// $Id$ /** * Add functionality to the profile drag and drop table. * * This behavior is dependent on the tableDrag behavior, since it uses the * objects initialized in that behavior to update the row. It shows and hides * a warning message when removing the last field from a profile category. */ Drupal.behaviors.profileDrag = function(context) { var table = $('#profile-fields'); var tableDrag = Drupal.tableDrag['profile-fields']; // Get the profile tableDrag object. // Add a handler for when a row is swapped, update empty categories. tableDrag.row.prototype.onSwap = function(swappedRow) { var rowObject = this; $('tr.category-message', table).each(function() { // If the dragged row is in this category, but above the message row, swap it down one space. if ($(this).prev('tr').get(0) == rowObject.element) { // Prevent a recursion problem when using the keyboard to move rows up. if ((rowObject.method != 'keyboard' || rowObject.direction == 'down')) { rowObject.swap('after', this); } } // This category has become empty if ($(this).next('tr').is(':not(.draggable)') || $(this).next('tr').size() == 0) { $(this).removeClass('category-populated').addClass('category-empty'); } // This category has become populated. else if ($(this).is('.category-empty')) { $(this).removeClass('category-empty').addClass('category-populated'); } }); }; // Add a handler so when a row is dropped, update fields dropped into new categories. tableDrag.onDrop = function() { dragObject = this; if ($(dragObject.rowObject.element).prev('tr').is('.category-message')) { var categoryRow = $(dragObject.rowObject.element).prev('tr').get(0); var categoryNum = categoryRow.className.replace(/([^ ]+[ ]+)*category-([^ ]+)-message([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2'); var categoryField = $('select.profile-category', dragObject.rowObject.element); var weightField = $('select.profile-weight', dragObject.rowObject.element); var oldcategoryNum = weightField[0].className.replace(/([^ ]+[ ]+)*profile-weight-([^ ]+)([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2'); if (!categoryField.is('.profile-category-'+ categoryNum)) { categoryField.removeClass('profile-category-' + oldcategoryNum).addClass('profile-category-' + categoryNum); weightField.removeClass('profile-weight-' + oldcategoryNum).addClass('profile-weight-' + categoryNum); categoryField.val(categoryField[0].options[categoryNum].value); } } }; };