/** * @file * Module page behaviors. */ (function ($, Drupal, debounce) { /** * Filters the module list table by a text input search string. * * Additionally accounts for multiple tables being wrapped in "package" details * elements. * * Text search input: input.table-filter-text * Target table: input.table-filter-text[data-table] * Source text: .table-filter-text-source, .module-name, .module-description * * @type {Drupal~behavior} */ Drupal.behaviors.tableFilterByText = { attach(context, settings) { const [input] = once('table-filter-text', 'input.table-filter-text'); if (!input) { return; } const $table = $(input.getAttribute('data-table')); let $rowsAndDetails; let $rows; let $details; let searching = false; function hidePackageDetails(index, element) { const $packDetails = $(element); const $visibleRows = $packDetails.find('tbody tr:visible'); $packDetails.toggle($visibleRows.length > 0); } function filterModuleList(e) { const query = e.target.value; // Case insensitive expression to find query at the beginning of a word. const re = new RegExp(`\\b${query}`, 'i'); function showModuleRow(index, row) { const sources = row.querySelectorAll( '.table-filter-text-source, .module-name, .module-description', ); let sourcesConcat = ''; // Concatenate the textContent of the elements in the row, with a // space in between. sources.forEach((item) => { sourcesConcat += ` ${item.textContent}`; }); const textMatch = sourcesConcat.search(re) !== -1; $(row).closest('tr').toggle(textMatch); } // Search over all rows and packages. $rowsAndDetails.show(); // Filter if the length of the query is at least 2 characters. if (query.length >= 2) { searching = true; $rows.each(showModuleRow); // Note that we first open all
to be able to use ':visible'. // Mark the
elements that were closed before filtering, so // they can be closed again when filtering is removed. $details .not('[open]') .attr('data-drupal-system-state', 'forced-open'); // Hide the package
if they don't have any visible rows. // Note that we first show() all
to be able to use ':visible'. $details.attr('open', true).each(hidePackageDetails); Drupal.announce( Drupal.formatPlural( $rowsAndDetails.filter('tbody tr:visible').length, '1 module is available in the modified list.', '@count modules are available in the modified list.', ), ); } else if (searching) { searching = false; $rowsAndDetails.show(); // Return
elements that had been closed before filtering // to a closed state. $details .filter('[data-drupal-system-state="forced-open"]') .removeAttr('data-drupal-system-state') .attr('open', false); } } function preventEnterKey(event) { if (event.which === 13) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } if ($table.length) { $rowsAndDetails = $table.find('tr, details'); $rows = $table.find('tbody tr'); $details = $rowsAndDetails.filter('.package-listing'); $(input).on({ input: debounce(filterModuleList, 200), keydown: preventEnterKey, }); } }, }; })(jQuery, Drupal, Drupal.debounce);