connection = 'ftp://' . urlencode($this->username) . ':' . urlencode($this->password) . '@' . $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port . '/'; if (!is_dir($this->connection)) { throw new FileTransferException('FTP Connection failed.'); } } static function factory($jail, $settings) { $settings['hostname'] = empty($settings['hostname']) ? 'localhost' : $settings['hostname']; $settings['port'] = empty($settings['port']) ? 21 : $settings['port']; return new FileTransferFTPWrapper($jail, $settings['username'], $settings['password'], $settings['hostname'], $settings['port']); } function createDirectoryJailed($directory) { if (!@drupal_mkdir($directory)) { $exception = new FileTransferException('Cannot create directory @directory.', NULL, array('@directory' => $directory)); throw $exception; } } function removeDirectoryJailed($directory) { if (is_dir($directory)) { $dh = opendir($directory); while (($resource = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) { if ($resource == '.' || $resource == '..') { continue; } $full_path = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $resource; if (is_file($full_path)) { $this->removeFile($full_path); } elseif (is_dir($full_path)) { $this->removeDirectory($full_path . '/'); } } closedir($dh); if (!rmdir($directory)) { $exception = new FileTransferException('Cannot remove @directory.', NULL, array('@directory' => $directory)); throw $exception; } } } function copyFileJailed($source, $destination) { if (!@copy($this->connection . '/' . $source, $this->connection . '/' . $destination)) { throw new FileTransferException('Cannot copy @source_file to @destination_file.', NULL, array('@source' => $source, '@destination' => $destination)); } } function removeFileJailed($destination) { if (!@unlink($destination)) { throw new FileTransferException('Cannot remove @destination', NULL, array('@destination' => $destination)); } } function isDirectory($path) { return is_dir($this->connection . '/' . $path); } } class FileTransferFTPExtension extends FileTransfer { public function connect() { $this->connection = ftp_connect($this->hostname, $this->port); if (!$this->connection) { throw new FileTransferException("Cannot connect to FTP Server, please check settings"); } if (!ftp_login($this->connection, $this->username, $this->password)) { throw new FileTransferException("Cannot login to FTP server, please check username and password"); } } static function factory($jail, $settings) { $settings['hostname'] = empty($settings['hostname']) ? 'localhost' : $settings['hostname']; $settings['port'] = empty($settings['port']) ? 21 : $settings['port']; return new FileTransferFTPExtension($jail, $settings['username'], $settings['password'], $settings['hostname'], $settings['port']); } protected function copyFileJailed($source, $destination) { if (!@ftp_put($this->connection, $destination, $source, FTP_BINARY)) { throw new FileTransferException("Cannot move @source to @destination", NULL, array("@source" => $source, "@destination" => $destination)); } } protected function createDirectoryJailed($directory) { if (!@ftp_mkdir($this->connection, $directory)) { throw new FileTransferException("Cannot create directory @directory", NULL, array("@directory" => $directory)); } } protected function removeDirectoryJailed($directory) { $pwd = ftp_pwd($this->connection); if (!@ftp_chdir($this->connection, $directory)) { throw new FileTransferException("Unable to change to directory @directory", NULL, array('@directory' => $directory)); } $list = @ftp_nlist($this->connection, '.'); foreach ($list as $item){ if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') { continue; } if (@ftp_chdir($this->connection, $item)){ ftp_cdup($this->connection); $this->removeDirectory(ftp_pwd($this->connection) . '/' . $item); } else { $this->removeFile(ftp_pwd($this->connection) . '/' . $item); } } ftp_chdir($this->connection, $pwd); if (!ftp_rmdir($this->connection, $directory)) { throw new FileTransferException("Unable to remove to directory @directory", NULL, array('@directory' => $directory)); } } protected function removeFileJailed($destination) { if (!ftp_delete($this->connection, $destination)) { throw new FileTransferException("Unable to remove to file @file", NULL, array('@file' => $destination)); } } public function isDirectory($path) { $result = FALSE; $curr = ftp_pwd($this->connection); if (ftp_chdir($this->connection, $path)) { $result = TRUE; } ftp_chdir($this->connection, $curr); return $result; } }