$schema_version) { if ($extension_list_module->exists($module) && !$extension_list_module->checkIncompatibility($module)) { if ($schema_version > -1) { module_load_install($module); } } } } /** * Loads the installation profile, extracting its defined distribution name. * * @return * The distribution name defined in the profile's .info.yml file. Defaults to * "Drupal" if none is explicitly provided by the installation profile. * * @see install_profile_info() */ function drupal_install_profile_distribution_name() { // During installation, the profile information is stored in the global // installation state (it might not be saved anywhere yet). $info = []; if (InstallerKernel::installationAttempted()) { global $install_state; if (isset($install_state['profile_info'])) { $info = $install_state['profile_info']; } } // At all other times, we load the profile via standard methods. else { $profile = \Drupal::installProfile(); $info = \Drupal::service('extension.list.profile')->getExtensionInfo($profile); } return isset($info['distribution']['name']) ? $info['distribution']['name'] : 'Drupal'; } /** * Loads the installation profile, extracting its defined version. * * @return string * Distribution version defined in the profile's .info.yml file. * Defaults to \Drupal::VERSION if no version is explicitly provided by the * installation profile. * * @see install_profile_info() */ function drupal_install_profile_distribution_version() { // During installation, the profile information is stored in the global // installation state (it might not be saved anywhere yet). if (InstallerKernel::installationAttempted()) { global $install_state; return isset($install_state['profile_info']['version']) ? $install_state['profile_info']['version'] : \Drupal::VERSION; } // At all other times, we load the profile via standard methods. else { $profile = \Drupal::installProfile(); $info = \Drupal::service('extension.list.profile')->getExtensionInfo($profile); return $info['version']; } } /** * Detects all supported databases that are compiled into PHP. * * @return * An array of database types compiled into PHP. */ function drupal_detect_database_types() { $databases = drupal_get_database_types(); foreach ($databases as $driver => $installer) { $databases[$driver] = $installer->name(); } return $databases; } /** * Returns all supported database driver installer objects. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Install\Tasks[] * An array of available database driver installer objects. */ function drupal_get_database_types() { $databases = []; $drivers = []; // The internal database driver name is any valid PHP identifier. $mask = ExtensionDiscovery::PHP_FUNCTION_PATTERN; // Find drivers in the Drupal\Core and Drupal\Driver namespaces. /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */ $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system'); $files = $file_system->scanDirectory(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver', $mask, ['recurse' => FALSE]); if (is_dir(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database')) { $files += $file_system->scanDirectory(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/', $mask, ['recurse' => FALSE]); } foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists($file->uri . '/Install/Tasks.php')) { // The namespace doesn't need to be added here, because // db_installer_object() will find it. $drivers[$file->filename] = NULL; } } // Find drivers in Drupal module namespaces. /** @var \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader $class_loader */ $class_loader = \Drupal::service('class_loader'); // We cannot use the file cache because it does not always exist. $extension_discovery = new ExtensionDiscovery(DRUPAL_ROOT, FALSE, []); $modules = $extension_discovery->scan('module'); foreach ($modules as $module) { $module_driver_path = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $module->getPath() . '/src/Driver/Database'; if (is_dir($module_driver_path)) { $driver_files = $file_system->scanDirectory($module_driver_path, $mask, ['recurse' => FALSE]); foreach ($driver_files as $driver_file) { $tasks_file = $module_driver_path . '/' . $driver_file->filename . '/Install/Tasks.php'; if (file_exists($tasks_file)) { $namespace = 'Drupal\\' . $module->getName() . '\\Driver\\Database\\' . $driver_file->filename; // The namespace needs to be added for db_installer_object() to find // it. $drivers[$driver_file->filename] = $namespace; // The directory needs to be added to the autoloader, because this is // early in the installation process: the module hasn't been enabled // yet and the database connection info array (including its 'autoload' // key) hasn't been created yet. $class_loader->addPsr4($namespace . '\\', $module->getPath() . '/src/Driver/Database/' . $driver_file->filename); } } } } foreach ($drivers as $driver => $namespace) { $installer = db_installer_object($driver, $namespace); if ($installer->installable()) { $databases[$driver] = $installer; } } // Usability: unconditionally put the MySQL driver on top. if (isset($databases['mysql'])) { $mysql_database = $databases['mysql']; unset($databases['mysql']); $databases = ['mysql' => $mysql_database] + $databases; } return $databases; } /** * Replaces