toolkit = 'test'; // Pick a file for testing. $this->file = $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/image-test.png'; // Setup a dummy image to work with, this replicate image_load() so we // can avoid calling it. $this->image = new stdClass(); $this->image->source = $this->file; $this->image->info = image_get_info($this->file); $this->image->toolkit = $this->toolkit; // Clear out any hook calls. image_test_reset(); } /** * Assert that all of the specified image toolkit operations were called * exactly once once, other values result in failure. * * @param $expected * Array with string containing with the operation name, e.g. 'load', * 'save', 'crop', etc. */ function assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array $expected) { // Determine which operations were called. $actual = array_keys(array_filter(image_test_get_all_calls())); // Determine if there were any expected that were not called. $uncalled = array_diff($expected, $actual); if (count($uncalled)) { $this->assertTrue(FALSE, t('Expected operations %expected to be called but %uncalled was not called.', array('%expected' => implode(', ', $expected), '%uncalled' => implode(', ', $uncalled)))); } else { $this->assertTrue(TRUE, t('All the expected operations were called: %expected', array('%expected' => implode(', ', $expected)))); } // Determine if there were any unexpected calls. $unexpected = array_diff($actual, $expected); if (count($unexpected)) { $this->assertTrue(FALSE, t('Unexpected operations were called: %unexpected.', array('%unexpected' => implode(', ', $unexpected)))); } else { $this->assertTrue(TRUE, t('No unexpected operations were called.')); } } } /** * Test that the functions in correctly pass data to the toolkit. */ class ImageToolkitUnitTest extends ImageToolkitTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Image toolkit tests', 'description' => 'Check image toolkit functions.', 'group' => 'Image', ); } /** * Check that hook_image_toolkits() is called and only available toolkits are * returned. */ function testGetAvailableToolkits() { $toolkits = image_get_available_toolkits(); $this->assertTrue(isset($toolkits['test']), t('The working toolkit was returned.')); $this->assertFalse(isset($toolkits['broken']), t('The toolkit marked unavailable was not returned')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array()); } /** * Test the image_load() function. */ function testLoad() { $image = image_load($this->file, $this->toolkit); $this->assertTrue(is_object($image), t('Returned an object.')); $this->assertEqual($this->toolkit, $image->toolkit, t('Image had toolkit set.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('load')); } /** * Test the image_save() function. */ function testSave() { $this->assertFalse(image_save($this->image), t('Function returned the expected value.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('save')); } /** * Test the image_resize() function. */ function testResize() { $this->assertTrue(image_resize($this->image, 1, 2), t('Function returned the expected value.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('resize')); // Check the parameters. $calls = image_test_get_all_calls(); $this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][1], 1, t('Width was passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][2], 2, t('Height was passed correctly')); } /** * Test the image_scale() function. */ function testScale() { // TODO: need to test upscaling $this->assertTrue(image_scale($this->image, 10, 10), t('Function returned the expected value.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('resize')); // Check the parameters. $calls = image_test_get_all_calls(); $this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][1], 10, t('Width was passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][2], 5, t('Height was based off aspect ratio and passed correctly')); } /** * Test the image_scale_and_crop() function. */ function testScaleAndCrop() { $this->assertTrue(image_scale_and_crop($this->image, 5, 10), t('Function returned the expected value.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('resize', 'crop')); // Check the parameters. $calls = image_test_get_all_calls(); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][1], 7.5, t('X was computed and passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][2], 0, t('Y was computed and passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][3], 5, t('Width was computed and passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][4], 10, t('Height was computed and passed correctly')); } /** * Test the image_rotate() function. */ function testRotate() { $this->assertTrue(image_rotate($this->image, 90, 1), t('Function returned the expected value.