// $Id$ /** * Attach handlers to evaluate the strength of any password fields and to check * that its confirmation is correct. */ Drupal.behaviors.password = function(context) { var translate = Drupal.settings.password; $("input.password-field:not(.password-processed)", context).each(function() { var passwordInput = $(this).addClass('password-processed'); var parent = $(this).parent(); // Wait this number of milliseconds before checking password. var monitorDelay = 700; // Add the password strength layers. $(this).after(''+ translate.strengthTitle +' ').parent(); var passwordStrength = $("span.password-strength", parent); var passwordResult = $("span.password-result", passwordStrength); parent.addClass("password-parent"); // Add the password confirmation layer. var outerItem = $(this).parent().parent(); $("input.password-confirm", outerItem).after(''+ translate["confirmTitle"] +' ').parent().addClass("confirm-parent"); var confirmInput = $("input.password-confirm", outerItem); var confirmResult = $("span.password-confirm", outerItem); var confirmChild = $("span", confirmResult); // Add the description box at the end. $(confirmInput).parent().after('
'); var passwordDescription = $("div.password-description", $(this).parent().parent()).hide(); // Check the password fields. var passwordCheck = function () { // Remove timers for a delayed check if they exist. if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } // Verify that there is a password to check. if (!passwordInput.val()) { passwordStrength.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); passwordDescription.hide(); return; } // Evaluate password strength. var result = Drupal.evaluatePasswordStrength(passwordInput.val()); passwordResult.html(result.strength == "" ? "" : translate[result.strength +"Strength"]); // Map the password strength to the relevant drupal CSS class. var classMap = { low: "error", medium: "warning", high: "ok" }; var newClass = classMap[result.strength] || ""; // Remove the previous styling if any exists; add the new class. if (this.passwordClass) { passwordResult.removeClass(this.passwordClass); passwordDescription.removeClass(this.passwordClass); } passwordDescription.html(result.message); passwordResult.addClass(newClass); if (result.strength == "high") { passwordDescription.hide(); } else { passwordDescription.addClass(newClass); } this.passwordClass = newClass; // Check that password and confirmation match. // Hide the result layer if confirmation is empty, otherwise show the layer. confirmResult.css({ visibility: (confirmInput.val() == "" ? "hidden" : "visible") }); var success = passwordInput.val() == confirmInput.val(); // Remove the previous styling if any exists. if (this.confirmClass) { confirmChild.removeClass(this.confirmClass); } // Fill in the correct message and set the class accordingly. var confirmClass = success ? "ok" : "error"; confirmChild.html(translate["confirm"+ (success ? "Success" : "Failure")]).addClass(confirmClass); this.confirmClass = confirmClass; // Show the indicator and tips. passwordStrength.css({ visibility: "visible" }); passwordDescription.show(); }; // Do a delayed check on the password fields. var passwordDelayedCheck = function() { // Postpone the check since the user is most likely still typing. if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } // When the user clears the field, hide the tips immediately. if (!passwordInput.val()) { passwordStrength.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); passwordDescription.hide(); return; } // Schedule the actual check. this.timer = setTimeout(passwordCheck, monitorDelay); }; // Monitor keyup and blur events. // Blur must be used because a mouse paste does not trigger keyup. passwordInput.keyup(passwordDelayedCheck).blur(passwordCheck); confirmInput.keyup(passwordDelayedCheck).blur(passwordCheck); }); }; /** * Evaluate the strength of a user's password. * * Returns the estimated strength and the relevant output message. */ Drupal.evaluatePasswordStrength = function(value) { var strength = "", msg = "", translate = Drupal.settings.password; var hasLetters = value.match(/[a-zA-Z]+/); var hasNumbers = value.match(/[0-9]+/); var hasPunctuation = value.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/); var hasCasing = value.match(/[a-z]+.*[A-Z]+|[A-Z]+.*[a-z]+/); // Check if the password is blank. if (!value.length) { strength = ""; msg = ""; } // Check if length is less than 6 characters. else if (value.length < 6) { strength = "low"; msg = translate.tooShort; } // Check if password is the same as the username (convert both to lowercase). else if (value.toLowerCase() == translate.username.toLowerCase()) { strength = "low"; msg = translate.sameAsUsername; } // Check if it contains letters, numbers, punctuation, and upper/lower case. else if (hasLetters && hasNumbers && hasPunctuation && hasCasing) { strength = "high"; } // Password is not secure enough so construct the medium-strength message. else { // Extremely bad passwords still count as low. var count = (hasLetters ? 1 : 0) + (hasNumbers ? 1 : 0) + (hasPunctuation ? 1 : 0) + (hasCasing ? 1 : 0); strength = count > 1 ? "medium" : "low"; msg = []; if (!hasLetters || !hasCasing) { msg.push(translate.addLetters); } if (!hasNumbers) { msg.push(translate.addNumbers); } if (!hasPunctuation) { msg.push(translate.addPunctuation); } msg = translate.needsMoreVariation +""; } return { strength: strength, message: msg }; }; /** * Set the client's system timezone as default values of form fields. */ Drupal.setDefaultTimezone = function() { var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * -60; $("#edit-date-default-timezone, #edit-user-register-timezone").val(offset); }; /** * On the admin/user/settings page, conditionally show all of the * picture-related form elements depending on the current value of the * "Picture support" radio buttons. */ Drupal.behaviors.userSettings = function (context) { $('div.user-admin-picture-radios input[@type=radio]:not(.userSettings-processed)', context).addClass('userSettings-processed').click(function () { $('div.user-admin-picture-settings', context)[['hide', 'show'][this.value]](); }); };