values in settings.php with values in the submitted array. * * This function replaces values in place if possible, even for * multidimensional arrays. This way the old settings do not linger, * overridden and also the doxygen on a value remains where it should be. * * @param $settings * An array of settings that need to be updated. Multidimensional arrays * are dumped up to a stdClass object. The object can have value, required * and comment properties. * @code * $settings['settings']['config_sync_directory'] = (object) array( * 'value' => 'config_hash/sync', * 'required' => TRUE, * ); * @endcode * gets dumped as: * @code * $settings['config_sync_directory'] = 'config_hash/sync' * @endcode */ function drupal_rewrite_settings($settings = [], $settings_file = NULL) { if (!isset($settings_file)) { $settings_file = \Drupal::getContainer()->getParameter('site.path') . '/settings.php'; } // Build list of setting names and insert the values into the global namespace. $variable_names = []; $settings_settings = []; foreach ($settings as $setting => $data) { if ($setting != 'settings') { _drupal_rewrite_settings_global($GLOBALS[$setting], $data); } else { _drupal_rewrite_settings_global($settings_settings, $data); } $variable_names['$' . $setting] = $setting; } $contents = file_get_contents($settings_file); if ($contents !== FALSE) { // Initialize the contents for the settings.php file if it is empty. if (trim($contents) === '') { $contents = " $setting) { $buffer .= _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump($setting, '$' . $name); } // Write the new settings file. if (file_put_contents($settings_file, $buffer) === FALSE) { throw new Exception("Failed to modify '$settings_file'. Verify the file permissions."); } else { // In case any $settings variables were written, import them into the // Settings singleton. if (!empty($settings_settings)) { $old_settings = Settings::getAll(); new Settings($settings_settings + $old_settings); } // The existing settings.php file might have been included already. In // case an opcode cache is enabled, the rewritten contents of the file // will not be reflected in this process. Ensure to invalidate the file // in case an opcode cache is enabled. OpCodeCache::invalidate(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $settings_file); } } else { throw new Exception("Failed to open '$settings_file'. Verify the file permissions."); } } /** * Helper for drupal_rewrite_settings(). * * Checks whether this token represents a scalar or NULL. * * @param int $type * The token type. * @param string $value * The value of the token. * * @return bool * TRUE if this token represents a scalar or NULL. * * @see token_name() */ function _drupal_rewrite_settings_is_simple($type, $value) { $is_integer = $type == T_LNUMBER; $is_float = $type == T_DNUMBER; $is_string = $type == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING; $is_boolean_or_null = $type == T_STRING && in_array(strtoupper($value), ['TRUE', 'FALSE', 'NULL']); return $is_integer || $is_float || $is_string || $is_boolean_or_null; } /** * Helper for drupal_rewrite_settings(). * * Checks whether this token represents a valid array index: a number or a * string. * * @param int $type * The token type. * * @return bool * TRUE if this token represents a number or a string. * * @see token_name() */ function _drupal_rewrite_settings_is_array_index($type) { $is_integer = $type == T_LNUMBER; $is_float = $type == T_DNUMBER; $is_string = $type == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING; return $is_integer || $is_float || $is_string; } /** * Helper for drupal_rewrite_settings(). * * Makes the new settings global. * * @param array|null $ref * A reference to a nested index in $GLOBALS. * @param array|object $variable * The nested value of the setting being copied. */ function _drupal_rewrite_settings_global(&$ref, $variable) { if (is_object($variable)) { $ref = $variable->value; } else { foreach ($variable as $k => $v) { _drupal_rewrite_settings_global($ref[$k], $v); } } } /** * Helper for drupal_rewrite_settings(). * * Dump the relevant value properties. * * @param array|object $variable * The container for variable values. * @param string $variable_name * Name of variable. * * @return string * A string containing valid PHP code of the variable suitable for placing * into settings.php. */ function _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump($variable, $variable_name) { $return = ''; if (is_object($variable)) { if (!empty($variable->required)) { $return .= _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump_one($variable, "$variable_name = ", "\n"); } } else { foreach ($variable as $k => $v) { $return .= _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump($v, $variable_name . "['" . $k . "']"); } } return $return; } /** * Helper for drupal_rewrite_settings(). * * Dump the value of a value property and adds the comment if it exists. * * @param object $variable * A stdClass object with at least a value property. * @param string $prefix * A string to prepend to the variable's value. * @param string $suffix * A string to append to the variable's value. * * @return string * A string containing valid PHP code of the variable suitable for placing * into settings.php. */ function _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump_one(\stdClass $variable, $prefix = '', $suffix = '') { $return = $prefix . var_export($variable->value, TRUE) . ';'; if (!empty($variable->comment)) { $return .