size = getimagesize($image_file); list($maxwidth, $maxheight) = explode("x", variable_get("profile_avatar_size", "85x85")); if ((!in_array($size[2], array(1,2,3))) || (!in_array($extension, array(".gif", ".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg")))) { $error = t("uploaded file was not an image."); } else if (filesize($image_file) > (variable_get("profile_avatar_filesize", "30")*1000)) { $error = t("uploaded image is too large, max %a kb.", array("%a" => variable_get("profile_avatar_filesize", "30"))); } else if ($size[0] > $maxwidth || $size[1] > $maxheight) { $error = t("uploaded image is too large, max %a.", array("%a" => variable_get("profile_avatar_size", "85x85"))); } else if (!copy($image_file, variable_get("profile_avatar_path", "misc/avatars/").md5($user->uid).$extension)) { $error = t("error in file upload"); } else { $edit["profile_avatar"] = $extension; } } return $error ? $error."
" : ""; } function profile_avatar_path($uid, $extension) { return $extension ? variable_get("profile_avatar_path", "misc/avatars/").md5($uid).$extension : ""; } function _profile_active_fields($mode) { return variable_get("profile_".$mode."_fields", array()); } function _profile_edit_birth($edit = "") { global $profile_months, $profile_days; $output .= _profile_select("profile_birthday", $edit->profile_birthday, $profile_days); $output .= " "; $output .= _profile_select("profile_birthmonth", $edit->profile_birthmonth, $profile_months); $output .= " "; $output .= "profile_birthyear\" />"; return $output; } function _profile_validate_birth(&$edit) { if (!$edit["profile_birthday"] && !$edit["profile_birthmonth"] && !$edit["profile_birthyear"]) { // change this if you want required birth return; } if ($edit["profile_birthyear"] > 1900 && checkdate($edit["profile_birthmonth"], $edit["profile_birthday"], $edit["profile_birthyear"])) { return; } else { return t("The specified birthday is not valid.")."
"; } } function _profile_select($name, $value, $options, $extra = 0, $multiple = 0) { if (count($options) > 0) { foreach ($options as $key=>$choice) { $select .= ""; } return ""; } } ?>