$t('MySQL database'), 'value' => ($phase == 'runtime') ? l($version, 'admin/logs/status/sql') : $version, ); if (version_compare($version, DRUPAL_MINIMUM_MYSQL) < 0) { $form['mysql']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $form['mysql']['description'] = $t('Your MySQL Server is too old. Drupal requires at least MySQL %version.', array('%version' => DRUPAL_MINIMUM_MYSQL)); } return $form; } /** * Returns the version of the database server currently in use. * * @return Database server version */ function db_version() { list($version) = explode('-', mysql_get_server_info()); return $version; } /** * Initialize a database connection. * * Note that you can change the mysql_connect() call to mysql_pconnect() if you * want to use persistent connections. This is not recommended on shared hosts, * and might require additional database/webserver tuning. It can increase * performance, however, when the overhead to connect to your database is high * (e.g. your database and web server live on different machines). */ function db_connect($url) { $url = parse_url($url); // Check if MySQL support is present in PHP if (!function_exists('mysql_connect')) { // Redirect to installer if using default DB credentials if ($url['user'] == 'username' && $url['pass'] == 'password') { include_once 'includes/install.inc'; install_goto('install.php'); } drupal_maintenance_theme(); drupal_set_title('PHP MySQL support not enabled'); print theme('maintenance_page', '

We were unable to use the MySQL database because the MySQL extension for PHP is not installed. Check your PHP.ini to see how you can enable it.

For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.

'); exit; } // Decode url-encoded information in the db connection string $url['user'] = urldecode($url['user']); // Test if database url has a password. if(isset($url['pass'])) { $url['pass'] = urldecode($url['pass']); } else { $url['pass'] = ''; } $url['host'] = urldecode($url['host']); $url['path'] = urldecode($url['path']); // Allow for non-standard MySQL port. if (isset($url['port'])) { $url['host'] = $url['host'] .':'. $url['port']; } // - TRUE makes mysql_connect() always open a new link, even if // mysql_connect() was called before with the same parameters. // This is important if you are using two databases on the same // server. // - 2 means CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS: return the number of found // (matched) rows, not the number of affected rows. $connection = @mysql_connect($url['host'], $url['user'], $url['pass'], TRUE, 2); if (!$connection) { // Redirect to installer if using default DB credentials if ($url['user'] == 'username' && $url['pass'] == 'password') { include_once 'includes/install.inc'; install_goto('install.php'); } // Show error screen otherwise drupal_maintenance_theme(); drupal_set_header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable'); drupal_set_title('Unable to connect to database server'); print theme('maintenance_page', '

If you still have to install Drupal, proceed to the installation page.

If you have already finished installed Drupal, this either means that the username and password information in your settings.php file is incorrect or that we can\'t connect to the MySQL database server. This could mean your hosting provider\'s database server is down.

The MySQL error was: '. theme('placeholder', mysql_error()) .'.

Currently, the username is '. theme('placeholder', $url['user']) .' and the database server is '. theme('placeholder', $url['host']) .'.

For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.

'); exit; } if (!mysql_select_db(substr($url['path'], 1))) { drupal_maintenance_theme(); drupal_set_title('Unable to select database'); print theme('maintenance_page', '

We were able to connect to the MySQL database server (which means your username and password are okay) but not able to select the database.

The MySQL error was: '. theme('placeholder', mysql_error($connection)) .'.

Currently, the database is '. theme('placeholder', substr($url['path'], 1)) .'. The username is '. theme('placeholder', $url['user']) .' and the database server is '. theme('placeholder', $url['host']) .'.

For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.

'); exit; } /* On MySQL 4.1 and later, force UTF-8 */ if (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.0', '>=')) { mysql_query('SET NAMES "utf8"', $connection); } return $connection; } /** * Helper function for db_query(). */ function _db_query($query, $debug = 0) { global $active_db, $queries; if (variable_get('dev_query', 0)) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $timer = (float)$usec + (float)$sec; } $result = mysql_query($query, $active_db); if (variable_get('dev_query', 0)) { $bt = debug_backtrace(); $query = $bt[2]['function'] . "\n" . $query; list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $stop = (float)$usec + (float)$sec; $diff = $stop - $timer; $queries[] = array($query, $diff); } if ($debug) { print '

query: '. $query .'
error:'. mysql_error($active_db) .'