= ' // ' . $variable->comment; } $return .= $suffix; return $return; } /** * Verifies that all dependencies are met for a given installation profile. * * @param $install_state * An array of information about the current installation state. * * @return * The list of modules to install. */ function drupal_verify_profile($install_state) { $profile = $install_state['parameters']['profile']; $info = $install_state['profile_info']; // Get the list of available modules for the selected installation profile. $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root()); $present_modules = []; foreach ($listing->scan('module') as $present_module) { $present_modules[] = $present_module->getName(); } // The installation profile is also a module, which needs to be installed // after all the other dependencies have been installed. $present_modules[] = $profile; // Verify that all of the profile's required modules are present. $missing_modules = array_diff($info['install'], $present_modules); $requirements = []; if ($missing_modules) { $build = [ '#theme' => 'item_list', '#context' => ['list_style' => 'comma-list'], ]; foreach ($missing_modules as $module) { $build['#items'][] = ['#markup' => '' . Unicode::ucfirst($module) . '']; } $modules_list = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderPlain($build); $requirements['required_modules'] = [ 'title' => t('Required modules'), 'value' => t('Required modules not found.'), 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR, 'description' => t('The following modules are required but were not found. Move them into the appropriate modules subdirectory, such as /modules. Missing modules: @modules', ['@modules' => $modules_list]), ]; } return $requirements; } /** * Installs the system module. * * Separated from the installation of other modules so core system * functions can be made available while other modules are installed. * * @param array $install_state * An array of information about the current installation state. This is used * to set the default language. */ function drupal_install_system($install_state) { // Remove the service provider of the early installer. unset($GLOBALS['conf']['container_service_providers']['InstallerServiceProvider']); // Add the normal installer service provider. $GLOBALS['conf']['container_service_providers']['InstallerServiceProvider'] = 'Drupal\Core\Installer\NormalInstallerServiceProvider'; // Get the existing request. $request = \Drupal::request(); // Reboot into a full production environment to continue the installation. /** @var \Drupal\Core\Installer\InstallerKernel $kernel */ $kernel = \Drupal::service('kernel'); $kernel->shutdown(); // Have installer rebuild from the disk, rather then building from scratch. $kernel->rebuildContainer(FALSE); // Reboot the kernel with new container. $kernel->boot(); $kernel->preHandle($request); // Ensure our request includes the session if appropriate. if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { $request->setSession($kernel->getContainer()->get('session')); } // Before having installed the system module and being able to do a module // rebuild, prime the \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList static cache // with the module's location. // @todo Try to install system as any other module, see // https://www.drupal.org/node/2719315. \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->setPathname('system', 'core/modules/system/system.info.yml'); // Install base system configuration. \Drupal::service('config.installer')->installDefaultConfig('core', 'core'); // Store the installation profile in configuration to populate the // 'install_profile' container parameter. \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('core.extension') ->set('profile', $install_state['parameters']['profile']) ->save(); $connection = Database::getConnection(); $provider = $connection->getProvider(); // When the database driver is provided by a module, then install that module. // This module must be installed before any other module, as it must be able // to override any call to hook_schema() or any "backend_overridable" service. if ($provider !== 'core') { $autoload = $connection->getConnectionOptions()['autoload'] ?? ''; if (($pos = strpos($autoload, 'src/Driver/Database/')) !== FALSE) { $kernel->getContainer()->get('module_installer')->install([$provider], FALSE); } } // Install System module. $kernel->getContainer()->get('module_installer')->install(['system'], FALSE); // Ensure default language is saved. if (isset($install_state['parameters']['langcode'])) { \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('system.site') ->set('langcode', (string) $install_state['parameters']['langcode']) ->set('default_langcode', (string) $install_state['parameters']['langcode']) ->save(TRUE); } } /** * Verifies the state of the specified file. * * @param $file * The file to check for. * @param $mask * An optional bitmask created from various FILE_* constants. * @param $type * The type of file. Can be file (default), dir, or link. * @param bool $autofix * (optional) Determines whether to attempt fixing the permissions according * to the provided $mask. Defaults to TRUE. * * @return * TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. A message is set for the latter. */ function drupal_verify_install_file($file, $mask = NULL, $type = 'file', $autofix = TRUE) { $return = TRUE; // Check for files that shouldn't be there. if (isset($mask) && ($mask & FILE_NOT_EXIST) && file_exists($file)) { return FALSE; } // Verify that the file is the type of file it is supposed to be. if (isset($type) && file_exists($file)) { $check = 'is_' . $type; if (!function_exists($check) || !