fetchField(); } // For this example, we decide that we can safely process // 5 nodes at a time without a timeout. $limit = 5; // With each pass through the callback, retrieve the next group of nids. $result = db_query_range("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE nid > %d ORDER BY nid ASC", $context['sandbox']['current_node'], 0, $limit); while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { // Here we actually perform our processing on the current node. $node = node_load($row['nid'], NULL, TRUE); $node->value1 = $options1; $node->value2 = $options2; node_save($node); // Store some result for post-processing in the finished callback. $context['results'][] = String::checkPlain($node->title); // Update our progress information. $context['sandbox']['progress']++; $context['sandbox']['current_node'] = $node->nid; $context['message'] = t('Now processing %node', array('%node' => $node->title)); } // Inform the batch engine that we are not finished, // and provide an estimation of the completion level we reached. if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max']) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max']; } } /** * Complete a batch process. * * Callback for batch_set(). * * This callback may be specified in a batch to perform clean-up operations, or * to analyze the results of the batch operations. * * @param $success * A boolean indicating whether the batch has completed successfully. * @param $results * The value set in $context['results'] by callback_batch_operation(). * @param $operations * If $success is FALSE, contains the operations that remained unprocessed. */ function callback_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) { if ($success) { // Here we do something meaningful with the results. $message = t("!count items were processed.", array( '!count' => count($results), )); $list = array( '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $results, ); $message .= drupal_render($list); drupal_set_message($message); } else { // An error occurred. // $operations contains the operations that remained unprocessed. $error_operation = reset($operations); $message = t('An error occurred while processing %error_operation with arguments: @arguments', array( '%error_operation' => $error_operation[0], '@arguments' => print_r($error_operation[1], TRUE) )); drupal_set_message($message, 'error'); } }