# All libraries are defined in alphabetical order. backbone: remote: https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone version: "1.4.0" license: name: MIT url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jashkenas/backbone/1.4.0/LICENSE gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/backbone/backbone-min.js: { weight: -19, minified: true } dependencies: - core/underscore ckeditor: remote: https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4 version: "4.15.1" license: name: GNU-GPL-2.0-or-later url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/4.15.1/LICENSE.md gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js: { preprocess: false, minified: true } drupal: version: VERSION js: misc/drupal.js: { weight: -18 } misc/drupal.init.js: { weight: -17 } dependencies: - core/drupalSettings drupalSettings: suppressDeprecationErrors: true drupalSettings: version: VERSION js: # Need to specify a negative weight like drupal.js until # https://www.drupal.org/node/1945262 is resolved. misc/drupalSettingsLoader.js: { weight: -18 } drupalSettings: # These placeholder values will be set by system_js_settings_alter(). path: baseUrl: null scriptPath: null pathPrefix: null currentPath: null currentPathIsAdmin: null isFront: null currentLanguage: null pluralDelimiter: null drupal.active-link: version: VERSION js: misc/active-link.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings drupal.ajax: version: VERSION js: misc/ajax.js: {} drupalSettings: # These placeholder values will be set by system_js_settings_alter(). ajaxPageState: libraries: null theme: null theme_token: null ajaxTrustedUrl: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal.progress - core/jquery.once drupal.announce: version: VERSION js: misc/announce.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal - core/drupal.debounce drupal.autocomplete: version: VERSION js: misc/autocomplete.js: { weight: -1 } # The remaining JavaScript assets previously came from core/jquery.ui, a # deprecated library. # All weights are based on on the requirements defined within each file. # @todo replace with solution in https://drupal.org/node/3076171 assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/autocomplete-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/labels-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/menu-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/tabbable-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/data-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/disable-selection-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/escape-selector-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/focusable-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/form-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/ie-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/jquery-1-7-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/keycode-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/plugin-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/position-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-active-element-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-blur-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/scroll-parent-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/unique-id-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widget-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/version-min.js: { weight: -11.9, minified: true } # All CSS assets previously came from core/jquery.ui, a deprecated library. # @todo replace with solution found in https://drupal.org/node/3076171 css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/autocomplete.css: { weight: -11.7 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/menu.css: { weight: -11.7 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/core.css: { weight: -11.8 } theme: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/theme.css: { weight: -11.8 } dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal.ajax drupal.array.find: version: VERSION js: misc/polyfills/array.find.js: { weight: -20 } drupal.batch: version: VERSION js: misc/batch.js: { cache: false } dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal.ajax - core/drupal.progress - core/jquery.once drupal.checkbox: version: VERSION js: misc/checkbox.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal drupal.collapse: version: VERSION js: misc/details-summarized-content.js: {} misc/details-aria.js: {} misc/collapse.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/modernizr - core/drupal - core/drupal.form - core/jquery.once drupal.date: version: VERSION js: misc/date.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal - core/modernizr - core/jquery.once drupal.debounce: version: VERSION js: misc/debounce.js: {} dependencies: # @todo Remove Drupal dependency. - core/drupal drupal.dialog: version: VERSION js: misc/dialog/dialog.js: {} misc/dialog/dialog.position.js: {} misc/dialog/dialog.jquery-ui.js: {} # The remaining JavaScript assets previously came from core/jquery.ui, a # deprecated library. # All weights are based on on the requirements defined within each file. # @todo replace with solution in https://drupal.org/node/2158943 assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/dialog-min.js: { weight: -11.4, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/button-min.js: { weight: -11.5, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/checkboxradio-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/draggable-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/resizable-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/controlgroup-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/form-reset-mixin-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/labels-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/mouse-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/tabbable-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/data-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/disable-selection-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/form-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/jquery-1-7-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/scroll-parent-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/unique-id-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/escape-selector-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/focusable-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/ie-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/keycode-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/plugin-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/position-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-active-element-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-blur-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widget-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/version-min.js: { weight: -11.9, minified: true } # All CSS assets previously came from core/jquery.ui, a deprecated library. # @todo replace with solution found in https://drupal.org/node/2158943 css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/dialog.css: { weight: -11.4 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/button.css: { weight: -11.5 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/checkboxradio.css: { weight: -11.6 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/resizable.css: { weight: -11.6 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/controlgroup.css: { weight: -11.7 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/core.css: { weight: -11.8 } theme: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/theme.css: { weight: -11.8 } dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal.debounce - core/drupal.displace drupal.dialog.ajax: version: VERSION js: misc/dialog/dialog.ajax.