var Drupal = Drupal || { 'settings': {}, 'behaviors': {}, 'locale': {} };

// Allow other JavaScript libraries to use $.

(function ($) {

 * Attach all registered behaviors to a page element.
 * Behaviors are event-triggered actions that attach to page elements, enhancing
 * default non-JavaScript UIs. Behaviors are registered in the Drupal.behaviors
 * object using the method 'attach' and optionally also 'detach' as follows:
 * @code
 *    Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName = {
 *      attach: function (context, settings) {
 *        ...
 *      },
 *      detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {
 *        ...
 *      }
 *    };
 * @endcode
 * Drupal.attachBehaviors is added below to the jQuery ready event and so
 * runs on initial page load. Developers implementing AHAH/Ajax in their
 * solutions should also call this function after new page content has been
 * loaded, feeding in an element to be processed, in order to attach all
 * behaviors to the new content.
 * Behaviors should use
 * @code
 *   $(selector).once('behavior-name', function () {
 *     ...
 *   });
 * @endcode
 * to ensure the behavior is attached only once to a given element. (Doing so
 * enables the reprocessing of given elements, which may be needed on occasion
 * despite the ability to limit behavior attachment to a particular element.)
 * @param context
 *   An element to attach behaviors to. If none is given, the document element
 *   is used.
 * @param settings
 *   An object containing settings for the current context. If none given, the
 *   global Drupal.settings object is used.
Drupal.attachBehaviors = function (context, settings) {
  context = context || document;
  settings = settings || Drupal.settings;
  var i, behaviors = Drupal.behaviors;
  // Execute all of them.
  for (i in behaviors) {
    if (behaviors.hasOwnProperty(i) && behaviors[i].attach) {
      behaviors[i].attach(context, settings);

 * Detach registered behaviors from a page element.
 * Developers implementing AHAH/Ajax in their solutions should call this
 * function before page content is about to be removed, feeding in an element
 * to be processed, in order to allow special behaviors to detach from the
 * content.
 * Such implementations should look for the class name that was added in their
 * corresponding Drupal.behaviors.behaviorName.attach implementation, i.e.
 * behaviorName-processed, to ensure the behavior is detached only from
 * previously processed elements.
 * @param context
 *   An element to detach behaviors from. If none is given, the document element
 *   is used.
 * @param settings
 *   An object containing settings for the current context. If none given, the
 *   global Drupal.settings object is used.
 * @param trigger
 *   A string containing what's causing the behaviors to be detached. The
 *   possible triggers are:
 *   - unload: (default) The context element is being removed from the DOM.
 *   - move: The element is about to be moved within the DOM (for example,
 *     during a tabledrag row swap). After the move is completed,
 *     Drupal.attachBehaviors() is called, so that the behavior can undo
 *     whatever it did in response to the move. Many behaviors won't need to
 *     do anything simply in response to the element being moved, but because
 *     IFRAME elements reload their "src" when being moved within the DOM,
 *     behaviors bound to IFRAME elements (like WYSIWYG editors) may need to
 *     take some action.
 *   - serialize: When an Ajax form is submitted, this is called with the
 *     form as the context. This provides every behavior within the form an
 *     opportunity to ensure that the field elements have correct content
 *     in them before the form is serialized. The canonical use-case is so
 *     that WYSIWYG editors can update the hidden textarea to which they are
 *     bound.
 * @see Drupal.attachBehaviors
Drupal.detachBehaviors = function (context, settings, trigger) {
  context = context || document;
  settings = settings || Drupal.settings;
  trigger = trigger || 'unload';
  var i, behaviors = Drupal.behaviors;
  // Execute all of them.
  for (i in behaviors) {
    if (behaviors.hasOwnProperty(i) && behaviors[i].detach) {
      behaviors[i].detach(context, settings, trigger);

