Users with the correct permissions can create and/or vote on polls.

Creating a poll is much like creating any other node. Click \"create poll\" in your user box. The title of the poll should be the question, then enter the answers and the \"base\" vote counts. You can also choose the time period over which the vote will run.

The Poll item in the navigation links will take you to a page where you can see all the current polls, vote on them (if you haven't already) and view the results.

", array("%permissions" => url("admin/user/permission"), "%poll" => url("poll"))); break; case 'admin/system/modules#description': $output = t("Enables your site to capture votes on different topics in the form of multiple choice questions."); break; case 'node/add#poll': $output = t("A poll is a multiple-choice question which visitors can vote on."); break; } return $output; } function poll_access($op, $node) { if ($op == 'view') { return $node->status; } if ($op == 'create') { return user_access('create polls'); } } function poll_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0) { if (user_access('access content')) { if ($op == 'list') { $blocks[0]['info'] = t('Most recent poll'); return $blocks; } else { // Retrieve latest poll $timestamp = db_result(db_query("SELECT MAX(created) FROM {node} WHERE type = 'poll' AND status = '1' AND moderate = '0'")); if ($timestamp) { $poll = node_load(array('type' => 'poll', 'created' => $timestamp, 'moderate' => 0, 'status' => 1)); if ($poll->nid) { // Poll_view dumps the output into $poll->body poll_view($poll, 1, 0, 1); } } $block['subject'] = t('Poll'); $block['content'] = $poll->body; return $block; } } } function poll_cron() { // Close polls that have exceeded their allowed runtime $result = db_query("SELECT p.nid FROM {poll} p INNER JOIN {node} n ON p.nid=n.nid WHERE (n.created + p.runtime) < '". time() ."' AND = '1' AND p.runtime != '0'"); while ($poll = db_fetch_object($result)) { db_query("UPDATE {poll} SET active='0' WHERE nid = %d", $poll->nid); } } function poll_delete($node) { db_query("DELETE FROM {poll} WHERE nid=%d", $node->nid); db_query("DELETE FROM {poll_choices} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid); } function poll_validate(&$node) { if (isset($node->title)) { // Check for at least two options and validate amount of votes: $realchoices = 0; foreach ($node->choice as $i => $choice) { if ($choice['chtext'] != '') { $realchoices++; } if ($choice['chvotes'] < 0) { $error["choice][$i][chvotes"] = theme('error', t("Negative values are not allowed.")); } } if ($realchoices < 2) { $error["choice][0][chtext"] = theme('error', t("You must fill in at least two choices.")); } } $node->teaser = poll_teaser($node); return $error; } function poll_form(&$node, &$error) { $admin = user_access('administer nodes'); if (function_exists('taxonomy_node_form')) { $output = implode('', taxonomy_node_form('poll', $node)); } if (!isset($node->choices)) { $node->choices = max(2, count($node->choice) ? count($node->choice) : 5); } // User ticked 'need more choices' if ($node->morechoices) { $node->choices *= 2; } $output .= '
'; // Poll choices $opts = drupal_map_assoc(range(2, $node->choices * 2 + 5)); for ($a = 0; $a < $node->choices; $a++) { $group1 .= form_textfield(t('Choice %n', array('%n' => ($a + 1))), "choice][$a][chtext", $node->choice[$a]['chtext'], 50, 127, $error["choice][$a][chtext"]); if ($admin) { $group1 .= form_textfield(t('Votes for choice %n', array('%n' => ($a + 1))), "choice][$a][chvotes", (int)$node->choice[$a]['chvotes'], 7, 7, $error["choice][$a][chvotes"]); } } $group1 .= form_hidden('choices', $node->choices); $group1 .= form_checkbox(t('Need more choices'), 'morechoices', 1, 0, t("If the amount of boxes above isn't enough, check this box and click the Preview button below to add some more.")); $output .= form_group(t('Choices'), $group1); // Poll attributes $_duration = array_merge(array(0 => t('Unlimited')), drupal_map_assoc(array(86400, 172800, 345600, 604800, 1209600, 2419200, 4838400, 9676800, 31536000), "format_interval")); $_active = array(0 => t('Closed'), 1 => t('Active')); if ($admin) { $group2 .= form_radios(t('Poll status'), 'active', isset($node->active) ? $node->active : 1, $_active, t('When a poll is closed, visitors can no longer vote for it.')); } $group2 .= form_select(t('Poll duration'), 'runtime', $node->runtime ? $node->runtime : 0, $_duration, t('After this period, the poll will be closed automatically.')); $output .= form_group(t('Settings'), $group2); $output .= '
'; return $output; } function poll_insert($node) { if (!user_access('administer nodes')) { // Make sure all votes are 0 initially foreach ($node->choice as $i => $choice) { $node->choice[$i]['chvotes'] = 0; } $node->active = 1; } db_query("INSERT INTO {poll} (nid, runtime, voters, active) VALUES (%d, %d, '', %d)", $node->nid, $node->runtime, $node->active); foreach ($node->choice as $choice) { if ($choice['chtext'] != '') { db_query("INSERT INTO {poll_choices} (nid, chtext, chvotes, chorder) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %d)", $node->nid, $choice['chtext'], $choice['chvotes'], $i++); } } } function poll_link($type, $node = 0, $main) { $links = array(); if ($type == 'system') { if (user_access("create polls")) { menu('node/add/poll', t('poll'), 'node_page', 0); } if (user_access('access content')) { menu('poll', t('polls'), 'poll_page', 0, MENU_HIDE); } } else if ($type == 'page' && user_access('access content')) { $links[] = l(t('polls'), 'poll', array('title' => t('View the list of polls on this site.'))); } else if ($type == 'node' && $node->type == 'poll') { /* ** Add links to allow the user to switch between the results and the voting ** form, if he/she hasn't voted yet. */ if ($node->allowvotes) { if (arg(3) == 'results') { $links[] = l(t('voting form'), 'node/view/'. $node->nid); } else { $links[] = l(t('view results'), 'node/view/'. $node->nid .'