icon: The icon to display. * - $topic->moved: A flag to indicate whether the topic has been moved to * another forum. * - $topic->title: The title of the topic. Safe to output. * - $topic->message: If the topic has been moved, this contains an * explanation and a link. * - $topic->zebra: 'even' or 'odd' string used for row class. * - $topic->comment_count: The number of replies on this topic. * - $topic->new_replies: A flag to indicate whether there are unread comments. * - $topic->new_url: If there are unread replies, this is a link to them. * - $topic->new_text: Text containing the translated, properly pluralized count. * - $topic->created: An outputtable string represented when the topic was posted. * - $topic->last_reply: An outputtable string representing when the topic was * last replied to. * - $topic->timestamp: The raw timestamp this topic was posted. * * @see template_preprocess_forum_topic_list() * @see theme_forum_topic_list() */ ?>
icon; ?> |
title; ?>
created; ?>
moved): ?>
message; ?> |
comment_count; ?>
new_replies): ?>
new_text; ?> |
last_reply; ?> |