$check($file)) { $return = FALSE; } } // Verify file permissions. if (isset($mask)) { $masks = [FILE_EXIST, FILE_READABLE, FILE_WRITABLE, FILE_EXECUTABLE, FILE_NOT_READABLE, FILE_NOT_WRITABLE, FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE]; foreach ($masks as $current_mask) { if ($mask & $current_mask) { switch ($current_mask) { case FILE_EXIST: if (!file_exists($file)) { if ($type == 'dir' && $autofix) { drupal_install_mkdir($file, $mask); } if (!file_exists($file)) { $return = FALSE; } } break; case FILE_READABLE: if (!is_readable($file)) { $return = FALSE; } break; case FILE_WRITABLE: if (!is_writable($file)) { $return = FALSE; } break; case FILE_EXECUTABLE: if (!is_executable($file)) { $return = FALSE; } break; case FILE_NOT_READABLE: if (is_readable($file)) { $return = FALSE; } break; case FILE_NOT_WRITABLE: if (is_writable($file)) { $return = FALSE; } break; case FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE: if (is_executable($file)) { $return = FALSE; } break; } } } } if (!$return && $autofix) { return drupal_install_fix_file($file, $mask); } return $return; } /** * Creates a directory with the specified permissions. * * @param $file * The name of the directory to create; * @param $mask * The permissions of the directory to create. * @param $message * (optional) Whether to output messages. Defaults to TRUE. * * @return * TRUE/FALSE whether or not the directory was successfully created. */ function drupal_install_mkdir($file, $mask, $message = TRUE) { $mod = 0; $masks = [FILE_READABLE, FILE_WRITABLE, FILE_EXECUTABLE, FILE_NOT_READABLE, FILE_NOT_WRITABLE, FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE]; foreach ($masks as $m) { if ($mask & $m) { switch ($m) { case FILE_READABLE: $mod |= 0444; break; case FILE_WRITABLE: $mod |= 0222; break; case FILE_EXECUTABLE: $mod |= 0111; break; } } } if (@\Drupal::service('file_system')->mkdir($file, $mod)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Attempts to fix file permissions. * * The general approach here is that, because we do not know the security * setup of the webserver, we apply our permission changes to all three * digits of the file permission (i.e. user, group and all). * * To ensure that the values behave as expected (and numbers don't carry * from one digit to the next) we do the calculation on the octal value * using bitwise operations. This lets us remove, for example, 0222 from * 0700 and get the correct value of 0500. * * @param $file * The name of the file with permissions to fix. * @param $mask * The desired permissions for the file. * @param $message * (optional) Whether to output messages. Defaults to TRUE. * * @return * TRUE/FALSE whether or not we were able to fix the file's permissions. */ function drupal_install_fix_file($file, $mask, $message = TRUE) { // If $file does not exist, fileperms() issues a PHP warning. if (!file_exists($file)) { return FALSE; } $mod = fileperms($file) & 0777; $masks = [FILE_READABLE, FILE_WRITABLE, FILE_EXECUTABLE, FILE_NOT_READABLE, FILE_NOT_WRITABLE, FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE]; // FILE_READABLE, FILE_WRITABLE, and FILE_EXECUTABLE permission strings // can theoretically be 0400, 0200, and 0100 respectively, but to be safe // we set all three access types in case the administrator intends to // change the owner of settings.php after installation. foreach ($masks as $m) { if ($mask & $m) { switch ($m) { case FILE_READABLE: if (!is_readable($file)) { $mod |= 0444; } break; case FILE_WRITABLE: if (!is_writable($file)) { $mod |= 0222; } break; case FILE_EXECUTABLE: if (!is_executable($file)) { $mod |= 0111; } break; case FILE_NOT_READABLE: if (is_readable($file)) { $mod &= ~0444; } break; case FILE_NOT_WRITABLE: if (is_writable($file)) { $mod &= ~0222; } break; case FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE: if (is_executable($file)) { $mod &= ~0111; } break; } } } // chmod() will work if the web server is running as owner of the file. if (@chmod($file, $mod)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Sends the user to a different installer page. * * This issues an on-site HTTP redirect. Messages (and errors) are erased. * * @param $path * An installer path. */ function install_goto($path) { global $base_url; $headers = [ // Not a permanent redirect. 