// $Id$ (function($) { Drupal.behaviors.fieldManageFields = { attach: function (context) { attachUpdateSelects(context); } }; function attachUpdateSelects(context) { var widgetTypes = Drupal.settings.fieldWidgetTypes; var fields = Drupal.settings.fields; // Store the default text of widget selects. $('#field-overview .widget-type-select', context).each(function () { this.initialValue = this.options[0].text; }); // 'Field type' select updates its 'Widget' select. $('#field-overview .field-type-select', context).each(function () { this.targetSelect = $('.widget-type-select', $(this).parents('tr').eq(0)); $(this).bind('change keyup', function () { var selectedFieldType = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; var options = (selectedFieldType in widgetTypes ? widgetTypes[selectedFieldType] : []); this.targetSelect.fieldPopulateOptions(options); }); // Trigger change on initial pageload to get the right widget options // when field type comes pre-selected (on failed validation). $(this).trigger('change', false); }); // 'Existing field' select updates its 'Widget' select and 'Label' textfield. $('#field-overview .field-select', context).each(function () { this.targetSelect = $('.widget-type-select', $(this).parents('tr').eq(0)); this.targetTextfield = $('.label-textfield', $(this).parents('tr').eq(0)); $(this).bind('change keyup', function (e, updateText) { var updateText = (typeof updateText == 'undefined' ? true : updateText); var selectedField = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; var selectedFieldType = (selectedField in fields ? fields[selectedField].type : null); var selectedFieldWidget = (selectedField in fields ? fields[selectedField].widget : null); var options = (selectedFieldType && (selectedFieldType in widgetTypes) ? widgetTypes[selectedFieldType] : []); this.targetSelect.fieldPopulateOptions(options, selectedFieldWidget); if (updateText) { $(this.targetTextfield).attr('value', (selectedField in fields ? fields[selectedField].label : '')); } }); // Trigger change on initial pageload to get the right widget options // and label when field type comes pre-selected (on failed validation). $(this).trigger('change', false); }); } jQuery.fn.fieldPopulateOptions = function (options, selected) { return this.each(function () { var disabled = false; if (options.length == 0) { options = [this.initialValue]; disabled = true; } // If possible, keep the same widget selected when changing field type. // This is based on textual value, since the internal value might be // different (options_buttons vs. node_reference_buttons). var previousSelectedText = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text; var html = ''; jQuery.each(options, function (value, text) { // Figure out which value should be selected. The 'selected' param // takes precedence. var is_selected = ((typeof selected != 'undefined' && value == selected) || (typeof selected == 'undefined' && text == previousSelectedText)); html += ''; }); $(this).html(html).attr('disabled', disabled ? 'disabled' : ''); }); }; })(jQuery);