'; } if (!mysql_errno($active_db)) { return $result; } else { trigger_error(check_plain(mysql_error($active_db) ."\nquery: ". $query), E_USER_WARNING); return FALSE; } } /** * Fetch one result row from the previous query as an object. * * @param $result * A database query result resource, as returned from db_query(). * @return * An object representing the next row of the result. The attributes of this * object are the table fields selected by the query. */ function db_fetch_object($result) { if ($result) { return mysql_fetch_object($result); } } /** * Fetch one result row from the previous query as an array. * * @param $result * A database query result resource, as returned from db_query(). * @return * An associative array representing the next row of the result. The keys of * this object are the names of the table fields selected by the query, and * the values are the field values for this result row. */ function db_fetch_array($result) { if ($result) { return mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); } } /** * Determine how many result rows were found by the preceding query. * * @param $result * A database query result resource, as returned from db_query(). * @return * The number of result rows. */ function db_num_rows($result) { if ($result) { return mysql_num_rows($result); } } /** * Return an individual result field from the previous query. * * Only use this function if exactly one field is being selected; otherwise, * use db_fetch_object() or db_fetch_array(). * * @param $result * A database query result resource, as returned from db_query(). * @param $row * The index of the row whose result is needed. * @return * The resulting field or FALSE. */ function db_result($result, $row = 0) { if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > $row) { return mysql_result($result, $row); } return FALSE; } /** * Determine whether the previous query caused an error. */ function db_error() { global $active_db; return mysql_errno($active_db); } /** * Return a new unique ID in the given sequence. * * For compatibility reasons, Drupal does not use auto-numbered fields in its * database tables. Instead, this function is used to return a new unique ID * of the type requested. If necessary, a new sequence with the given name * will be created. * * Note that the table name should be in curly brackets to preserve compatibility * with table prefixes. For example, db_next_id('{node}_nid'); */ function db_next_id($name) { $name = db_prefix_tables($name); db_query('LOCK TABLES {sequences} WRITE'); $id = db_result(db_query("SELECT id FROM {sequences} WHERE name = '%s'", $name)) + 1; db_query("REPLACE INTO {sequences} VALUES ('%s', %d)", $name, $id); db_query('UNLOCK TABLES'); return $id; } /** * Determine the number of rows changed by the preceding query. */ function db_affected_rows() { global $active_db; return mysql_affected_rows($active_db); } /** * Runs a limited-range query in the active database. * * Use this as a substitute for db_query() when a subset of the query is to be * returned. * User-supplied arguments to the query should be passed in as separate parameters * so that they can be properly escaped to avoid SQL injection attacks. * * @param $query * A string containing an SQL query. * @param ... * A variable number of arguments which are substituted into the query * using printf() syntax. The query arguments can be enclosed in one * array instead. * Valid %-modifiers are: %s, %d, %f, %b (binary data, do not enclose * in '') and %%. * * NOTE: using this syntax will cast NULL and FALSE values to decimal 0, * and TRUE values to decimal 1. * * @param $from * The first result row to return. * @param $count * The maximum number of result rows to return. * @return * A database query result resource, or FALSE if the query was not executed * correctly. */ function db_query_range($query) { $args = func_get_args(); $count = array_pop($args); $from = array_pop($args); array_shift($args); $query = db_prefix_tables($query); if (isset($args[0]) and is_array($args[0])) { // 'All arguments in one array' syntax $args = $args[0]; } _db_query_callback($args, TRUE); $query = preg_replace_callback(DB_QUERY_REGEXP, '_db_query_callback', $query); $query .= ' LIMIT '. (int)$from .', '. (int)$count; return _db_query($query); } /** * Runs a SELECT query and stores its results in a temporary table. * * Use this as a substitute for db_query() when the results need to stored * in a temporary table. Temporary tables exist for the duration of the page * request. * User-supplied arguments to the query should be passed in as separate parameters * so that they can be properly escaped to avoid SQL injection attacks. * * Note that if you need to know how many results were returned, you should do * a SELECT COUNT(*) on the temporary table afterwards. db_num_rows() and * db_affected_rows() do not give consistent result across different database * types in this case. * * @param $query * A string containing a normal SELECT SQL query. * @param ... * A variable number of arguments which are substituted into the query * using printf() syntax. The query arguments can be enclosed in one * array instead. * Valid %-modifiers are: %s, %d, %f, %b (binary data, do not enclose * in '') and %%. * * NOTE: using this syntax will cast NULL and FALSE values to decimal 0, * and TRUE values to decimal 1. * * @param $table * The name of the temporary table to select into. This name will not be * prefixed as there is no risk of collision. * @return * A database query result resource, or FALSE if the query was not executed * correctly. */ function db_query_temporary($query) { $args = func_get_args(); $tablename = array_pop($args); array_shift($args); $query = preg_replace('/^SELECT/i', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE '. $tablename .' SELECT', db_prefix_tables($query)); if (isset($args[0]) and is_array($args[0])) { // 'All arguments in one array' syntax $args = $args[0]; } _db_query_callback($args, TRUE); $query = preg_replace_callback(DB_QUERY_REGEXP, '_db_query_callback', $query); return _db_query($query); } /** * Returns a properly formatted Binary Large OBject value. * * @param $data * Data to encode. * @return * Encoded data. */ function db_encode_blob($data) { global $active_db; return "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($data, $active_db) . "'"; } /** * Returns text from a Binary Large Object value. * * @param $data * Data to decode. * @return * Decoded data. */ function db_decode_blob($data) { return $data; } /** * Prepare user input for use in a database query, preventing SQL injection attacks. */ function db_escape_string($text) { global $active_db; return mysql_real_escape_string($text, $active_db); } /** * Lock a table. */ function db_lock_table($table) { db_query('LOCK TABLES {'. db_escape_table($table) .'} WRITE'); } /** * Unlock all locked tables. */ function db_unlock_tables() { db_query('UNLOCK TABLES'); } /** * Check if a table exists. */ function db_table_exists($table) { return db_num_rows(db_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{" . db_escape_table($table) . "}'")); } /** * Wraps the given table.field entry with a DISTINCT(). The wrapper is added to * the SELECT list entry of the given query and the resulting query is returned. * This function only applies the wrapper if a DISTINCT doesn't already exist in * the query. * * @param $table Table containing the field to set as DISTINCT * @param $field Field to set as DISTINCT * @param $query Query to apply the wrapper to * @return SQL query with the DISTINCT wrapper surrounding the given table.field. */ function db_distinct_field($table, $field, $query) { $field_to_select = 'DISTINCT('. $table .'.'. $field .')'; // (?