'xmlrpc_server_multicall', array( 'system.methodSignature', 'xmlrpc_server_method_signature', array('array', 'string'), 'Returns an array describing the return type and required parameters of a method.' ), array( 'system.getCapabilities', 'xmlrpc_server_get_capabilities', array('struct'), 'Returns a struct describing the XML-RPC specifications supported by this server.' ), array( 'system.listMethods', 'xmlrpc_server_list_methods', array('array'), 'Returns an array of available methods on this server.'), array( 'system.methodHelp', 'xmlrpc_server_method_help', array('string', 'string'), 'Returns a documentation string for the specified method.') ); // We build an array of all method names by combining the built-ins // with those defined by modules implementing the _xmlrpc hook. // Built-in methods are overridable. foreach (array_merge($defaults, (array) $callbacks) as $key => $callback) { // we could check for is_array($callback) if (is_int($key)) { $method = $callback[0]; $xmlrpc_server->callbacks[$method] = $callback[1]; $xmlrpc_server->signatures[$method] = $callback[2]; $xmlrpc_server->help[$method] = $callback[3]; } else { $xmlrpc_server->callbacks[$key] = $callback; $xmlrpc_server->signatures[$key] = ''; $xmlrpc_server->help[$key] = ''; } } $data = file_get_contents('php://input'); if (!$data) { die('XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.'); } $xmlrpc_server->message = xmlrpc_message($data); if (!xmlrpc_message_parse($xmlrpc_server->message)) { xmlrpc_server_error(-32700, t('Parse error. Request not well formed.')); } if ($xmlrpc_server->message->messagetype != 'methodCall') { xmlrpc_server_error(-32600, t('Server error. Invalid XML-RPC. Request must be a methodCall.')); } if (!isset($xmlrpc_server->message->params)) { $xmlrpc_server->message->params = array(); } xmlrpc_server_set($xmlrpc_server); $result = xmlrpc_server_call($xmlrpc_server, $xmlrpc_server->message->methodname, $xmlrpc_server->message->params); if ($result->is_error) { xmlrpc_server_error($result); } // Encode the result $r = xmlrpc_value($result); // Create the XML $xml = ' ' . xmlrpc_value_get_xml($r) . ' '; // Send it xmlrpc_server_output($xml); } /** * Throw an XML-RPC error. * * @param $error * an error object OR integer error code * @param $message * description of error, used only if integer error code was passed */ function xmlrpc_server_error($error, $message = FALSE) { if ($message && !is_object($error)) { $error = xmlrpc_error($error, $message); } xmlrpc_server_output(xmlrpc_error_get_xml($error)); } function xmlrpc_server_output($xml) { $xml = '' . "\n" . $xml; drupal_add_http_header('Content-Length', strlen($xml)); drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); echo $xml; drupal_exit(); } /** * Store a copy of the request temporarily. * * @param $xmlrpc_server * Request object created by xmlrpc_server(). */ function xmlrpc_server_set($xmlrpc_server = NULL) { static $server; if (!isset($server)) { $server = $xmlrpc_server; } return $server; } // Retrieve the stored request. function xmlrpc_server_get() { return xmlrpc_server_set(); } /** * Dispatch the request and any parameters to the appropriate handler. * * @param $xmlrpc_server * Contains information about this XML-RPC server, the methods it provides, * their signatures, etc. * @param $methodname * The external XML-RPC method name, e.g. 'system.methodHelp' * @param $args * Array containing any parameters that were sent along with the request. */ function xmlrpc_server_call($xmlrpc_server, $methodname, $args) { // Make sure parameters are in an array if ($args && !is_array($args)) { $args = array($args); } // Has this method been mapped to a Drupal function by us or by modules? if (!isset($xmlrpc_server->callbacks[$methodname])) { return xmlrpc_error(-32601, t('Server error. Requested method @methodname not specified.', array("@methodname" => $xmlrpc_server->message->methodname))); } $method = $xmlrpc_server->callbacks[$methodname]; $signature = $xmlrpc_server->signatures[$methodname]; // If the method has a signature, validate the request against the signature if (is_array($signature)) { $ok = TRUE; $return_type = array_shift($signature); // Check the number of arguments if (count($args) != count($signature)) { return xmlrpc_error(-32602, t('Server error. Wrong number of method parameters.')); } // Check the argument types foreach ($signature as $key => $type) { $arg = $args[$key]; switch ($type) { case 'int': case 'i4': if (is_array($arg) || !is_int($arg)) { $ok = FALSE; } break; case 'base64': case 'string': if (!is_string($arg)) { $ok = FALSE; } break; case 'boolean': if ($arg !