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache', ]; $response = new RedirectResponse($base_url . '/' . $path, 302, $headers); $response->send(); } /** * Returns the URL of the current script, with modified query parameters. * * This function can be called by low-level scripts (such as install.php and * update.php) and returns the URL of the current script. Existing query * parameters are preserved by default, but new ones can optionally be merged * in. * * This function is used when the script must maintain certain query parameters * over multiple page requests in order to work correctly. In such cases (for * example, update.php, which requires the 'continue=1' parameter to remain in * the URL throughout the update process if there are any requirement warnings * that need to be bypassed), using this function to generate the URL for links * to the next steps of the script ensures that the links will work correctly. * * @param $query * (optional) An array of query parameters to merge in to the existing ones. * * @return * The URL of the current script, with query parameters modified by the * passed-in $query. The URL is not sanitized, so it still needs to be run * through \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() if it will be * used as an HTML attribute value. * * @see drupal_requirements_url() * @see Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() */ function drupal_current_script_url($query = []) { $uri = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $query = array_merge(UrlHelper::filterQueryParameters(\Drupal::request()->query->all()), $query); if (!empty($query)) { $uri .= '?' . UrlHelper::buildQuery($query); } return $uri; } /** * Returns a URL for proceeding to the next page after a requirements problem. * * This function can be called by low-level scripts (such as install.php and * update.php) and returns a URL that can be used to attempt to proceed to the * next step of the script. * * @param $severity * The severity of the requirements problem, as returned by * drupal_requirements_severity(). * * @return * A URL for attempting to proceed to the next step of the script. The URL is * not sanitized, so it still needs to be run through * \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() if it will be used * as an HTML attribute value. * * @see drupal_current_script_url() * @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() */ function drupal_requirements_url($severity) { $query = []; // If there are no errors, only warnings, append 'continue=1' to the URL so // the user can bypass this screen on the next page load. if ($severity == REQUIREMENT_WARNING) { $query['continue'] = 1; } return drupal_current_script_url($query); } /** * Checks an installation profile's requirements. * * @param string $profile * Name of installation profile to check. * * @return array * Array of the installation profile's requirements. */ function drupal_check_profile($profile) { $info = install_profile_info($profile); // Collect requirement testing results. $requirements = []; // Performs an ExtensionDiscovery scan as the system module is unavailable and // we don't yet know where all the modules are located. // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491 $drupal_root = \Drupal::root(); $module_list = (new ExtensionDiscovery($drupal_root))->scan('module'); foreach ($info['install'] as $module) { // If the module is in the module list we know it exists and we can continue // including and registering it. // @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery::scanDirectory() if (isset($module_list[$module])) { $function = $module . '_requirements'; $module_path = $module_list[$module]->getPath(); $install_file = "$drupal_root/$module_path/$module.install"; if (is_file($install_file)) { require_once $install_file; } \Drupal::service('class_loader')->addPsr4('Drupal\\' . $module . '\\', \Drupal::root() . "/$module_path/src"); if (function_exists($function)) { $requirements = array_merge($requirements, $function('install')); } } } // Add the profile requirements. $function = $profile . '_requirements'; if (function_exists($function)) { $requirements = array_merge($requirements, $function('install')); } return $requirements; } /** * Extracts the highest severity from the requirements array. * * @param $requirements * An array of requirements, in the same format as is returned by * hook_requirements(). * * @return * The highest severity in the array. */ function drupal_requirements_severity(&$requirements) { $severity = REQUIREMENT_OK; foreach ($requirements as $requirement) { if (isset($requirement['severity'])) { $severity = max($severity, $requirement['severity']); } } return $severity; } /** * Checks a module's requirements. * * @param $module * Machine name of module to check. * * @return * TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the requirements are met. */ function drupal_check_module($module) { module_load_install($module); // Check requirements $requirements = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invoke($module, 'requirements', ['install']); if (is_array($requirements) && drupal_requirements_severity($requirements) == REQUIREMENT_ERROR) { // Print any error messages foreach ($requirements as $requirement) { if (isset($requirement['severity']) && $requirement['severity'] == REQUIREMENT_ERROR) { $message = $requirement['description']; if (isset($requirement['value']) && $requirement['value']) { $message = t('@requirements_message (Currently using @item version @version)', ['@requirements_message' => $requirement['description'], '@item' => $requirement['title'], '@version' => $requirement['value']]); } \Drupal::messenger()->addError($message); } } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Retrieves information about an installation profile from its .info.yml file. * * The information stored in a profile .info.yml file is similar to that stored * in a normal Drupal module .info.yml file. For example: * - name: The real name of the installation profile for display purposes. * - description: A brief description of the profile. * - dependencies: An array of shortnames of other modules that this install * profile requires. * - install: An array of shortname of other modules to install that are not * required by this install profile. * * Additional, less commonly-used information that can appear in a * profile.info.yml file but not in a normal Drupal module .info.yml file * includes: * * - distribution: Existence of this key denotes that the installation profile * is intended to be the only eligible choice in a distribution and will be * auto-selected during installation, whereas the installation profile * selection screen will be skipped. If more than one distribution profile is * found then the first one discovered will be selected. * The following subproperties may be set: * - name: The name of the distribution that is being installed, to be shown * throughout the installation process. If omitted, * drupal_install_profile_distribution_name() defaults to 'Drupal'. * - install: Optional parameters to override the installer: * - theme: The machine name of a theme to use in the installer instead of * Drupal's default installer theme. * - finish_url: A destination to visit after the installation of the * distribution is finished * * Note that this function does an expensive file system scan to get info file * information for dependencies. If you only need information from the info * file itself, use * \Drupal::service('extension.list.profile')->getExtensionInfo(). * * Example of .info.yml file: * @code * name: Minimal * description: Start fresh, with only a few modules enabled. * install: * - block * - dblog * @endcode * * @param $profile * Name of profile. * @param $langcode * Language code (if any). * * @return * The info array. */ function install_profile_info($profile, $langcode = 'en') { static $cache = []; if (!isset($cache[$profile][$langcode])) { // Set defaults for module info. $defaults = [ 'dependencies' => [], 'install' => [], 'themes' => ['stark'], 'description' => '', 'version' => NULL, 'hidden' => FALSE, 'php' => \Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP, 'config_install_path' => NULL, ]; $profile_path = drupal_get_path('profile', $profile); $info = \Drupal::service('info_parser')->parse("$profile_path/$profile.info.yml"); $info += $defaults; $dependency_name_function = function ($dependency) { return Dependency::createFromString($dependency)->getName(); }; // Convert dependencies in [project:module] format. $info['dependencies'] = array_map($dependency_name_function, $info['dependencies']); // Convert install key in [project:module] format. $info['install'] = array_map($dependency_name_function, $info['install']); // drupal_required_modules() includes the current profile as a dependency. // Remove that dependency, since a module cannot depend on itself. $required = array_diff(drupal_required_modules(), [$profile]); $locale = !empty($langcode) && $langcode != 'en' ? ['locale'] : []; // Merge dependencies, required modules and locale into install list and // remove any duplicates. $info['install'] = array_unique(array_merge($info['install'], $required, $info['dependencies'], $locale)); // If the profile has a config/sync directory use that to install drupal. if (is_dir($profile_path . '/config/sync')) { $info['config_install_path'] = $profile_path . '/config/sync'; } $cache[$profile][$langcode] = $info; } return $cache[$profile][$langcode]; } /** * Returns a database installer object. * * Before calling this function it is important the database installer object * is autoloadable. Database drivers provided by contributed modules are added * to the autoloader in drupal_get_database_types() and Settings::initialize(). * * @param $driver * The name of the driver. * @param string $namespace * (optional) The database driver namespace. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Install\Tasks * A class defining the requirements and tasks for installing the database. * * @see drupal_get_database_types() * @see \Drupal\Core\Site\Settings::initialize() */ function db_installer_object($driver, $namespace = NULL) { // We cannot use Database::getConnection->getDriverClass() here, because // the connection object is not yet functional. if ($namespace) { $task_class = $namespace . "\\Install\\Tasks"; return new $task_class(); } // Old Drupal 8 style contrib namespace. $task_class = "Drupal\\Driver\\Database\\{$driver}\\Install\\Tasks"; if (class_exists($task_class)) { return new $task_class(); } else { // Core provided driver. $task_class = "Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\{$driver}\\Install\\Tasks"; return new $task_class(); } }