 * Encode special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.
 * @ingroup sanitization
Drupal.checkPlain = function (str) {
  var character, regex,
      replace = { '&': '&amp;', '"': '&quot;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;' };
  str = String(str);
  for (character in replace) {
    if (replace.hasOwnProperty(character)) {
      regex = new RegExp(character, 'g');
      str = str.replace(regex, replace[character]);
  return str;

 * Replace placeholders with sanitized values in a string.
 * @param str
 *   A string with placeholders.
 * @param args
 *   An object of replacements pairs to make. Incidences of any key in this
 *   array are replaced with the corresponding value. Based on the first
 *   character of the key, the value is escaped and/or themed:
 *    - !variable: inserted as is
 *    - @variable: escape plain text to HTML (Drupal.checkPlain)
 *    - %variable: escape text and theme as a placeholder for user-submitted
 *      content (checkPlain + Drupal.theme('placeholder'))
 * @see Drupal.t()
 * @ingroup sanitization
Drupal.formatString = function(str, args) {
  // Transform arguments before inserting them.
  for (var key in args) {
    switch (key.charAt(0)) {
      // Escaped only.
      case '@':
        args[key] = Drupal.checkPlain(args[key]);
      // Pass-through.
      case '!':
      // Escaped and placeholder.
      case '%':
        args[key] = Drupal.theme('placeholder', args[key]);
    str = str.replace(key, args[key]);
  return str;

 * Translate strings to the page language or a given language.
 * See the documentation of the server-side t() function for further details.
 * @param str
 *   A string containing the English string to translate.
 * @param args
 *   An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences
 *   of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.
 *   See Drupal.formatString().
 * @param options
 *   - 'context' (defaults to the empty context): The context the source string
 *     belongs to.
 * @return
 *   The translated string.
Drupal.t = function (str, args, options) {
  options = options || {};
  options.context = options.context || '';

  // Fetch the localized version of the string.
  if (Drupal.locale.strings && Drupal.locale.strings[options.context] && Drupal.locale.strings[options.context][str]) {
    str = Drupal.locale.strings[options.context][str];

  if (args) {
    str = Drupal.formatString(str, args);
  return str;

 * Format a string containing a count of items.
 * This function ensures that the string is pluralized correctly. Since Drupal.t() is
 * called by this function, make sure not to pass already-localized strings to it.
 * See the documentation of the server-side format_plural() function for further details.
 * @param count
 *   The item count to display.
 * @param singular
 *   The string for the singular case. Please make sure it is clear this is
 *   singular, to ease translation (e.g. use "1 new comment" instead of "1 new").
 *   Do not use @count in the singular string.
 * @param plural
 *   The string for the plural case. Please make sure it is clear this is plural,
 *   to ease translation. Use @count in place of the item count, as in "@count
 *   new comments".
 * @param args
 *   An object of replacements pairs to make after translation. Incidences
 *   of any key in this array are replaced with the corresponding value.
 *   See Drupal.formatString().
 *   Note that you do not need to include @count in this array.
 *   This replacement is done automatically for the plural case.
 * @param options
 *   The options to pass to the Drupal.t() function.
 * @return
 *   A translated string.
Drupal.formatPlural = function (count, singular, plural, args, options) {
  var args = args || {};
  args['@count'] = count;
  // Determine the index of the plural form.
  var index = Drupal.locale.pluralFormula ? Drupal.locale.pluralFormula(args['@count']) : ((args['@count'] == 1) ? 0 : 1);

  if (index == 0) {
    return Drupal.t(singular, args, options);
  else if (index == 1) {
    return Drupal.t(plural, args, options);
  else {
    args['@count[' + index + ']'] = args['@count'];
    delete args['@count'];
    return Drupal.t(plural.replace('@count', '@count[' + index + ']'), args, options);