/results'); } } } return $links; } /** * Determine an adjusted user id, to allow for basic tracking of anonymous * users (IP-based). */ function poll_uid() { global $user; if ($user->uid) { // Pad the UID with underscores to allow a simple strstr() search $id = '_'. $user->uid .'_'; } else { $id = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $id; } function poll_load($node) { // Load the appropriate choices into the $node object $poll = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT runtime, voters, active FROM {poll} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid)); $result = db_query("SELECT chtext, chvotes, chorder FROM {poll_choices} WHERE nid=%d ORDER BY chorder", $node->nid); while ($choice = db_fetch_array($result)) { $poll->choice[$choice['chorder']] = $choice; } // Determine whether or not this user is allowed to vote $poll->allowvotes = false; if (user_access('vote on polls')) { if (!strstr($poll->voters, poll_uid())) { $poll->allowvotes = $poll->active; } } return $poll; } function poll_node_name($node) { return t("poll"); } function poll_page() { // List all polls $result = pager_query("SELECT n.nid, n.title,, SUM(c.chvotes) AS votes FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {poll} p ON n.nid=p.nid INNER JOIN {poll_choices} c ON n.nid=c.nid WHERE type = 'poll' AND status = '1' AND moderate = '0' GROUP BY n.nid, n.title,, n.created ORDER BY n.created DESC", 15); $output = ''; $output .= theme("pager", NULL, 15); print theme('page', $output); } function poll_perm() { return array('create polls', 'vote on polls'); } function poll_teaser($node) { // Create a simple teaser that lists all the choices if (is_array($node->choice)) { foreach ($node->choice as $k => $choice) { $teaser .= '* '. $choice['chtext'] .'\n'; } } return $teaser; } /** * Display the vote form */ function poll_view_voting(&$node, $main, $page, $block) { $url = request_uri(); $output .= '
'; $form .= '
'; $form .= '
'; if ($node->choice) { $list = array(); foreach ($node->choice as $i => $choice) { $list[$i] = drupal_specialchars($choice['chtext']); } $form .= form_radios($page ? '' : $node->title, 'choice', -1, $list); } $form .= '
'; $form .= form_hidden('nid', $node->nid); $form .= form_submit(t('Vote'), 'vote') .'
'; $output .= form($form, 'post', url('node/view/'. $node->nid)); $output .= '
'; return $output; } function poll_view_results(&$node, $main, $page, $block) { // Display the results // Count the votes and find the maximum foreach ($node->choice as $choice) { $votestotal += $choice['chvotes']; $votesmax = max($votesmax, $choice['chvotes']); } // Output the divs for the text, bars and percentages $output .= '
'; if ($block) { $output .= '
'. $node->title .'
'; } foreach ($node->choice as $i => $choice) { if ($choice['chtext'] != '') { $percentage = round($choice['chvotes'] * 100 / max($votestotal, 1)); $output .= '
'. drupal_specialchars($choice['chtext']) .'
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'. $percentage .'%'. (!$block ? ' ('. format_plural($choice['chvotes'], '1 vote', '%count votes') .')' : '') .'
'; } } $output .= '
'. t('Total votes') .": $votestotal
"; $output .= '
'; return $output; } function poll_view_processvote(&$node) { $edit = $_POST['edit']; $choice = $edit['choice']; $vote = $_POST['vote']; if ($vote == t('Vote')) { if (isset($choice) && isset($node->choice[$choice])) { if ($node->allowvotes) { $id = poll_uid(); $node->voters = $node->voters ? ($node->voters .' '. $id) : $id; db_query("UPDATE {poll} SET voters='%s' WHERE nid = %d", $node->voters, $node->nid); db_query("UPDATE {poll_choices} SET chvotes = chvotes + 1 WHERE nid = %d AND chorder = %d", $node->nid, $choice); $node->allowvotes = false; $node->choice[$choice]['chvotes']++; drupal_set_message(t('Your vote was recorded.')); } else { drupal_set_message(t("You're not allowed to vote on this poll."), 'error'); } } else { drupal_set_message(t("You didn't specify a valid poll choice."), 'error'); } } } function poll_view(&$node, $main = 0, $page = 0, $block = 0) { global $user; if (!$block) { // Because the voting form is embedded in the node-display, we process the data here poll_view_processvote($node); } if ($node->allowvotes && (arg(2) != $node->nid || arg(3) != 'results')) { $output .= poll_view_voting($node, $main, $page, $block); } else { $output .= poll_view_results($node, $main, $page, $block); } // Special display for side-block if ($block) { // No 'read more' link $node->body = $node->teaser = ''; $links = link_node($node, $main); $links[] = l(t('older polls'), 'poll', array('title' => t('View the list of polls on this site.'))); $output .= ''; } $node->body = $node->teaser = $output; // We also use poll_view() for the side-block if (!$block) { return theme('node', $node, $main, $page); } } function poll_update($node) { db_query('UPDATE {poll} SET runtime = %d, active = %d WHERE nid = %d', $node->runtime, $node->active, $node->nid); db_query('DELETE FROM {poll_choices} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid); foreach ($node->choice as $choice) { $chvotes = (int)$choice['chvotes']; $chtext = $choice['chtext']; if ($chtext != '') { db_query("INSERT INTO {poll_choices} (nid, chtext, chvotes, chorder) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %d)", $node->nid, $chtext, $chvotes, $i++); } } } ?>