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal.ajax - core/drupal.dialog drupal.displace: version: VERSION js: misc/displace.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupal.debounce drupal.dropbutton: version: VERSION js: misc/dropbutton/dropbutton.js: {} css: component: misc/dropbutton/dropbutton.css: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/jquery.once drupal.entity-form: version: VERSION js: misc/entity-form.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal.form drupal.form: version: VERSION js: misc/form.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupal.debounce - core/jquery.once drupal.machine-name: version: VERSION js: misc/machine-name.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/jquery.once - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal.form drupal.message: version: VERSION js: misc/message.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal - core/drupal.announce drupal.nodelist.foreach: version: VERSION js: misc/polyfills/nodelist.foreach.js: { weight: -20 } drupal.object.assign: version: VERSION js: misc/polyfills/object.assign.js: { weight: -20 } drupal.progress: version: VERSION js: misc/progress.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal - core/jquery - core/drupalSettings drupal.states: version: VERSION js: misc/states.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/jquery.once drupal.tabbingmanager: version: VERSION js: misc/tabbingmanager.js: {} # The remaining JavaScript assets previously came from core/jquery.ui, a # deprecated library. These assets are used to provide the :tabbable pseudo # selector to core's JavaScript. It should be possible to remove them once # :tabbable is provided via a non-jQuery UI based library. # All weights are based on on the requirements defined within each file. # @todo replace with solution found in https://drupal.org/node/3113649 assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/labels-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/tabbable-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/disable-selection-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/form-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/escape-selector-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/focusable-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/ie-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/jquery-1-7-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/keycode-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/plugin-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-active-element-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-blur-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/scroll-parent-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/unique-id-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/version-min.js: { weight: -11.9, minified: true } # All CSS assets previously came from core/jquery.ui, a deprecated library. # @todo replace with solution found in https://drupal.org/node/3113649 css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/core.css: { weight: -11.8 } theme: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/theme.css: { weight: -11.8 } dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal drupal.tabledrag: version: VERSION js: misc/tabledrag.js: { weight: -1 } dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/jquery.once drupal.tableheader: version: VERSION js: misc/tableheader.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/jquery.once - core/drupal.displace drupal.tableresponsive: version: VERSION js: misc/tableresponsive.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/jquery.once drupal.tableselect: version: VERSION js: misc/tableselect.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal - core/drupal.checkbox - core/jquery - core/jquery.once drupal.timezone: version: VERSION js: misc/timezone.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/jquery.once - core/drupal drupal.vertical-tabs: version: VERSION js: # Load before core/drupal.collapse. misc/vertical-tabs.js: { weight: -1 } css: component: misc/vertical-tabs.css: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/jquery.once - core/drupal - core/drupalSettings - core/drupal.form es6-promise: version: "4.2.8" license: name: MIT url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stefanpenner/es6-promise/v4.2.8/LICENSE gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/es6-promise/es6-promise.auto.min.js: { weight: -20, minified: true } jquery: remote: https://github.com/jquery/jquery version: "3.5.1" license: name: MIT url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jquery/jquery/3.5.1/LICENSE.txt gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -20 } jquery.cookie: version: VERSION js: misc/jquery.cookie.shim.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery - core/drupal - core/js-cookie deprecated: The %library_id% asset library is deprecated in Drupal 9.0.0 and will be removed in Drupal 10.0.0. Use the core/js-cookie library instead. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3104677 jquery.farbtastic: remote: https://github.com/mattfarina/farbtastic # @todo Ping @robloach or @mattfarina to retroactively create this release. version: "1.2" license: name: GNU-GPL-2.0-or-later url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattfarina/farbtastic/master/LICENSE.txt gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/farbtastic/farbtastic.js: { minified: true } css: component: assets/vendor/farbtastic/farbtastic.css: {} dependencies: - core/jquery jquery.form: remote: https://github.com/jquery-form/form version: "4.22" license: name: GNU-GPL-2.0-or-later url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jquery-form/form/master/LICENSE gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/jquery-form/jquery.form.min.js: { minified: true } dependencies: - core/jquery jquery.joyride: remote: https://github.com/zurb/joyride # We rely on a fix (commit c2b3866) that occurred after 2.1.0 was released. # @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2898808. # @todo Update to 2.1.1 or later when that's released. # Version is set at allowing version_compare to consider this lower # than 2.1.1 however greater than 2.1.0 version: "" license: name: MIT url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zurb/joyride/v2.1.0/README.markdown gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/jquery-joyride/jquery.joyride-2.1.js: { } dependencies: - core/jquery jquery.once: remote: https://github.com/RobLoach/jquery-once version: "2.2.3" license: name: GNU-GPL-2.0-or-later url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RobLoach/jquery-once/2.2.3/LICENSE.md gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/jquery-once/jquery.once.min.js: { weight: -19, minified: true } dependencies: - core/jquery jquery.ui: version: &jquery_ui_version 1.12.1 license: &jquery_ui_license name: Public Domain url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jquery/jquery-ui/1.12.1/LICENSE.txt gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/labels-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/tabbable-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/data-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/disable-selection-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/escape-selector-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/focusable-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/form-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/ie-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/jquery-1-7-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/keycode-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/plugin-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-active-element-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-blur-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/scroll-parent-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/unique-id-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/version-min.js: { weight: -11.9, minified: true } css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/core.css: { weight: -11.8 } theme: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/theme.css: { weight: -11.8 } dependencies: - core/jquery deprecated: &jquery_ui_unused_deprecated The "%library_id%" asset library is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3067969 jquery.ui.autocomplete: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/autocomplete-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/autocomplete.css: { weight: -11.7 } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui - core/jquery.ui.widget - core/jquery.ui.position - core/jquery.ui.menu deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.button: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/button-min.js: { weight: -11.5, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/checkboxradio-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/controlgroup-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/button.css: { weight: -11.5 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/checkboxradio.css: { weight: -11.6 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/controlgroup.css: { weight: -11.7 } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui - core/jquery.ui.widget deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.dialog: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: # All weights are based on on the requirements defined within each file. assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/dialog-min.js: { weight: -11.4, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/button-min.js: { weight: -11.5, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/checkboxradio-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/draggable-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/resizable-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/controlgroup-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/form-reset-mixin-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/labels-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/mouse-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/tabbable-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/data-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/disable-selection-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/escape-selector-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/focusable-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/form-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/ie-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/jquery-1-7-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/keycode-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/plugin-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/position-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-active-element-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/safe-blur-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/scroll-parent-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/unique-id-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widget-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/version-min.js: { weight: -11.9, minified: true } css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/dialog.css: { weight: -11.4 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/button.css: { weight: -11.5 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/checkboxradio.css: { weight: -11.6 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/resizable.css: { weight: -11.6 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/controlgroup.css: { weight: -11.7 } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/core.css: { weight: -11.8 } theme: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/theme.css: { weight: -11.8 } deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.draggable: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/draggable-min.js: { minified: true } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui - core/jquery.ui.mouse - core/jquery.ui.widget deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.menu: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/menu-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/menu.css: { weight: -11.7 } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui - core/jquery.ui.position - core/jquery.ui.widget deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.mouse: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/mouse-min.js: { weight: -11.7, minified: true } assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/ie-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui.widget deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.position: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/position-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.resizable: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widgets/resizable-min.js: { weight: -11.6, minified: true } css: component: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/resizable.css: { weight: -11.6 } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui - core/jquery.ui.widget - core/jquery.ui.mouse deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated jquery.ui.widget: version: *jquery_ui_version license: *jquery_ui_license js: assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/widget-min.js: { weight: -11.8, minified: true } dependencies: - core/jquery.ui deprecated: *jquery_ui_unused_deprecated modernizr: # Block the page from being loaded until Modernizr is initialized. header: true remote: https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr license: name: MIT url: https://modernizr.com/license/ gpl-compatible: true version: "3.8.0" js: assets/vendor/modernizr/modernizr.min.js: { preprocess: 0, weight: -21, minified: true } misc/modernizr-additional-tests.js: { preprocess: 0, weight: -20 } normalize: remote: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css version: "8.0.1" license: name: MIT url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/necolas/normalize.css/8.0.1/LICENSE.md gpl-compatible: true css: base: assets/vendor/normalize-css/normalize.css: { weight: -20 } misc/normalize-fixes.css: { weight: -19 } picturefill: remote: https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill version: "3.0.3" license: name: MIT url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scottjehl/picturefill/3.0.3/LICENSE gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/picturefill/picturefill.min.js: { weight: -10, minified: true } popperjs: version: "2.5.4" license: name: MIT url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/popperjs/popper-core/v2.5.4/LICENSE.md gpl-compatible: true js: assets/vendor/popperjs/popper.min.js: { minified: true } dependencies: - 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