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('rotate')); // Check the parameters. $calls = image_test_get_all_calls(); $this->assertEqual($calls['rotate'][0][1], 90, t('Degrees were passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['rotate'][0][2], 1, t('Background color was passed correctly')); } /** * Test the image_crop() function. */ function testCrop() { $this->assertTrue(image_crop($this->image, 1, 2, 3, 4), t('Function returned the expected value.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('crop')); // Check the parameters. $calls = image_test_get_all_calls(); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][1], 1, t('X was passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][2], 2, t('Y was passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][3], 3, t('Width was passed correctly')); $this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][4], 4, t('Height was passed correctly')); } /** * Test the image_desaturate() function. */ function testDesaturate() { $this->assertTrue(image_desaturate($this->image), t('Function returned the expected value.')); $this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('desaturate')); // Check the parameters. $calls = image_test_get_all_calls(); $this->assertEqual(count($calls['desaturate'][0]), 1, t('Only the image was passed.')); } } /** * Test the core GD image manipulation functions. */ class ImageToolkitGdTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { // Colors that are used in testing. protected $black = array(0, 0, 0, 0); protected $red = array(255, 0, 0, 0); protected $green = array(0, 255, 0, 0); protected $blue = array(0, 0, 255, 0); protected $yellow = array(255, 255, 0, 0); protected $fuchsia = array(255, 0, 255, 0); // Used as background colors. protected $transparent = array(0, 0, 0, 127); protected $white = array(255, 255, 255, 0); protected $width = 40; protected $height = 20; public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Image GD manipulation tests', 'description' => 'Check that core image manipulations work properly: scale, resize, rotate, crop, scale and crop, and desaturate.', 'group' => 'Image', ); } /** * Function to compare two colors by RGBa. */ function colorsAreEqual($color_a, $color_b) { // Fully transparent pixels are equal, regardless of RGB. if ($color_a[3] == 127 && $color_b[3] == 127) { return TRUE; } foreach ($color_a as $key => $value) { if ($color_b[$key] != $value) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Function for finding a pixel's RGBa values. */ function getPixelColor($image, $x, $y) { $color_index = imagecolorat($image->resource, $x, $y); $transparent_index = imagecolortransparent($image->resource); if ($color_index == $transparent_index) { return array(0, 0, 0, 127); } return array_values(imagecolorsforindex($image->resource, $color_index)); } /** * Since PHP can't visually check that our images have been manipulated * properly, build a list of expected color values for each of the corners and * the expected height and widths for the final images. */ function testManipulations() { // If GD isn't available don't bother testing this. if (!function_exists('image_gd_check_settings') || !image_gd_check_settings()) { $this->pass(t('Image manipulations for the GD toolkit were skipped because the GD toolkit is not available.')); return; } // Typically the corner colors will be unchanged. These colors are in the // order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. $default_corners = array($this->red, $this->green, $this->blue, $this->transparent); // A list of files that will be tested. $files = array( 'image-test.png', 'image-test.gif', 'image-test.jpg', ); // Setup a list of tests to perform on each type. $operations = array( 'resize' => array( 'function' => 'resize', 'arguments' => array(20, 10), 'width' => 20, 'height' => 10, 'corners' => $default_corners, ), 'scale_x' => array( 'function' => 'scale', 'arguments' => array(20, NULL), 'width' => 20, 'height' => 10, 'corners' => $default_corners, ), 'scale_y' => array( 'function' => 'scale', 'arguments' => array(NULL, 10), 'width' => 20, 'height' => 10, 'corners' => $default_corners, ), 'upscale_x' => array( 'function' => 'scale', 'arguments' => array(80, NULL, TRUE), 'width' => 80, 'height' => 40, 'corners' => $default_corners, ), 'upscale_y' => array( 'function' => 'scale', 'arguments' => array(NULL, 40, TRUE), 'width' => 80, 'height' => 40, 'corners' => $default_corners, ), 'crop' => array( 'function' => 'crop', 'arguments' => array(12, 4, 16, 12), 'width' => 16, 'height' => 12, 'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->white), ), 'scale_and_crop' => array( 'function' => 'scale_and_crop', 'arguments' => array(10, 8), 'width' => 10, 'height' => 8, 'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->black), ), ); // Systems using non-bundled GD2 don't have imagerotate. Test if available. if (function_exists('imagerotate')) { $operations += array( 'rotate_5' => array( 'function' => 'rotate', 'arguments' => array(5, 0xFF00FF), // Fuchsia background. 