/** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/2815083 * @preserve **/ (function ($, Drupal, _ref) { var isTabbable = _ref.isTabbable; $.extend($.expr[':'], { tabbable: function tabbable(element) { Drupal.deprecationError({ message: 'The :tabbable selector is deprecated in Drupal 9.2.0 and will be removed in Drupal 10.0.0. Use the core/tabbable library instead. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3183730' }); if (element.tagName === 'SUMMARY' || element.tagName === 'DETAILS') { var tabIndex = element.getAttribute('tabIndex'); if (tabIndex === null || tabIndex < 0) { return false; } } return isTabbable(element); } }); })(jQuery, Drupal, window.tabbable);