"none", "-1" => "- 1", "0" => "+ 0", "+1" => "+ 1", "+2" => "+ 2", "+3" => "+ 3", "+4" => "+ 4", "+5" => "+ 5"); # # Allowed HTML tags: # $allowed_html = "

      • "; # # Themes: # The first theme listed in this associative array will automatically # become the default theme. # $themes = array("UnConeD" => array( "themes/unconed/unconed.theme", "modern theme, gray and blue, high coolness factor"), "Marvin" => array( "themes/marvin/marvin.theme", "classic theme, white, basic design with a fresh look")); # # Languages / translation / internationalization: # The first language listed in this associative array will # automatically become the default language. You can add a language # but make sure your SQL table, called locales is updated # appropriately. # # Translation support - as provided by the default locale module add # significant overhead to your site in exchange for excessive # maintenance capabilities. If your site does not require # translation support, disable it by commenting out the $language # variable below. #$languages = array(); // = language support disabled $languages = array("en" => "English"); # This line prevents users from accessing your settings file: if (basename($SCRIPT_FILENAME) == basename(__FILE__) && basename($SCRIPT_FILENAME) != "") die("access denied"); ?>