 * Generate the themed representation of a Drupal object.
 * All requests for themed output must go through this function. It examines
 * the request and routes it to the appropriate theme function. If the current
 * theme does not provide an override function, the generic theme function is
 * called.
 * For example, to retrieve the HTML for text that should be emphasized and
 * displayed as a placeholder inside a sentence, call
 * Drupal.theme('placeholder', text).
 * @param func
 *   The name of the theme function to call.
 * @param ...
 *   Additional arguments to pass along to the theme function.
 * @return
 *   Any data the theme function returns. This could be a plain HTML string,
 *   but also a complex object.
Drupal.theme = function (func) {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]);

  return (Drupal.theme[func] || Drupal.theme.prototype[func]).apply(this, args);

 * Freeze the current body height (as minimum height). Used to prevent
 * unnecessary upwards scrolling when doing DOM manipulations.
Drupal.freezeHeight = function () {
  $('<div id="freeze-height"></div>').css({
    position: 'absolute',
    top: '0px',
    left: '0px',
    width: '1px',
    height: $('body').css('height')

 * Unfreeze the body height.
Drupal.unfreezeHeight = function () {

 * Encodes a Drupal path for use in a URL.
 * For aesthetic reasons slashes are not escaped.
Drupal.encodePath = function (item, uri) {
  uri = uri || location.href;
  return encodeURIComponent(item).replace(/%2F/g, '/');

 * Get the text selection in a textarea.
Drupal.getSelection = function (element) {
  if (typeof element.selectionStart != 'number' && document.selection) {
    // The current selection.
    var range1 = document.selection.createRange();
    var range2 = range1.duplicate();
    // Select all text.
    // Now move 'dummy' end point to end point of original range.
    range2.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range1);
    // Now we can calculate start and end points.
    var start = range2.text.length - range1.text.length;
    var end = start + range1.text.length;
    return { 'start': start, 'end': end };
  return { 'start': element.selectionStart, 'end': element.selectionEnd };

 * Build an error message from an Ajax response.
Drupal.ajaxError = function (xmlhttp, uri) {
  var statusCode, statusText, pathText, responseText, readyStateText, message;
  if (xmlhttp.status) {
    statusCode = "\n" + Drupal.t("An AJAX HTTP error occurred.") +  "\n" + Drupal.t("HTTP Result Code: !status", {'!status': xmlhttp.status});
  else {
    statusCode = "\n" + Drupal.t("An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally.");
  statusCode += "\n" + Drupal.t("Debugging information follows.");
  pathText = "\n" + Drupal.t("Path: !uri", {'!uri': uri} );
  statusText = '';
  // In some cases, when statusCode == 0, xmlhttp.statusText may not be defined.
  // Unfortunately, testing for it with typeof, etc, doesn't seem to catch that
  // and the test causes an exception. So we need to catch the exception here.
  try {
    statusText = "\n" + Drupal.t("StatusText: !statusText", {'!statusText': $.trim(xmlhttp.statusText)});
  catch (e) {}

  responseText = '';
  // Again, we don't have a way to know for sure whether accessing
  // xmlhttp.responseText is going to throw an exception. So we'll catch it.
  try {
    responseText = "\n" + Drupal.t("ResponseText: !responseText", {'!responseText': $.trim(xmlhttp.responseText) } );
  } catch (e) {}

  // Make the responseText more readable by stripping HTML tags and newlines.
  responseText = responseText.replace(/<("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/gi,"");
  responseText = responseText.replace(/[\n]+\s+/g,"\n");

  // We don't need readyState except for status == 0.
  readyStateText = xmlhttp.status == 0 ? ("\n" + Drupal.t("ReadyState: !readyState", {'!readyState': xmlhttp.readyState})) : "";

  message = statusCode + pathText + statusText + responseText + readyStateText;
  return message;

// Class indicating that JS is enabled; used for styling purpose.

// 'js enabled' cookie.
document.cookie = 'has_js=1; path=/';

//Attach all behaviors.
$(function () {
  Drupal.attachBehaviors(document, Drupal.settings);

 * The default themes.
Drupal.theme.prototype = {

   * Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence.
   * @param str
   *   The text to format (plain-text).
   * @return
   *   The formatted text (html).
  placeholder: function (str) {
    return '<em class="placeholder">' + Drupal.checkPlain(str) + '</em>';