== FALSE && $arg !== TRUE) { $ok = FALSE; } break; case 'float': case 'double': if (!is_float($arg)) { $ok = FALSE; } break; case 'date': case 'dateTime.iso8601': if (!$arg->is_date) { $ok = FALSE; } break; } if (!$ok) { return xmlrpc_error(-32602, t('Server error. Invalid method parameters.')); } } } if (!function_exists($method)) { return xmlrpc_error(-32601, t('Server error. Requested function @method does not exist.', array("@method" => $method))); } // Call the mapped function return call_user_func_array($method, $args); } function xmlrpc_server_multicall($methodcalls) { // See http://www.xmlrpc.com/discuss/msgReader$1208 $return = array(); $xmlrpc_server = xmlrpc_server_get(); foreach ($methodcalls as $call) { $ok = TRUE; if (!isset($call['methodName']) || !isset($call['params'])) { $result = xmlrpc_error(3, t('Invalid syntax for system.multicall.')); $ok = FALSE; } $method = $call['methodName']; $params = $call['params']; if ($method == 'system.multicall') { $result = xmlrpc_error(-32600, t('Recursive calls to system.multicall are forbidden.')); } elseif ($ok) { $result = xmlrpc_server_call($xmlrpc_server, $method, $params); } if ($result->is_error) { $return[] = array( 'faultCode' => $result->code, 'faultString' => $result->message ); } else { $return[] = array($result); } } return $return; } /** * XML-RPC method system.listMethods maps to this function. */ function xmlrpc_server_list_methods() { $xmlrpc_server = xmlrpc_server_get(); return array_keys($xmlrpc_server->callbacks); } /** * XML-RPC method system.getCapabilities maps to this function. * * @see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xml-rpc/message/2897 */ function xmlrpc_server_get_capabilities() { return array( 'xmlrpc' => array( 'specUrl' => 'http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec', 'specVersion' => 1 ), 'faults_interop' => array( 'specUrl' => 'http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/specs/rfc.fault_codes.php', 'specVersion' => 20010516 ), 'system.multicall' => array( 'specUrl' => 'http://www.xmlrpc.com/discuss/msgReader$1208', 'specVersion' => 1 ), 'introspection' => array( 'specUrl' => 'http://scripts.incutio.com/xmlrpc/introspection.html', 'specVersion' => 1 ) ); } /** * XML-RPC method system.methodSignature maps to this function. * * @param $methodname * Name of method for which we return a method signature. * @return * An array of types representing the method signature of the * function that the methodname maps to. The methodSignature of * this function is 'array', 'string' because it takes an array * and returns a string. */ function xmlrpc_server_method_signature($methodname) { $xmlrpc_server = xmlrpc_server_get(); if (!isset($xmlrpc_server->callbacks[$methodname])) { return xmlrpc_error(-32601, t('Server error. Requested method @methodname not specified.', array("@methodname" => $methodname))); } if (!is_array($xmlrpc_server->signatures[$methodname])) { return xmlrpc_error(-32601, t('Server error. Requested method @methodname signature not specified.', array("@methodname" => $methodname))); } // We array of types $return = array(); foreach ($xmlrpc_server->signatures[$methodname] as $type) { $return[] = $type; } return $return; } /** * XML-RPC method system.methodHelp maps to this function. * * @param $method * Name of method for which we return a help string. */ function xmlrpc_server_method_help($method) { $xmlrpc_server = xmlrpc_server_get(); return $xmlrpc_server->help[$method]; }