'width' => 42, 'height' => 24, 'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->fuchsia), ), 'rotate_90' => array( 'function' => 'rotate', 'arguments' => array(90, 0xFF00FF), // Fuchsia background. 'width' => 20, 'height' => 40, 'corners' => array($this->fuchsia, $this->red, $this->green, $this->blue), ), 'rotate_transparent_5' => array( 'function' => 'rotate', 'arguments' => array(5), 'width' => 42, 'height' => 24, 'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->transparent), ), 'rotate_transparent_90' => array( 'function' => 'rotate', 'arguments' => array(90), 'width' => 20, 'height' => 40, 'corners' => array($this->transparent, $this->red, $this->green, $this->blue), ), ); } // Systems using non-bundled GD2 don't have imagefilter. Test if available. if (function_exists('imagefilter')) { $operations += array( 'desaturate' => array( 'function' => 'desaturate', 'arguments' => array(), 'height' => 20, 'width' => 40, // Grayscale corners are a bit funky. Each of the corners are a shade of // gray. The values of these were determined simply by looking at the // final image to see what desaturated colors end up being. 'corners' => array( array_fill(0, 3, 76) + array(3 => 0), array_fill(0, 3, 149) + array(3 => 0), array_fill(0, 3, 29) + array(3 => 0), array_fill(0, 3, 0) + array(3 => 127) ), ), ); } foreach ($files as $file) { foreach ($operations as $op => $values) { // Load up a fresh image. $image = image_load($this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/' . $file, 'gd'); if (!$image) { $this->fail(t('Could not load image %file.', array('%file' => $file))); continue 2; } // Transparent GIFs and the imagefilter function don't work together. // There is a todo in to correct this. if ($image->info['extension'] == 'gif') { if ($op == 'desaturate') { $values['corners'][3] = $this->white; } } // Perform our operation. $function = 'image_' . $values['function']; $arguments = array(); $arguments[] = &$image; $arguments = array_merge($arguments, $values['arguments']); call_user_func_array($function, $arguments); // To keep from flooding the test with assert values, make a general // value for whether each group of values fail. $correct_dimensions_real = TRUE; $correct_dimensions_object = TRUE; $correct_colors = TRUE; // Check the real dimensions of the image first. if (imagesy($image->resource) != $values['height'] || imagesx($image->resource) != $values['width']) { $correct_dimensions_real = FALSE; } // Check that the image object has an accurate record of the dimensions. if ($image->info['width'] != $values['width'] || $image->info['height'] != $values['height']) { $correct_dimensions_object = FALSE; } // Now check each of the corners to ensure color correctness. foreach ($values['corners'] as $key => $corner) { // Get the location of the corner. switch ($key) { case 0: $x = 0; $y = 0; break; case 1: $x = $values['width'] - 1; $y = 0; break; case 2: $x = $values['width'] - 1; $y = $values['height'] - 1; break; case 3: $x = 0; $y = $values['height'] - 1; break; } $color = $this->getPixelColor($image, $x, $y); $correct_colors = $this->colorsAreEqual($color, $corner); } $directory = file_directory_path() . '/imagetests'; file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); image_save($image, $directory . '/' . $op . '.' . $image->info['extension']); $this->assertTrue($correct_dimensions_real, t('Image %file after %action action has proper dimensions.', array('%file' => $file, '%action' => $op))); $this->assertTrue($correct_dimensions_object, t('Image %file object after %action action is reporting the proper height and width values.', array('%file' => $file, '%action' => $op))); // JPEG colors will always be messed up due to compression. if ($image->info['extension'] != 'jpg') { $this->assertTrue($correct_colors, t('Image %file object after %action action has the correct color placement.', array('%file' => $file, '%action' => $op))); } } } } }